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Cloudeight Specials! - Registry Mechanic 20% Off - Spyware Doctor 20% Off Magically repair Windows XP? In an era when big companies like Best Buy's Geek Squad spend millions and millions of dollars extolling the virtues(?) of its sundry services, many folks with broken computers will simply pick up the phone and call Geek Squad or another heavily-advertised computer repair service. It's not until the repair is finished that the computer owner realizes how Geek Squad can afford all those cute(?) Volkswagens and that multi-gazillion-dollar ad budget. The shock is the bill - if you have your computer repaired in your home it will cost $299.95 - if you lug it into a Best Buy near you, you'll pay $199.95. And what do you get for that much money? Well, let's take a look: "Agent Work Time: 3 to 4 hours The above pricing information can be verified at Geek Squad's Web site here.
There is no way this should take 4 hours. Three hours is a stretch. But, that's beside the point. For $300.00 you could darn-near buy a new, low-end computer. The real shame of this Geek Squad rip-off business is that people will call Geek Squad simply because they don't know who else to call and Geek Squad's enormous advertising budget has made "Geek Squad" a brand name. It used to be that products earned a reputation as a brand name by their quality - today companies can buy brand-name status and that's a shame. And something else. Many people who reach for the phone and call Geek Squad have older computers so, sometimes, the cost of repair at $299 is more than the computer is worth. So, today, we're pleased to tell you that there's a viable computer repair option to Geek Squad that will cost you much less, won't require you to have strangers come into your home - or you to lug your computer to a Best Buy, and perform almost the same exact repair that a Geek Squad "technician" (and we use that term loosely) would. Only instead of taking three to four hours it will take between 20 and 30 minutes and cost you a lot less. And because we like to be upfront with you, we'll tell you that we've applied for and have been granted affiliate status with Reimage which means if you use the service we get paid a commission. If you have a problem with us getting page you can cut us out of the picture by visiting the Reimage Web site - it won't cost you less but we won't get a penny. But we don't affiliate with products we haven't tested, reviewed or that don't work. We've spent quite a lot of time evaluating Reimage because it sounded too good to be true. And it's not 100% perfect yet and the one-time repair charge, while not anywhere near Geek Squad's pricing, is not nearly as good of a deal as the three computer repair sessions for $79.95. That's a real bargain - less than $30 a repair? Compare it to Geek Squads one-time in-home repair of $299.95 for almost the exact same services. What is Reimage? It's amazing technology and based our trials, expert reviews and user reviews, Reimage offers you the opportunity to fix your Windows XP system at a fraction of the cost of Geek Squad or other computer repair services. Best of all you don't have strangers coming into your home and you don't have dismantle your computer setup to haul it somewhere else to have it fixed. And it takes only 30 minutes or less. If you want to learn more about Reimage, watch this short YouTube video. It does seem to be too good to be true, but it does really work. It's certainly much cheaper, even if you opt for the one-time repair charge of $65.00, than Best Buy's outrageous $299 charge to basically the same thing that Reimage does. If you opt for the 3 PC repair option, you can repair use Reimage to repair your computer three times in one year - or you can use it to repair any three PCs - at anytime (in a one-year period) for $79.95 - which is an outrageously good deal - especially if you have more than one Windows XP PC or your family members have PCs in need of repair. A couple more things: Don't use Reimage for minor repairs. It's meant to be used when your computer is running poorly and when you would consider taking your computer into a repair shop or having someone come and fix it. It does work well for most people and if it doesn't do what it says it will do for you, you can get your money back. If you're thinking about formatting your computer and reinstalling Windows XP - then you really need to try Reimage first. They claim they can make your computer run like new - but that's a very subjective statement. We don't know about that - but it can repair most Windows XP systems in 30 minutes or less for a fraction of what you'd pay a PC tech. Reimage is for Windows XP computers only. Support for Vista is coming, but not available yet. Reimage is not a replacement for, nor is it intended to replace your anti-virus software, anti-spyware software, Registry Mechanic or anything else that helps you maintain and protect your computer. Think of Reimage as you would a computer repair technician - something you can use to repair a computer that is not working correctly. It does not replace nor is it intended to replace your security or maintenance software. Reimage offers a "Free Scan". We are not fond of this approach but many use it. The scan is free and it may find problems with your PC, but they may be minor and not causing you any problems at all. In fact, almost every PC has some problems - but continues to work fairly well. If you're not having major problems with your computer - don't run the free scan. It may cause you to purchase a service you really don't need. If you are having problems with your XP computer - BSODs Blue Screens of Death), error messages all the time, programs that don't run properly, extremely slow startup and shutdown times, programs that take forever to start - i.e. major problems then by all means run the free scan. Keep in mind, though, to repair errors and fix your computer is not free. We just want to make that crystal clear. And again, we want to point out that we have been approved as an affiliate of Reimage and we will receive a commission if you buy Reimage via the link below. But we only applied for affiliate status after we were convinced that Reimage could help many of you by repairing your Windows XP systems. Regardless of whether you use the link below and purchase a one use or three-use Reimage license, or visit their site directly - and we'll earn no commission - Reimage is a excellent choice to consider if your Windows XP system is in need of repair. Please consider it before calling Geek Squad - you'll save a ton of money and your Windows system will run much better. Use the link below if your Windows XP computer needs serious professional repair. We'll get a commission, you'll pay the same price as if you went to Reimage directly - and we'll both be happy! Reimage -
XP repair in minutes. Ultimate professional repair tool. No set-up, no loss
of data or applications. Get an InfoAve Premium Subscription! - Follow us on Twitter. Stop Computer Crashes & Save 20% Too! Make your computer run faster and better - Automatically! Read our review of one of the best programs you can install on your computer - Registry Mechanic. You'll learn why your Windows registry is like the engine of your car and why you need to take care of it. Registry Mechanic automates the task of optimizing, cleaning, and removing errors from your Windows registry. This makes your computer run faster, last longer, and gets rid of a lot of the aggravations you experience - program crashes, error messages and slow startups and shutdowns. If you're tired of your computer running like a tortoise through quicksand - take a moment to learn why - and how Registry Mechanic can make your computer run better, run faster, and last longer - all automatically. All you have to do is click a button - really. Read more here. Isn't it time you tried Registry Mechanic too? Spyware Doctor - Editor's Choice Anti-Spyware - Save 20% right now!Don't compromise your security with second best! Get Spyware Doctor now!
Best Spyware Protection. Used by Millions World Wide. Save 20% on Spyware Doctor
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