Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly
Issue #949 Volume 19 Number 7 December 17, 2021
Dear Friends,
<erry Christmas!
Welcome to Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly Issue #949. Thank you very much for
subscribing and for being a part of our Cloudeight family. We appreciate
your friendship and support very much! Please share our newsletters and
our website with your friends and family.If you're not getting our InfoAve Daily newsletter, you're
missing out on a lot of good stuff!
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Cathy asks about the passwords of a spouse who passes away
I came across this question. When a spouse is the one who pays the bills
online and he or she has all the passwords and that spouse passes away.
And there's no access for the living spouse to get the passwords. How
can the living spouse start paying the bills online without the
Our answer
Hi Cathy. The answer is to be proactive and use a password manager. A
password manager like LastPass or
Bitwarden can save passwords on multiple computers and the only
thing you need to know to use it and access all the passwords stored in
it is the master password you create.
If both your spouse and you know the master password then either of you
can access the passwords. And the nice thing about a password manager is
they can automatically log you into sites that require you to log in. So
paying bills online would not be a problem if you startred using a
password manager and both you and your spouse know the master password.
Both LastPass and Bitwarden have free versions. And both work on Windows
10 and Windows 11.
We hope this helps you, Cathy.

Uwe asks about a Windows version Update and the Num lock key
In Windows update (settings), it says that Windows feature
update version 21H2 is available. Should I wait a while before
downloading it? I don't want to get jammed up in case there are issues
with this version.
Also, is there a way to keep" number lock" on permanently?
Sometimes when the "number lock" is off I have to turn the "number
lock" back on and it can be irritating when entering numbers and nothing
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thanks, Uwe.
Our answer
Hi Uwe. Windows 10 21H2 was released on November 16, 2021. We
not aware of any serious issue with version 21H2, but, of course, every
computer is different. I have installed it on my Windows 10 computer and
I haven't had any problems.
As you may have heard, Microsoft will start releasing only one version
update per year for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Since Windows 10 was
released in July 2015 it has been two version updates a year. So, in
2022, if Microsoft stays true to its won't see another
version update until October or November of 2022.
You can edit the registry so the NumLock key is on at Startup and will
remain on. We suggest you create a restore point before editing the
Press & hold down the Windows Key and tap the R key.
In the Run box type REGEDIT
Navigate to the registry key
HKEY_USERS\.Default\Control Panel\Keyboard
Right-click on the “InitialKeyboardIndicators“, select Modify, and change
Value data to 2.
Close the registry editor.
We hope this helps you.
Merry Christmas and all the best in 2022!

Jane can't start her computer
Help. I have a SeniorPass and have a problem. When trying to boot up my
desktop computer I get a blue screen with a list of keyboard layouts
with U.S. highlighted. I cannot proceed and get the message "fixing (c)
stage 1 63%. It will not finish and looks like it is frozen. I have
turned my PC off and unplugged but still get the same screen when
rebooting. Can you advise, please? Jane.
Our answer
Hi Jane. This is a hardware issue and if you cannot boot your computer
and get on the Internet we cannot connect and help you. Before you do
anything else, try shutting off your computer completely- make sure all
lights are off. Then unplug your computer from its power source. While
the PC is unplugged, press and hold down the power button for 5 seconds.
You may see the power light flash on then go off. After you do this,
leave your computer off for 5 minutes. Plug your computer back in and
then use the power button to start your PC as you normally would.
If you see another blue screen asking you to select your keyboard
language... let me know if you have an HP computer, If so I can send you
to the HP support page that discusses your issue and offers several ways
you can try to fix it. All of the things they suggest have to be done
from your location - i.e. they cannot be done remotely.
If you don't have an HP computer let me know the brand and model and
I'll see if I can find some info that may help you.
Jane wrote back: "TC, I did as you suggested and unplugged everything
overnight and this morning I plugged all back in and held down the power
button for five seconds and it came back on. I'm so happy to get it back
up and running! Thank you so much... Again, you have been such a godsend
to me at various times and so appreciated by an 86 year-old oldster who
still wants to learn. Jane"

Larry has some questions about computer names
Hi TC and Darcy. You recently responded to Lee regarding one's user
account name may not be the same as the name you see on your log-in
screen. I appreciate your response. But you did not tell us how
"sydney28/thunder" came to be. When I enter the "whoami"
command the
response is "desktop-tn082n0\home". How is this response created?
For twenty years or so I have continued to learn and get support from
you. I appreciate your valuable teaching and instruction as well as your
focus on using the internet safely. Be well and stay safe. Larry
Our answer
Hi Larry. Thanks so much. Sydney (as in Sydney, Australia) was the name
I used for my first computer - it later became a joke between Darcy and
Back in the days of Windows 95, I'd have to reinstall Windows just about
every 3 months. Every time I reinstalled Windows Sydney became Sydney1,
then next reinstall, Sydney2, and so on. Well after using Windows 95 for
a couple of years until Windows 98 I think I was at Sydney 12 by the
time I updated to Windows 98 then Windows 98SE. Next came Windows ME
(which was horrible) so I went back to Windows 98SE. Along came Windows XP,
followed by Windows Vista (which was a disaster), followed by Windows 7, Windows
10, and now Windows 11. So, there have been a lot of Sydneys.
Sydney28/thunder means I'm logged in as "Thunder" (THUNDERCLOUD) on the
PC named Sydney28.
When you do a WHOAMI command it reads the name of your computer and the
user who is currently logged in. It gets this info from the Windows registry.
You can name your computer whatever you want, but you cannot change your
username so easily. Yes you can change the username you see, but not the
username locked in the registry.
You can change your computer's name in 2 seconds. Type About in taskbar
search & press Enter. When you see "About your PC" appear press Enter.
Then click the Rename this PC button. You can even name it Sydney29 if
you like.

Robert wants to set a home page in Microsoft Edge
I updated the Microsoft Edge browser today and now I can't set your home page on
startup. Any help? Thanks, Robert.
Our answer
Hi Robert. Open Edge. Copy and paste or type the following line in the
address bar and press Enter.
In the menu on the left click on "Start, home, and new tabs"
On the page that opens do this...
Under "When Edge starts" ...
1. Click the circle to the right of "Open theses pages"
2. Click "Add a new page"
3. In the new page box type (our start
4. Click on "Add".
Here's a screenshot to help you.

You can have more than one start page. I have 2 start pages: Our start
page and our tips and tricks home page at

Thanks for using our start page.
We hope this helps you, Robert.

Cheryl wants to know if she needs to keep the programs she
Hello, my Cloudeight friends. I have a lot of programs in my "C" drive
Downloads folder. However, they are also saved on my external drive.
Can I delete them from my "C" drive Downloads folder without causing any
problems with my computer? As always, feel free to use in a newsletter
if you think it would be helpful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge
with all us technically challenged persons. Your knowledge is greatly
appreciated. Cheryl.
Our answer
Hi Cheryl. Once you install a program you no longer need to keep the
installer. Basically what you have in your downloads folder are
installers. You have a folder in there named "Themes". I don't know
what's in it, but you might want to look at it to see if it's anything
you might want to keep. The desktop.ini file was once on the desktop,
I'm not sure how it got in your downloads folder, but you can delete it
Generally, if you don't use your downloads folder for anything other
than the apps/programs you download from the internet, you can delete
the files as soon as you've installed the app/program you downloaded.
We hope this helps you, Cheryl.

Charlene is getting "Page cannot be displayed" errors
Recently I'm getting a white screen with "cannot display page" when I'm
searching the web. Never had that issue. I thought I read recently
someone had asked that question but can't seem to find where I saw it.
Would so appreciate your response. Thank you so much.
Our answer
Hi Charlene. "Page cannot be displayed" errors are almost always
problems with your internet connectivity - your internet cutting in and
out for example. This happens with WiFi connections if the router or
modem is not working properly, or they're getting old, or your computer
is physically too far away from the router. It could also be your
computer's wireless adapter. And it may be the web page is having
problems. It could be a browser extension, or if you installed a VPN,
could be causing problems. It could be a lot of things. But it is
usually a problem with your Internet connectivity.
You should call your ISP and have them check your modem/router and
your connection. They will do this for you free -- and most of the time
they can do this from the office - they don't need to come to your home.
If it's not the modem/router or cable coming in then it might be your
wireless adapter going bad. You can easily replace a bad WiFi adapter by
buying a USB WiFi adapter which
we cover here.
We're sorry we cannot give you a more precise answer. But we hope this
gives you some ideas so you can dig in and do some troubleshooting.

John is looking for a program we recommended
I wanted to add arrows and other shapes into an image being included in
a Gmail that I was about to send. I was not able to do this but had a
memory from a long time in the past where a similar question was asked
and you replied with clear instructions in an edition of your weekly
If you did provide such information I would be delighted if you would
send me a copy of it.
Our answer
Hi John. As far as we know, we never published an article about this, so
I'm not sure what you're referring to. My best guess is that you are
referring to the screenshot tool, FastStone Capture. That's the
screenshot app we use to add text, arrows, etc. to images. We have given
it away in promotions over the years but not recently.
Is this what you mean?

If you want to add arrows, squares, etc. to images, you can do it with
just about any image editor.
You can read
more about and or try or buy FastStone Capture here.
We hope this is what you are referring to. I believe some once asked a
question a long time ago about how we did our screenshots and FastStone
was our answer.
(John wrote back and told us FastStone Capture was exactly what he was
looking for.)

A comment from Kris
(To save space in our weekly newsletters we reluctantly removed the
reader's comments section. But we want you to know that we still read
and appreciate all of your comments and emails. This week we received a
comment that we wanted to share with you … we promised Kris we would.
So, to keep our promise, here is Kris's comment.)
"Come on people, how about we give Darcy and TC a Christmas gift?
Just think of the money you have saved by them helping us with our
computer problems for such an inexpensive price and sometimes for FREE,
via their Newsletters. Where else could you get such sincere help with
their knowledge and wisdom, NO WHERE! I had TC on my computer once for
over an hour and he told me that he could help me another three hours
before his next appointment. All for one key! Oh my gosh! That is above
and beyond anything that anyone could get anywhere! That is why I'm
doing this for one reason.
How about... if TC and Darcy get enough Christmas presents... we all get
to see pictures of them both? This will really get the Christmas
presents coming in for you guys! Hope all this works out.... you deserve
I'm donating $50.00 as a Christmas gift to them!
Can you match me or
even make it more? Come on... make me donate more!
Come on people... where else can you get such one-on-one help without
paying? Just think of what you would have to pay elsewhere.
Thank you... you two! Wish I could hug you both! Kris."

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How to Change Shortcuts in the
Chrome and Edge Bookmarks Bar to Icons Only
Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge on Windows 8, 10, and Windows 11
This tip was inspired by a question from InfoAve reader Cindy H. who
asked “How do you get just icons on the bookmarks bar? I’m using Chrome.
This was a great question and it led to this tip which will help many Chrome
and Edge users save a great deal on the Chrome bookmarks bar or the
Microsoft Edge "Favorites" bar.
Google Chrome
This tip will work any bookmark in your bookmarks bar that already
displays an icon.
1. Right-click on the shortcut you want to make an icon only & click
“Edit” from the right-click dropdown menu.

2. Highlight the name and delete it. Then click Save.

3. I’ve done several of my bookmarks this way to show you what it
looks like.

The Apps icon/name, as shown in the screenshot above at the far left
edge, cannot be edited. But as you can see, I’ve changed five of my
bookmarks to icons only.
They are (in the screenshot above) from the left: “Clear Chrome
Data settings”, my main banking site, my secondary bank, and the
Cloudeight InfoAve site, and our Emsisoft portal. You can see without
text, they take up a lot less space.
Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge makes it even easier to make turn shortcuts into icons

Right-click on the bookmark (Favorite) for which you want to show an
icon without text. Then choose "Show icon only"
Keep in mind that you can only do this with bookmarks and Favorites
that already display icons.

How to Make
the Most of Your Taskbar Real Estate
Windows 10 (all supported versions)
Does your Windows 10 taskbar look like this?

Taskbar real estate is like ocean-front property. It’s valuable.
Every icon or item on your taskbar should be something you use often.
Let’s look at the taskbar above. The huge search box takes up the
space of several icons. And Cortana and Task View are two things I don’t
use – do you?
Let’s start by trimming that huge search box. You don’t need it to
search from the taskbar.

Right-click in the search box. Then hover over “Search” and you’ll
see the option to “Show search icon”. If you search using the taskbar
search often as I do, the search icon will work just as well as that big
search box did.
I never use Cortana. If you don’t either, why have her hanging around
the taskbar taking up valuable space? Get rid of the Cortana icon by
right-clicking on it and deselecting the “Show Cortana button” from the

When is the last time you used the Task View icon? Ever? Someone at
Microsoft thought it was a grand idea. I never use it. Maybe I’m missing
something? If you do not use Task View either, why have its icon using
up space on the taskbar? Get rid of it, I tells you!
Right-click on the Task View icon and deselect it from the menu that
pops up.

Now look:


Instead of using up the precious taskbar space with things that I
don’t use and replacing the large taskbar search box with an icon, I now
have a lot more room to put the things I use the most often, right at my

How to Enable the Windows 10
Right-Click Context Menu on Windows 11
Windows 11
Windows 11 has a compact context menu that is intended to create a
less cluttered menu. The only problem is, to get to the rest of the menu
you have to click “Show more options”.
Here’s the Windows 11 context menu…

If you would like to bring back the full Windows 10 context menu you
can do so with a simple registry edit…we’ve even created the .reg file
for you.
But first, create a restore point before editing the registry.
Type RESTORE in taskbar search and click press Enter when you see
“Create a restore point”. Restore points automatically append the date,
so just give it a name that you’ll recognize.
Let’s bring back the old Windows 10 context menu on Windows 11
Download this zip file from our server.
2. Unzip the file and double-click on the .reg file inside called
3. Override the UAC warning and the registry editor warnings…and
allow the change to the Windows registry.
4. Restart your computer and the old right-click menu should be back.

If you decide you want to go back to the Windows 11 context menu,
follow the instructions below.
Open the Registry Editor (Right-click on the Start button, click Run,
type REGEDIT in the Run box, and press Enter).
When the Registry Editor opens navigate to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID, and delete the key named
Restart your computer and the default Windows 11 right-click menu
will be back.

Want more tips, tricks, and information?
We have thousands of Windows tips, tricks, and more on our InfoAve website. Subscribe to our free InfoAve Daily newsletter.

Now available: Reg Organizer 8.80
If you purchased or renewed Reg Organizer through Cloudeight within
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Another Weapon You Can Use in the
War on Scammers

Scammers prey on the trusting, uninformed, and those in a hurry. And
during the holiday season, scammers take advantage of the Christmas
shopping season to bilk consumers out of hundreds of millions of
We want you all to enjoy a happy holiday season and a Merry
Christmas. So we’re doing all we can do to help you avoid being scammed
this time of year.
A lot of people falsely believe that only ignorant people get ripped
off. this is not true. The vast majority of people who get ripped off by
scams are intelligent people who are too trusting. Yes, a lot of
intelligent people get ripped off by criminals every year. And many
computer-savvy people are ripped off by clever scammers as well.
And during the holiday season, when we all seem to be in more of a
hurry than ever, more people will lose more money to scammers than at
any other time of the year.
Besides being careful, taking your time, and using the same common
sense on the internet as you do in your “real-world” life, learning all
you can about how scammers trick you and the methods they use, can help
keep you safe.
So, to that end, we present this article and a Cloudeight site pick.
We want to do all we can to make sure you and your family have a great
holiday and a Merry Christmas.
So today, to help you stay safe, we present our site pick “Scam
Bad news out of the blue? News too good to be true? No matter the
scheme, we can apply the three golden rules to spot the scam…
If the stories scammers used were actually true, they’d be
Is your relative really in need of gift card bail payments?
Is that really the government asking for gift cards? (Video)
Is that really your boss asking for gift card PIN numbers?
Scammers are expected to steal over $3 billion in 2022. We can
thwart their efforts with the three golden rules.
 Tech support scammers will try to convince you there is a problem
with your device, asking you to pay for services you don’t need to
fix a problem that doesn’t exist.Slow down
Be Skeptical of Urgent Pop-ups
Spot check
Investigate the company
Stop! Don’t send
Avoid Unusual Payment Methods
…It’s clear from the numbers that scams are on the rise, so teams
at Google and the Cybercrime Support Network are saying enough is
With Google’s help, we are spotting the most common patterns used
by scammers and offering practical advice to help you stop them in
their tracks.
Scams are always growing and evolving. Take a look at the numbers
to see just how pervasive these schemes can be.
$124 million
Lost in Gift Card Scams in 202
Lost to Fraud Every Minute
1.19 Million
Lost in “Romance” Scams
 Please do yourself a favor. Learn all you can about scammers and the
most popular scams such as gift card scams, tech support scams, romance
scams, bad news scams, and other popular scams. Learning how to spot a
scam is the best way to avoid becoming a victim.
The more you know the safer you are.
Take some time and visit our site pick – Scam Spotter.
The money you save may be your own!

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My Christmas Thoughts
It seems like yesterday, we were celebrating Christmas and welcoming
another new year. Now the ghost of Christmas past has taken last
Christmas and we have all committed it to memory.
Here it is Christmastime again and the new year is now the old year and
we’re all getting ready to flip a calendar page and say goodbye to
another year and look to the future with high hopes that the new year
will be better than the old year.
Christmas is a time for gathering together with our friends and
families… and besides those things, Christmas is a time for remembering
and reflection.
I just re-read “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens – for the
umpteenth time. Every time I read it I take away a new feeling or a new
thought. Today I spent thinking a lot about this passage from “A
Christmas Carol” when Scrooge is visited by the Ghost of Christmas
Present. The Ghost of Christmas present opens his royal green robe and
beneath it are two starving children with sunken eyes and for all the
world looking as if they were on the doorstep of death.
Ghost of Christmas Present: “Look upon these!”
Ebenezer Scrooge: [Withdrawing in horror] “What are they?”
Ghost of Christmas Present: “They are your children! They are the
children of all who walk the earth unseen! Their names are Ignorance and
Want! Beware of them! For upon their brow is written the word “doom!”
They spell the downfall of you and all who deny their existence!”...
Read the rest of this
Christmas essay here.

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What is smishing?
Smishing is a new kind of fishing but only for fish whose names begin
with SM like SMallmouth bass. NO, NO, NO!
Smishing, in the cyberworld - according to the Oxford dictionary
means..." the fraudulent practice of sending text messages purporting to
be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal
personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers."
Smishing is to text messages is what phishing is to email messages. You
don't want to get tricked by either.

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Sales of the following products and services help support our newsletters, websites, and free computer help services we provide.
Cloudeight Direct Computer Care: Single Keys, SeniorPass, or Season Tickets - always a great deal. Cloudeight Direct Computer Care is like having PC insurance. Get more information here.
Emsisoft Anti-Malware: Emsisoft is the only Cloudeight endorsed and recommended Windows security program. It provides users with a complete antivirus, antimalware, anti-ransomware, anti-PUPs solution. We offer single Emsisoft licenses and multi-computer licenses at discount prices. Also, we offer our exclusive Emsisoft with Cloudeight installation & setup. Get more information here.
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Reg Organizer: Reg Organizer is the Swiss Army Knife of Windows tools. It's far more than just a registry optimizer and cleaner... it's a Windows all-in-one toolkit. Reg Organizer helps you keep your computer in tip-top shape and helps you solve annoying Windows problems. Reg Organizer works great with Windows 10! Get more information about Reg Organizer (and get our special discount prices) here.
SeniorPass - One year of Cloudeight Direct Computer Care - unlimited sessions!
Get more information here.
Windows 10 Customization: Make Windows 10 look and work the way you want it to. Learn more.
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We received hundreds of questions for possible use in IA news. Please keep in mind we cannot answer all general computer questions. We try to personally answer as many as we can. We can only use a few
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We hope you have enjoyed this issue of Cloudeight InfoAve
Weekly. Thanks so much for your support and for being an InfoAve Weekly subscriber.
Have a great weekend... be safe!

Darcy and TC
Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly - Issue #949 Volume 19 Number
December 17, 2021
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Read our disclaimer about the tips, tricks, answers, site picks, and freeware picks featured in this newsletter.
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