Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly
Issue #951 Volume 19 Number 9 December 31, 2021
Dear Friends,
We hope you all had a memorable and Merry Christmas.
Welcome to Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly Issue #951. Thank you very much for
subscribing and for being a part of our Cloudeight family. We appreciate
your friendship and support very much! Please share our newsletters and
our website with your friends and family.If you're not getting our InfoAve Daily newsletter, you're
missing out on a lot of good stuff!
It's free and it only takes a few seconds to sign up. We'd love to
have you with us.
this page to sign up for our Cloudeight InfoAve Daily Newsletter.

Happy New Year!

The new year is just hours away; it's both an ending and a beginning.
And it seems like this year flew by - and here we are ready to start a
brand new year. This is the last issue of InfoAve Weekly for 2021 This
week's InfoAve Weekly newsletter is a review edition. Publishing review
editions on major holidays allows us to take time off to
share with our families. Plus, it's a great way for us to feature and
review some of the best content from previous issues of InfoAve Weekly.
Next week, we begin a new year of Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly and we'll
start the new year with a brand new edition of InfoAve
It's been our pleasure to have you in our Cloudeight family this year.
We are thankful for you and for the help and support you always give us.
We are very fortunate and we look forward to your friendship and
support in the new year.
We hope that you also will take some time off during the holidays and
make memories with those you love.
Thanks so much for all you do for us. We wish you all a very safe,
happy, and healthy new year! May all your dreams come true!

Rhonda's keyboard does not have a Caps Lock indicator
My keyboard does not have a caps lock indicator. Some time ago I had an
app that sat in the system tray and indicated the status of the caps and
Num lock. It has disappeared and I can't remember what it was called. Do
you know a safe app for a visual caps lock indicator?
I do like your newsletter and your useful information. Thanks, Rhonda
Our answer
Hi Rhonda. I spent some time looking around for something that would do
what you need it to do. I found one and tested it on my laptop -even
though I have a Caps lock indicator. The program worked well and you
don't even have to install it - just click to run it. It will alert you
when the Caps lock key is on as well as NumLock and Scroll Lock keys are
on. You can also configure it just to show when Caps Lock is on and
nothing else if that's how you want to configure it.
The program is called Caps Lock Indicator and
you can read more about it and/or download it here.
We hope this works for you.

MaryLee has a problem with Microsoft Edge
I've been having trouble updating Edge. I was just going to
search Cloudeight for instructions on this and found your article about
SFC and DISM. So I followed instructions; it took about half an hour
to get to 8%. Three hours later, it's stuck at 8%. I think I'll have to
use my Repair Key, which I purchased when you first made them available.
Our answer
Hi MaryLee. You don't have to use a repair key to fix Edge. All you need
to do is reset it.
See this page to learn how to reset Microsoft Edge.
Once you do that, close and reopen Edge. Then type (or copy/paste) this
into the Edge address bar...
It will tell you if your Edge browser is up to date and if not, give you
the option to update it.
DISM/SFC scans are for finding and fixing or replacing Windows system
files. If the scans stop when running them, you might want to close all
open programs before running them again.
We hope this helps you. MaryLee.

Stanley has questions about finding and downloading software
You have been so helpful in the past that I hope you can help me with
this question, which I also think would be of interest to many of your
I was looking for a website that is even half as good as you are in
giving advice and reviews about programs before I download them. My saga
begins when I was looking for a program that could compress a wmv file
and/or convert it to an avi file.
When I searched for a program to do this, I got many hits. However,
after a couple of hours, I got more and more frustrated with the
information these sites gave me, so I gave up.
The first big problem was that when I looked at the reviews, they were
given by a company that made software to do this, so of course, they
gave their products rave reviews compared to other products. I could not
find any independent websites to give an honest review such as you do.
The second problem was websites that advertise free downloads. If I had
my way, I would block them for misleading information. They could indeed
be downloaded and then installed on the computer. It was only after
spending a lot of time downloading the file that I wanted to convert
that I received the error message that the file was too big, but if I
still wanted to continue, I could purchase the full program.
I apologize for such a long message but, I am sure you will have heard
similar complaints from many people who like me would very much
appreciate your help. I wish you good health during this difficult time
that we are all going through. Regards, Stanley.
Our answer
Hi Stanley. Thanks for your nice comments.
The problem you detail has been a problem that has faced every single
person who has ever searched for software. The worst thing you can do is
search for a program and just accept the results. You really have to
hone your search skills... I'm lucky as I learned this lesson long ago -
Darcy used to call me the king of search.
If I wanted to convert an audio file from one format to another, I would
look for an online converter. By using the search term (without quotes)
"convert wmv to avi online" I came up with this site:
One way I know that site is legit is they offer services for which they
charge. Plus, I've used this site before. This is the self-description
they offer...
CloudConvert is your Swiss army knife for file conversions. We
support nearly all audio, video, document, ebook, archive, image,
spreadsheet, and presentation formats. Plus, you can use our online tool
without downloading any software.
I don't know what the size of your file is, and I don't know what, if
any file size limits CloudConvert's free service has. They have a
pricing schedule where you can buy 500 minutes of conversion time for
$8.00 (U.S.) with an unlimited file size (5 gigabytes is the theoretical
We know from experience that downloading most free YouTube converters,
file converters, music converters, etc. is an invitation to download
software bundled with PUPs or malware. These days more than 50% of
freeware seems to be compromised in some way.
And you have to be careful of download sites too. CNET/,
Softonic, Tucows, and many others, have been known to take good, clean,
free software and bundle it with other software
(PUPs/malware/questionable software). There are several websites you can
trust, for instance, is the one I trust most, followed by I rarely
venture from those sites unless I find a good developer who offers
software from his/her site and who does not play whack-a-mole with
download buttons.
Finding good, free, software is like walking through a minefield. You
really have to be wary and you have to hone your search skills so you're
more likely to come up with good, reliable, and safe search results.
I hope this helps you, Stanley, but if not, let me know.
Stanley wrote back: "Wow! That was quick. As always you have really
helped me. Why can't you offer a paying service that would give advice
in a similar way to the information I received now? I would definitely
consider using this. In the long run, it would save a lot of time and
frustration. I have no doubt that many others feel the same. Keep safe
and well. Stanley."

Sue needs to clear her backup drive but she's having a problem
Hi, I have gained so much insight from you in all these years and am so
grateful you are still here for us! I have a question about File History
and backups. My external drive is full (hopefully with backups) and now
I need to delete most of it so I can continue to back up. I've tried a
couple of things that I found on the internet which haven't worked, I
get an error: "Could not clean up File History data. Element not found".
Is there another way I can get rid of these files and not have to mess
with having to repair Win 10 which was a suggestion?
Thanks so much, I always feel you'll have the answer :)
Our answer
Hi Sue. You can right-click on the external (backup) drive and choose
Format. Do a quick format on the drive, then set up File History again
on that drive. You might need to reset File History for it to work
correctly again.
If you do need to reset File History,
see this page.
We hope this helps you, Sue.
Sue wrote back: "Oh my gosh, TC, thank you so very much!! Of course,
formatting!! Thanks for the link as well. Honestly, I hope you and Darcy
know just how very much you are needed & appreciated, how you have saved
our hair from being pulled out and our computers from being invaded. You
consistently smarten us up for scams and safe downloads. I can’t thank
you enough. I’ll be making a donation today! Sue."

Darlene wants safe download sites and how to copy text from a
...Thanks so much for all the time and effort you spend giving us the
images to illustrate what you are telling us to do when you answer all
our questions. With all the problems that can come with aging, reading
print can sometimes be impossible. The visual screens are a blessing
because countless times over the past 20 years when following directions
telling me how to fix something, the screen that I am supposed to see
doesn't turn up. With your illustration to follow, we will know
immediately that the program is at fault and that this fix isn't going
to work. I know it will save *me* a ton of frustration.
I am having a great time reading back issues of the InfoAve Weekly and
relearning a lot of neat stuff that my Swiss Cheese brain had allowed to
escape, but I have two questions I haven't seen addressed so far.
Is there a place (or maybe more) where we can safely download Freeware
without a bunch of unwanted programming being bundled in with it? The
only site I remember you warning us about was CNet, but I think there
were more. (I think you also warned us about some anti-virus programs
coming with extras added.)
And finally, how can I highlight text to *copy* with a touchscreen
laptop? One set of directions told me to touch the first and last words,
but that did nothing. I am still googling. I hope you have the answer in
your magical hat!
I'm hoping you can come up with the answers! Muchas Gracias! Darlene.
Our answer
Thanks for your long-time support and your kind words.
Rather than giving you a list of all the bad sites, we'll give you the
download sites we trust the most...
1. Snapfiles
2. MajorGeeks
As for your question about copying from a touchscreen device. First for
Windows 10 Touchscreens. Tap and hold the first word of text you want to
copy until you see a circle icon, then move your finger to highlight the
text you want.
On tablets and smartphones, touch the first word you want to copy and
then drag your finger across the text you want to copy and when you stop
a menu will appear with "Copy" "Select all" and "Share" to copy and a
menu appears "Copy" "Select All" (on Smartphones & Tablets you'll all
see "Share" in that menu.
I think that should answer your questions, but if not, let me know.

Mary wants an easy to use, free or low-cost word processing
Would you please recommend a good or low-cost word processing program? I
don't need anything fancy. I just to be able to write simple letters.
Thank you for all you do... especially us oldies. Mary.
Our answer
Hi Mary. Thanks for your nice comments. I think my favorite free word
processor is Jarte - but AbleWord is also very good. And every Windows
10 PC comes with WordPad which is a capable word processor also.
Here's an article we wrote called "A Trio of Excellent Free Word
Processors. In that article, you'll find information and download
links for two excellent free word processors - Jarte and AbleWord, as
well as info about Microsoft's WordPad.
We hope this helps you, Mary.
Mary wrote back: "Thank you so much for the recommendations. That is
what is so extra special about Cloudeight; you are so quick with your

Virginia wants to know if Snipping Tool is gone from Windows 10
I really don't like Microsoft's new Clip 'n Snip. Is there any way I can
still use the old Snipping Tool? Or is there anything out there like
that I could get? Thanks for being there, TC & EB.
Our answer
Hi Virginia. Thank you. The Snipping Tool is alive and well on all the
newest versions of Windows. You can open it by typing Snipping Tool in
taskbar search. It's also on the Start menu under Windows Accessories.
"Snipping Tool is moving..." message has been on Snipping Tool for
months -but it's still available and still works great.

As you can see it still works...

If you and to make a Taskbar shortcut for it, open the Start menu, click
on Windows Accessories. Find the Snipping Tool and open it. Right-click
on the taskbar icon for the Snipping Tool and choose "Pin to Taskbar".

We hope this helps you, Virginia.

have a Cloudeight SeniorPass? It's a great deal. Learn more here.
Our Cloudeight SeniorPass is a great deal. You get unlimited support for
one full year from the date you first use your SeniorPass. We can help keep
your computer running well, fix all kinds of computer problems, clean up
malware, and a whole lot more. Our SeniorPass is like insurance for your
computer. And it's only $99 for an entire year.
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keep helping you... and help you stay safe on the Web.

A Quick Way to Jump to the Oldest Mail in a Gmail Folder
Everyone who uses Gmail
We're going to show you a fast way to jump to the oldest emails in your
list of emails in Gmail - no matter how many emails you have - with just
one click.
In your Gmail account, look for “1-50” right above the email list and
hover over it until you see a dropdown menu. If you’re viewing your
newest emails, you’ll see “Oldest” in the menu. Click “Oldest” to go to
the “bottom” (oldest) of your list of emails.

When you’re viewing your oldest emails and want to jump back to the top
and your newest emails, just hover over the email count and click

This method works in any folder (Inbox, Sent, All Mail, etc.) And it
works no matter how many emails you have in a folder.

Easy Ways to Learn More About Your Computer
Windows 10 and Windows 11
You don't need to download third-party programs to learn more about your
computer. Here are two quick and easy ways to dig deep in the inner sanctum of your Windows 10
or Windows 11
computer and learn all about this mysterious device we all know and love.
The first way
Open a command prompt (type CMD in taskbar search or in the start menu search
and press Enter).
At the prompt type
then press Enter. You’ll see all kinds of information about your PC appear
before your eyes. If you don’t know what something is, google it. You’ll learn a
lot about your computer that way.

Do you want to know more about the insides of the beast?
The second way
Right-click your Windows 10 Start button and click "Run".
In the Run box type;
then press Enter.
Now, look at your system summary. That’s a lot of useful info. This is the
inner workings of my 7-year-old Dell computer that I use instead of my newer
computer because it runs so well. And you can see I’m daring enough to be using
Microsoft Windows 10 Home Insider Preview.

That’s a lot of info. But wait there’s more! Besides the System Summary, you can
check into your Hardware Resources, Components and Software Environment.
And all without installing one of those system info utilities.
While some of the information you’ll discover will seem a bit technical, even
arcane, you have the power to find out more about any of the info you discover
about your computer. It’s called a search engine – whether you use Google, Bing,
DuckDuckGo, or some other search engine, looking up things about your computer
you don’t understand is a great way to learn more.
And now you know two quick ways to learn more about your computer. Right?

How to Use SFC and DISM to Repair
Windows 10 and Windows 11
We’ve covered how to use SFC (System File Checker) to check your
Windows PC for missing or corrupted Windows System Files several times
before. But today, we’re going to take it one step further. We’re going
to show you how to use SFC and DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and
Management) one after the other, to repair or replace corrupted, damaged
or missing Windows System Files that may be causing problems with your
computer or with Windows update.
We’ll start by running SFC (System File Checker) to check Windows
System Files.
How to Run System File Checker (SFC)
Open an administrator Command Prompt. Press Windows Key + X then
click on “Command Prompt (Admin)” – or type CMD in Taskbar search,
right-click on CMD when it appears at the top and choose “Run as
At the prompt type SFC /SCANNOW and press Enter. Note the space
after SFC.
It will take some time to scan your system. In most cases, it will
take between 5 and 15 minutes.

If SFC does not find any errors and says it found no corrupt files, or
if it found some and fixed them all or if you get a message that:
“Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix
some (or all) of them”. You’re not done. You have more to do.
Running DISM is an important second step in the process of
replacing missing, corrupted or damaged Windows system files.
Before you proceed to the next step, you should restart your
After you’ve restarted your computer, continue as follows...
Repair Windows System Files Using DISM
It is a good idea to run System File Checker (SFC) before running
If you think your computer has a problem and SFC tells you that it
found no integrity violations or even it finds corrupted files and
repairs them, you should still run DISM to double-check. If you
get the message that “Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files
but was unable to fix some (or all) of them”, you should use the DISM
tool to repair any damaged files that might be preventing SFC from
working correctly.
How to Run DISM.
1. Type CMD in Taskbar search
2. Right-click on Command Prompt when it appears at the top & choose
“Run as administrator”.
3. At the Command Prompt type this (exactly):
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
and press "Enter"...

Make sure you type the command exactly as shown with the spaces as
4. DISM will check your PC’s system files for corruption or damage
and automatically fix any problems that it finds.

DISM generally takes 10 to 20 minutes to complete. But you may notice
that at some points DISM may appear to be frozen and not running. Be
patient and let DISM run and finish its work. If you interrupt it, it
won’t repair anything, and you’ll have to start all over. When it is
done, you'll see a message that "The operation completed successfully."
After DISM has finished running, restart your computer. Keep in mind
that you may have to run SFC and DISM more than once.

Want more tips, tricks, and information?
We have thousands of Windows tips, tricks, and more on our InfoAve website. Subscribe to our free InfoAve Daily newsletter.

Now available: Reg Organizer 8.81
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Recover Deleted Files with Puran
Most Windows users know that when you delete a file it’s not really
erased. Windows does a little sleight-of-hand and marks the space
occupied by the deleted file as free space – and therefore available for
Windows to use. So, even when you empty the recycle bin, nothing is
really deleted. A deleted file remains recoverable for quite a while –
much to the chagrin of criminals who think deleting files or even
formatting a drive is going to keep their clandestine computer
activities from the prying eyes of the authorities. But this bane of the
criminal works to your benefit should you accidentally delete a file or
an entire folder of files. If you act reasonably quickly, almost
anything you delete is recoverable. The more time that passes the less
chance you have of recovering deleted files.
We found an excellent free file recovery program called “Puran File
Recovery”. It can recover deleted files from any storage media including
hard drives, external drives, flash drives, camera cards, smartphones,
While not difficult to use, Puran File Recovery has a lot of options
and ways to recover files, so we strongly recommend you take a look at
the excellent help files that come with Puran File Recovery (just click
the ? on the right side of the title bar.
It’s really a great program and it is very robust; it can do almost
any type of file recovery you would want or need to do, including
recovering data from formatted drives.
Here are a few words from the developer:
Puran File Recovery can be used to recover deleted/lost
files/partitions. Files can be recovered from formatted disks too.
Almost everything that is detected as a drive by Windows can be
scanned irrespective of its file system. Be it Hard Disks, Pen
Drives, Memory Cards, Mobile Phones, CDs, DVDs, basically any
storage medium.
If none of the below options is selected, a quick scan is
performed which simply scans the file system. It is recommended that
you go through this scan first and if deleted files are not found,
try below options.
Deep Scan Does a quick scan as well as scans entire free
space of the selected drive for pre-defined image, video, audio,
document etc. file formats. It is a byte by byte scan and hence can
take a lot of time.
Full Scan Does a quick scan as well as a deep scan of the
Total Space. If the Find Lost Files option is also selected, it
scans for lost partitions as well.
Find Lost Files Scans for lost file records. When combined
with Full Scan option, it also scans for lost partitions. At times,
you may see files that you do not recognize at all, these files are
actually random data on your disk falsely detected as files. It is a
result of less strict algorithm to get maximum records. Just ignore
Scan Custom List When combined with Deep / Full Scan, it
scans the selected drive for a user defined format list which you
can see by clicking EDIT on the main window. Adding or editing
formats is strictly for advanced users only.
Physical Drive If a Physical Drive is selected for scanning,
all files irrespective of their deletion status are displayed.
Scanning Physical Drive should be the last option.
Preview Window It shows the first 1024 bytes of the selected
file in HEX and ASCII format. If it is a valid image file below 10
MB, this window displays the image.
Search You can search for a filename. Use of wildcards ? and
* is allowed. For example, if you want to list all files starting
with ‘a’, you may search for ‘a*’. * is important if you do not know
the exact filename like for searching hellopic.jpg, you can search
hello*.jpg and if you know exact filename, you can search
hellopic.jpg directly.
In all you should try Quick Scan first, if deleted file is
not found, you should go with Deep Scan + Find Lost Files + Scan
Custom List and if still not found, go for Full Scan as well.
Puran File Recovery can be used to recover deleted/lost
files/partitions. Files can be recovered from formatted disks too.
Almost everything that is detected as a drive by Windows can be
scanned irrespective of its file system. Be it Hard Disks, Pen
Drives, Memory Cards, Mobile Phones, CDs, DVDs, basically any
storage medium….
You get 3 options when you click on Recover button.
Just Recover When you click on this option, you are asked to
select a destination folder and selected files are simply saved
there. If destination folder contains files with same name, new
files are renamed and then saved.
Recover With Folder Structure This option will save files
with their folder structure intact. This means, if a scanned file
path is suppose E:\Trips\Location\MyPhoto.jpg and if we choose to
save it to F:\abc then MyPhoto.jpg will be saved in
F:\abc\Trips\Location. If Trips and Location folder do not exist,
this option will create them.
Recover with Custom Size During Deep Scan, there are times
when size of file is not accurately calculated and hence recovery of
file becomes difficult. This can be resolved by using this option.
This option allows you to specify custom size of the file to be
recovered. More details are provided when you click this recovery
Partition Recovery When Full Scan and Find Lost Files is
selected, multiple partition may be found and file’s path is
prefixed with Vol1, Vol2 and so on respectively. When recovering,
you can change the default partition association of a file. It is
recommended that you go with the one already selected but in a case
when you suspect the association, you can try recovering file by
associating it with different partitions.
Here are some screenshots from our testing of Puran File Recovery

Above: Locate deleted image files and preview them in Puran File

Above: Scan any drive connected to your PC including flash drives,
camera cards, smartphones, and external drives.

Above: You can search for certain file types – or use wild cards or
search by file name.

Above: Select the file or files you want to recover and click the
“Recover” button.

Above: Choose the type of scan you want to perform. You can even create
a custom list of file types.

Above: You might be amazed at how many deleted files still exist on your
hard drive. Puran File Recovery even tells you the condition of the
files. If they are in good or excellent condition, chances are
good those files are recoverable.
While Puran File Recovery is a great free recovery program and the
installer is free of 3rd-party programs, malware, and PUPs, for some
reason, the developer decided to play games with the download buttons
and links. It’s nearly impossible to download the program from the
developer’s site without accidentally clicking on an advertisement —
which could lead to you installing malware — or going around in
circles trying to avoid clicking the wrong button or link.
Luckily, SnapFiles saves the day again with an easy to find the
download link as well as providiing a nice review of the program. So, if
you want to read more about Puran File Recovery and easily download it
without playing whack-a-mole with download links and buttons,
please visit this SnapFiles page.
NOTE: Some readers have had problems with the download link.
Here is an alternate link – this one from Major Geeks.
Puran File Recovery works on Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11.
This review was updated on December 28, 2021.

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We Are Fighters
Here we all are at the end of another difficult year – another year of
“the virus, and another year of struggles. We all fought hard again this
year to keep going through the hardships the continuing pandemic
brought. But that’s ok. We are fighters – and so are you.
We’re fighters fighting for you and fighting to keep our small business
going. If you have a small business, then you know that you must be a
fighter to survive, because nothing in the world of small business comes
More than two decades ago, Darcy and I were riding on a wave of
popularity with our email stationery. Eventually, our Cloudeight
Stationery website became the biggest, most successful, and most
well-known email stationery site on the Web.
But even while we were riding high on that wave of popularity, we made a
commitment to everyone who visited our sites and those who subscribed to
our newsletters. When someone wrote for help, we helped them. We tried
hard to answer every email we received. And back in those days, we were
getting over a thousand a week.
I’ll be honest, Darcy is the one who answered most of those… I was the
dreamer, and she was the doer...
Read the rest of this essay here.

When you support us with a small gift, you help us continue our mission to
keep you informed, separate the truth from the hyperbole, and help you
stay safer online. Plus, our computer tips make your computer easier to
Did you know that we provide support to thousands of people? Every week
we help dozens of people via email at no charge. The questions and
answers you see in our newsletters are from the email answers and help
we provide to everyone free of charge.
Thanks to your gifts, we do a lot more than provide this free
newsletter. We help you recognize online threats, fight for your online
privacy, provide you with the knowledge you need to navigate the Web
safely, provide you with suggestions for safe, free software and
websites, and help you get more out of your PC.
Please Help us keep
up the good fight with a small gift.
Interested in making an automatic monthly gift?
Visit this page. Help us
keep helping you... and helping you stay safe on the Web.

What is an active window?
EB is cheap. She has central air but won't use it unless the outside
temperature is above 105F (40.5C). When it is 104F or lower, she opens
her windows to let in the hot breeze (if any). The window that catches
the breeze is the active window. It is usually located on the windward
side of the house. The other windows are open, but inactive since they
are on the side of the house opposite from the direction of the wind. I
always try to sit near the active window so as not to die of heatstroke.
NO NO NO... you want to know about the active window in Windows. Right?
When two or more program windows are open on the desktop, only one of
them can be the active window. The active window has some unique
1. The active window is usually the window on top of all other windows.
Inactive windows will be under the active window, so they won't cover up
the active window. The only exception to this would be when you have one
window selected as "Always on top"
2. In the taskbar the icon for the active window is highlighted with a
brighter color.
3. The title bar for the active window is a different color than any of
the inactive Windows.
4. Anything you enter with the keyboard applies to the active window
only. You can’t type or edit content in an inactive window.
Please turn on the A/C, EB!

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Emsisoft Anti-Malware: Emsisoft is the only Cloudeight endorsed and recommended Windows security program. It provides users with a complete antivirus, antimalware, anti-ransomware, anti-PUPs solution. We offer single Emsisoft licenses and multi-computer licenses at discount prices. Also, we offer our exclusive Emsisoft with Cloudeight installation & setup. Get more information here.
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Reg Organizer: Reg Organizer is the Swiss Army Knife of Windows tools. It's far more than just a registry optimizer and cleaner... it's a Windows all-in-one toolkit. Reg Organizer helps you keep your computer in tip-top shape and helps you solve annoying Windows problems. Reg Organizer works great with Windows 10! Get more information about Reg Organizer (and get our special discount prices) here.
SeniorPass - One year of Cloudeight Direct Computer Care - unlimited sessions!
Get more information here.
Windows 10 Customization: Make Windows 10 look and work the way you want it to. Learn more.
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Get the printable PDF Cloudeight Direct Computer Care flyer here.

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We hope you have enjoyed this issue of Cloudeight InfoAve
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Wishing you a very safe, happy, and healthy new year!

Darcy and TC
Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly - Issue #951 Volume 19 Number
December 31, 2021
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