Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly
Issue #933 Volume 18 Number 43 August 27, 2021
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Gracia lost her ad blocker
I've lost my ad blocker on my computer. What to do?
Our answer
Hi Gracia. Your computer doesn't have an ad blocker - your browser does.
Since you don't mention what browser you're using I'm going to give you
links for Privacy Badger and uBlock Origin - our two recommended ad
blockers for the 3 most popular browsers - Edge, Chrome, and Firefox.
Privacy Badger
Get Privacy Badger for Edge here.
Get Privacy Badger for Chrome here.
Get Privacy Badger for Firefox
uBlock Origin
Get uBlock Origin for Edge here.
Get uBlock Origin for Chrome here.
Get uBlock Origin for Firefox here.
If you need more help or have more questions, please let us know.

Karen wants to know the differences between Edge and Firefox
I have just started using Microsoft Edge instead of Firefox. I
have used Firefox for many years and am finding Edge difficult to
navigate. I have tried a few sites but find some terminology is above
me. Could you give me hints on the differences between the two browsers,
please? Thank you, Karen.
Our answer
Hi Karen. Trying to tell you all the differences between Edge and
Firefox would be like me trying to tell you the differences between a
Ford SUV and a Toyota SUV - they are both SUVs.They both do the same
things and they each have their own set of features. But in the end, they're
both SUVs
Firefox seems easier to you because it's more familiar. If you continued
to use Edge, it would become more familiar. My question is this: If you
like Firefox better why are you using Edge? Firefox is a modern, safe
browser. You can have as many browsers installed on your computer as you
want. I have 5 or 6 installed on my computer. While it's true you can
only have one default browser, it's easy to switch default browsers in
Settings > Apps & features > Default apps.
Our advice? If you find Firefox easier to use and you like it better,
there's no real reason to switch to Edge (other than Microsoft will keep
pushing you to do so since Edge is their browser).
We hope this helps you -- but if you have more questions - just let me

Candace wants to know why programs stop responding
Hi there! I just experienced an issue where my laptop stopped
responding. It asks if you want to exit or wait. When I right-click the
taskbar to see what processes are running, I get a small dialog box that
says no apps are running. What could cause this to happen?
It happens every once in a while. Thanks, Candace
Our answer
Hi Candace. It's very common for an app to stop responding. Task Manager
will show you all processes running but not if you use it in its default
view. You have to click "more details" at the bottom...then look in the
"Processes" column. You can sort the processes by CPU usage, Memory
(RAM) usage, Disk activity, etc. by clicking on the column headers.
Clicking once usually changes the order from low (usage) to high - and
clicking the column header again will change the order from high (usage)
to low. You computer would not be running if no processes were
running - so be sure to click on "More details" in the bottom left of
Task Manager.
What causes an app to stop responding is not a simple question. It could
be one of dozens of things - but I don't think there's a Windows user
who has not seen "not responding" more than a few times. If it only
happens occasionally, it's nothing to worry about - you can always end
the process and restart it.

Jeanne wants to know about BeenVerified
I appreciate your website and I thank you for being there. Have you
heard of a website called BeenVerified? It's a site where you can search
for info about people. Thank you for your input.
Our answer
Hi Jeanne. Thanks for your nice comments. BeenVerified is legit. But you
wouldn't know this by looking at the BeenVerified home page, it's not
free. BeenVerified has a monthly membership in one- and three-month
increments. A monthly membership costs $26.89 while a 3-month
subscription costs $17.48 a month. Once registered, the user can access
the lookup tools, searches, and background checks without limits.
There are some complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau.
According to the BBB...
"BBB files indicate a pattern of complaints concerning BeenVerified's
information publishing and customer service practices. Many consumers
are telling BBB about the difficult process and unsatisfactory results
from trying to opt out of personal information being published by the
As of 4/05/2019, BBB received a response from BeenVerified about the
Pattern of Complaints. The company says it has improved the language
highlighting its monthly subscription options and sign-up flows, as well
increasing opt-out mechanisms and including additional procedures to
address customer dissatisfaction..."
BeenVerified has a customer rating of 3.12 stars out of 5 (5 stars being
the highest rating) on the Better Business Bureau website.
As far as testing this site, we were not willing to pay the fee to try
it, so I have no personal opinion. Is it a scam? No. Will it find what
you're looking for? We don't know.

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Our Cloudeight SeniorPass is a great deal. You get unlimited support for
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Maureen wants to know if this "Blazing fast computer" ad is fact
or fiction
Can you tell me this is safe or a scam?
"Turn Your Old Computer To Like New Again – Blazing Fast
To: Maureen
Date: 17/08/21 12:15
From: Senior Discounts by Coupon65
Reply-To: Senior Discounts by Coupon65..."
Our answer
Hi Maureen. While not exactly a scam, it is very misleading and borders
on being scammy. And this is nothing new, it's been around for years. It
is called Xtra-PC.
What they want you to do is buy a USB stick with Linux (operating
system) on it and boot your computer to Linux instead of Windows. Yes,
it comes with a browser, email program, etc. but not the ones you've
been using on Windows. You won't have access to your Windows programs or
files and folders.
Essentially you're buying a very expensive USB flash drive with a free
version of Linux on it. It may make your PC faster, but it won't be
Windows, it will be Linux and none of your Windows files and folders
will be accessible and none of your Windows programs will work on it.
Only versions of programs that work on Linux (that are pre-installed)
will work.
Save your money. If you want to try Linux you don't need to spend $25
to $50. Many versions (Distros) of Linux are completely free.
We hope this helps you, Maureen.
Maureen wrote back: "THANK YOU. You are great! I did think it was
odd and I knew you would come through for me as you always do. Maureen."

Patsy wants to record phone conversations
Is there a safe app I can put on my laptop and cell phone to record some
of my incoming/outgoing calls? I may need this information for a legal
Our answer
Hi Patsy. Yes, if you can talk close to your computer, do this:
1. Type VOICE RECORDER in the taskbar search (next to the Start button). You
will see the voice recorder app appear in the search results just click
to open,
2. Press the microphone icon to start recording, press again to end.
Give your recording a name.
Be sure to talk with the speaker "on" on your phone.
This works great for phone recording, but be sure your state is a state
that allows "one person consent" recording. I think you are in South
Dakota, so you can. This means you can record a conversation you are
part of, without telling the other person or asking them.
We hope this helps you!

Jean says her programs and program shortcuts are gone and her
computer has changed
I have both a comment and a question. I came to my computer this evening
to find something or someone had taken over. OE Classic has been booted
off. It is still on the start page but needs to be completely set up.
All Inbox messages are gone. Contacts are gone. is gone.
Some apps on the desktop are gone. Chrome has been booted off as well as
Gmail. Edge is there of course and seems alive and well. The taskbar has
gone back to its previous configuration (large search bar, etc.). Tiles
on Start are different. I'm not a happy camper, needless to say.
Can you help me clean up this mess? I don't have a service key but will
buy one this evening. Glad I have someone to go to. This is the worst
thing to ever happen to my computer. Thank you. Will await your
Our answer
Hi Jean. Programs don't just disappear. So, let's see if we can help
you. It sounds like:
1. Your program Icons are missing. If this is the case, shut down your
computer - completely power it off and wait five minutes, and power it
back on. See if that brings everything back.
If that doesn't work... make sure you're signing in to the correct
account. This sounds like you're signing into a Guest account or you
created a second user account. Start your computer and press Windows Key
+ L . Click on the Lock screen to open the log-on screen. On the log-on
screen, look in the bottom left corner and make sure you log into the
correct user account.
The only other way programs can disappear is if your hard drive is bad
and this is not very likely.
Jean wrote back: "Hi TC. You were right as usual! Shutting down did
the trick. Everything is back to normal. Wish I had remembered to do
that. Would have saved me some anxiety... Thanks ever so much. Your
assistance is greatly appreciated... Jean"

Hazel wants to know about OE Classic and other email options
Hello Darcy& TC. I have been considering making OE Classic my default
email program since you showed us how to do it. My question is if it
doesn't work or causes any problems can I return to my current
program...? Best regards, Hazel.
Our answer
Hi Hazel. You can have as many email programs on your computer as you
want. Just be sure to open only one at a time, and close the program
when you're done using it. This answer assumes all your email accounts
are set up as IMAP, if they are then your email will be the same in

Georgia wants to know what we think of PatchMyPC Home Updater
What do you think of "Patch
My PC Home Updater"? I value your opinion and have followed
your advice for years and you two have never steered me wrong. Thanks!
Our answer
Hi Georgia. Thanks for your nice comments.
Our opinion? Another useless program. This is nothing new, there have
been programs like this coming and going for years. Most of them are now
Any program you have installed that needs to be updated will offer you
an update. Updating programs that don't need to be updated can result in
problems. Just like driver updaters that update drivers that don't need
to be updated, "app updaters" update programs that don't need updates.
And I'm not sure from reading the program's page that this program
doesn't also update some drivers.
Additionally, programs like this are constantly scanning your computer
looking for programs that need to be updated - and that means it's
constantly using RAM (Memory) and 'CPU and this can negatively affect
computer performance.
We would not install something like this, so we recommend that you don't

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Find Stuff Faster
Windows 10 (all versions)
If you're searching for something on your computer, especially in a
folder, we're going to show you a fast way to find what you're looking
for. But it's not very obvious.
Press the Windows Key + E to open File Explorer. If your computer opens
to Quick Access, click "This PC" in the left pane.

You'll see a tiny search box at the top that says "Search This PC".
We'll enlarge it for you and make it easier to see

Type what you're looking for in the search box.
Another helpful hint. If you know the folder that the file you're
looking for is in, switch to that folder first and then search - it's
even faster!
The search box is available for all folders. Here we're using the
Documents folder as an example.

And if you want even faster searching check out our freeware pick,
Everything Search.

A Faster Way to Navigate the
Windows 10 Start Menu
Windows 10 (all supported versions)
If you're like EB and have 10,000 programs installed (most of which she
uses to monitor my work habits!). Rather than scrolling the entire menu
to find a program, you might prefer this faster, alphabetical way to
find what you're looking for. Open your Start menu. It's organized
alphabetically from A to Z.
All programs beginning with the letter "A" are listed under "A". All
programs beginning with "B" are listed under "B" and so on. So, what do
you do if you open your start menu and you're looking at #, A, B, C and
you want to open Windows Accessories way down in the W's? Yes, EB, you
can scroll all the way down to the W's, but here's a faster way.

Click on any letter (see circled letters
above) and you'll see this:

So instead of scrolling through 10,000 programs looking for "Windows
Accessories", she can go right to the W's by clicking on the "W" without
scrolling through all the letters between A and W. Likewise, if
she were looking for the electric shocker she uses to make sure I don't
fall asleep, she could just click on "E" and look for "Electric
Shocker" and give me a jolt.
The clock icon will show you recently
installed programs. And if you see letters that are grayed out, that
simply means you don't have any programs that start with those letters.

to Send Self-Destructing Emails with Gmail
Everyone using Gmail and Windows
The age of evanescent email
Sometimes you want the emails you send to be private. And
sometimes the longer an email lingers the more likely it is that
it will end up in the wrong place – or it may be seen by eyes
that shouldn’t see it.
Gmail has a new feature that would make Mission Impossible
fans proud. It’s called Confidential mode and it allows users to
send self-destructing messages. Confidential mode is available
on the Gmail web interface via a Web browser and in the Gmail
app. Best of all, it is simple and easy to use.
Here’s how to use Gmail’s Confidential mode
1.) Compose your email as you normally would. Then click the
Lock/Clock icon at the bottom of the compose window.

2.) Once you click the lock/clock icon, you’ll see a
Confidential mode window open. You’ll see a notice that your
recipient(s) won’t have the option to forward, copy, print, or
download the email.
3.) You have the option to select how long the email will be
available to your recipient(s). Your choices are:
- 1 day
- 1 week
- 1 month
- 3 months
- 5 years
One week is the default setting. You’ll also have the option
to text the recipient a passcode they’ll need to open the email.
This feature is optional, and you can send a “self-destructing”
email without setting a passcode.

4.) Once you click “Save” a window will open reminding you
that the recipient(s) won’t be able to forward, copy, print, or
download the email. When you’re ready to send, just click the
Send button to send your self-destructing email to the

Gmail’s Confidential mode should be used thoughtfully and

Want more tips, tricks, and information?
We have thousands of Windows tips, tricks, and more on our InfoAve website. Subscribe to our free InfoAve Daily newsletter.

Now available: Reg Organizer 8.76
If you purchased or renewed Reg Organizer through Cloudeight within
the last 12 months, you're entitled to a free version upgrade to Reg
Organizer 8.76.
Save $14 on
Reg Organizer right now!
Reg Organizer
- A Swiss Army Knife of Windows Tools - Works Great on Windows 10!

Buster: Captcha Solver for

The term CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test
to tell Computers and Humans Apart. Captchas exist so websites can tell
humans from automated bots.
We all encounter captchas. And most of us dislike them. Many of them
are annoying. They disrupt our web browsing and if we’re working, they
disrupt our work. There are no magic extensions or add-ons that can
automatically solve every captcha, but there is an exceptionally good
one that works with Chrome, Firefox, and Edge (and similar browsers).
Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans is a free browser extension to
automatically solve captchas for you. Buster won’t skip the captcha; it
uses a unique method to solve them. I have been using Buster for about
two weeks now, and maybe I'm just lazy, but I love not having click
little boxes or type the words I hear. I click the Buster icon and 9 out
of 10 times Buster solves the captcha for me.
Most complex captchas offer audio challenges as an alternative to
visual challenges. Buster uses speech recognition to solve captchas, so
you don’t have to waste your time trying to solve complicated ones.

To use Buster, click on the extension’s icon at the bottom of the
captcha and it will try to solve the captcha automatically.

Speech recognition is not perfect. But if Buster doesn’t solve the
captcha the first time, you can try it again. Sometimes, if the captcha
is simple, it may be faster for you to solve the captcha, but Buster is
great when you run into one of the complex captchas that are confusing
or difficult to solve.
Here’s what Buster’s developer says…
Buster is a browser extension which helps you to solve
difficult captchas by completing reCAPTCHA audio challenges using
speech recognition. Challenges are solved by clicking on the
extension button at the bottom of the reCAPTCHA widget.
It is not guaranteed that challenges are always solved, the
limitations of the technology need to be considered…
Solving more than a couple of reCAPTCHA challenges a day may
lead to a temporary block, regardless of your use of the extension.
Visit the wiki for more details.
reCAPTCHA challenges remain a considerable burden on the web,
delaying and often blocking our access to services and information
depending on our physical and cognitive abilities, our social and
cultural background, and the devices or networks we connect from.
The difficulty of captchas can be so out of balance, that
sometimes they seem friendlier to bots than they are to humans.
The goal of this project is to improve our experience with
captchas, by giving us easy access to solutions already utilized by
automated systems…
Are you ready to try Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans?
Here are the links for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. To make it easy on
you, please click the link using the browser on which you want to
install Buster.
Get Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans for Chrome here.
Get Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans for Firefox here.
Get Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans for Microsoft Edge here.
Here is a screenshot of Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans on my
Chrome browser extensions toolbar…

Looking Back

I was thinking... yes, I know... sometimes that's not a
good thing. And it occurred to me that I spent a great deal of
my time in my youth wasting precious time: Chasing girls,
hanging out in bars with buddies, skipping classes in college —
yet still getting passing grades – dreaming impossible dreams…
ridiculous folly.
Although I am certainly not proud of myself for wasting my youth
on frivolousness and trivialities, I am proud of myself for one
thing: My resourcefulness. Consider this… back in the days when
I was a teenager and early twenty-something, I didn’t have the
tools of folly and superficiality that the youth of today have.
We didn’t have computers, tablets, smartphones, heck – we were
just getting touch-tone phones – we didn’t even have to dial the
area code before the number if the number was in the same area
We did not have Craigslist, Facebook Snapchat, Instagram,
Twitter, or smartphones with high-res digital cameras. Our idea
of social media was writing on restroom stalls, sticking posters
on telephone poles, and posting “wanted” and “for sale” flyers
on the community bulletin board at the local markets. My idea of
a cool camera was a Polaroid. And before that a Kodak Brownie -
not the kind you eat.
Yet, still, without all the modern tools that make time-wasting
a snap, I managed to waste a whole lot of the most precious time
in a human being’s life – those fleeting moments of youth.
When in my middle years I looked back on my wild youth with a
whimsical heart. You know… if I could only do all that again, oh
what fun it would be. Middle age is a time when you’re too young
to recognize you’re running out of time, and most of use still
physically able to carouse a bit – so we can imagine ourselves
brazenly cavorting around enjoying the fun and follies of youth.
I am not sure what happens, or exactly when it happens.....
Please read the rest of this essay here.

What is a DLL?
I like pickles - all kinds of pickles: Sweet, Sour, Bread & Butter, but
my favorite pickles are dill pickles. I like dill sauce on my salmon
But unfortunately a DLL is not an herb or a
type of pickle. A DLL is a Dynamic Link Library. A Dynamic Link Library
is a collection of small programs, which can be called upon when needed
by the executable program (exe) that is running. The DLL lets the
executable communicate with a specific device such as a printer or may
contain source code to do particular functions. DLLs are not executable
(that is they do not "run") in and of themselves though.
How does a DLL work? An example would be if the program (exe) needs to
get the free space of your hard drive it can call the DLL file that
contains the function with parameters and a call function. The DLL will
then tell the executable the free space. This allows the executable to
be small in size and not need to rewrite the function that has already
written. This allows any program needing to obtain the free space the
information without having to write all the source code and it saves
space on your hard drive as well. DLLs in this fashion are also known as
shared files.
Why use DLLs? The advantage of DLL files is that, because they do not
get loaded into random access memory (RAM) together with the main
program, space is saved in RAM. When and if a DLL file is called, then
it is loaded. For example, you are editing a Microsoft Word document,
the printer DLL file does not need to be loaded into RAM. If you decide
to print the document, then the printer DLL file is loaded and run.

Our newest Cloudeight Endorsed Email Program - Very Similar to Windows
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Read more about OE Classic here!

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Get more information here.
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We hope you have enjoyed this issue of Cloudeight InfoAve
Weekly. Thanks so much for your support and for being an InfoAve Weekly subscriber.
Have a great weekend... be safe!
Your friends at Cloudeight,
Darcy and TC
Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly - Issue #933 Volume 18 Number
August 27, 2021
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