Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly Issue #970 Volume 19 Number 28 May 13, 2022 Dear Friends, Welcome to Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly Issue #970. Thank you very much for subscribing and for being a part of our Cloudeight family. We appreciate your friendship and support very much! Please share our newsletters and our website with your friends and family. If you're not getting our InfoAve Daily newsletter, you're missing out on a lot of good stuff! It's free and it only takes a few seconds to sign up. We'd love to have you with us. Visit this page to sign up for our Cloudeight InfoAve Daily Newsletter.
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Kathy says Chrome does not open correctly
asks about Chromebooks
Terry says Microsoft Edge tells him our site is dangerous
Marie says her Windows 11 Start menu and taskbar/Start menu
search do not work... Still not working? Make sure your computer is up-to-date. Type Windows Update in the taskbar search and press Enter. When Windows Update opens click on "Check for updates" and make sure your computer is up to date. If updates are installed and your computer has restarted, then try your Start menu. More solutions... If the problem started recently - say within the past 2 weeks, try using System Restore. Type RSTRUI in the taskbar search and press Enter. This will start System Restore. Select "Choose a different date" and click "next". If there is a restore point available with a date that precedes the date your Start menu problems began, select it, and restore your computer back to that date. You won't lose anything except any programs you installed after that date.
The one solution that we're sure will work is resetting Windows 11. A
Windows 11 reset completely removes your Windows installation and
reinstalls Windows, but keeps your personal files and folders. After a
reset, you'll need to reinstall any programs that did not come with
Windows. A reset will fix your problems, but it is also the most
time-consuming and work-intensive solution of all the possible solutions
we've presented. If nothing else works for you, then we suggest you
bite the bullet and
follow the instructions on this page to reset your Windows 11
We can fix your computer while you watch. You never have to leave your home. Just sit back, relax, and watch us work. Get PC service from folks you trust at the best prices you'll find anywhere. Get more information here.![]() Brenda wants to change the size of the taskbar icons on her computer Hi Guys. I have just updated to Windows 11 and although it is not very complicated I find I am struggling with a few things. Some of them I will be able to work out I hope, but the one that has me beat is...how do I reduce the size of the icons on my taskbar? I like them to be small but they are quite large. I went into Taskbar settings but couldn't find anything helpful. I would be so grateful if you could advise me on how to do this. Thank you and kind regards. Brenda. Our answer Hi Brenda. Unlike Windows 10 and most versions of Windows before it, Windows 11 does not have a simple setting to show small or large icons. One way to change the size of the icons is by editing the registry which we do not recommend as doing it may cause problems such as taskbar misalignment and more serious problems. Luckily, there are BAT files you can download and run to change the size of the icons on your taskbar to small, medium, or large (default). See this page to download the BAT files and instructions. We hope this helps you, Brenda. ------- Brenda wrote back: "Thank you! That was easy! Brenda." ![]()
Antoinette wants to change her desktop background and change her
settings so she doesn't have to sign in
Antionette wrote back: "Oh, thank you SOOO much! It makes such a difference to me, really, and I so appreciate your help, as always. Antionette."
Uwe has a question about POP3 email
Don't have a Cloudeight SeniorPass? It's a great deal. Learn more here. Our Cloudeight SeniorPass is a great deal. You get unlimited support for one full year from the date you first use your SeniorPass. We can help keep your computer running well, fix all kinds of computer problems, clean up malware, and a whole lot more. Our SeniorPass is like insurance for your computer. And it's only $99 for an entire year.Get your SeniorPass today for just $99. It's just like having insurance for your computer - only better! To learn more about our SeniorPass, please see this page.
How to Cancel a Shutdown or Restart If you’re like most of us you’ve shut down or restarted your computer and forgot to save something. Or you’ve started a restart or shut down accidentally. If you have, you know what a helpless feeling that can be. It seems once you click “Restart” or “Shutdown” it’s final – there’s no way to stop it. But fortunately, there is a way, but you have to act fast because you only have a few seconds to abort a restart or a shutdown. Cancel System Restart or Shutdown To cancel or stop a system shutdown or restart, open Command Prompt or a Run Dialog (Windows Key + R) and type shutdown /a then press Enter.
This will cancel the shutdown or restart but only within the time-out period which is only a few seconds. You may find it easier to create a desktop shortcut to cancel a restart or shutdown. With a shortcut on your desktop, all you have to do is click it to cancel the shutdown or restart. But remember, act quickly, because you only have a few seconds. Create a Cancel Shutdown/Restart Desktop Shortcut Right-click on an empty area of your desktop and select New > Shortcut. In the first dialog that appears, type the command: shutdown.exe -a
Make sure you leave a space after exe and before the dash. Then click “Next” and give the shortcut a descriptive name like Cancel Restart-Shutdown. Then click “Finish”.
If you want to change the icon Windows assigns your shortcut, right-click it, click “Properties, then click “Change icon”.
All about WiFi Range Extenders A WiFi Range Extender (also called a WiFi Extender, a Range Extender or a WiFi Booster) is a device that repeats the wireless signal from your router and expands its coverage. It captures the signal from your router and re-broadcasts it to improve the WiFi coverage area which can improve the signal in areas of your house or apartment where the WiFi signal is weak or non-existent. If you have places in your house or apartment where the WiFi signal is poor or have dead spots where you don’t have any WiFi signal, and moving your router/modem to a more central location is not an option, a WiFi Range Extender is an inexpensive solution. It can expand the range of your current router and eliminate areas of your home where the WiFi signal is weak. A WiFi range extender won’t increase the Internet speed you’re getting from your router, but it can extend its range and reduce or eliminate dead spots or areas where the wireless signal is weak. A WiFi extender usually costs a great deal less than a new router. But they can be pricey if you’re not careful So don’t buy the most expensive WiFi extender thinking it will give you better coverage. Buy a WiFi extender that best matches your router’s capabilities. Don’t spend money on a WiFi Extender that has features your router doesn’t have. Linksys, a leading manufacturer of network equipment including routers and range extenders, recommends that you choose a WiFi Extender (WiFi Booster) that best matches your router’s capabilities. According to Linksys:
There are 2 types of WiFi extenders, desktop and plug-in. Desktop WiFi extenders, look much like a small router. They take up more space than a plug-in extender and are a little bit harder to set up, but they may offer more features than plug-in WiFi extenders. Plug-in WiFi extenders are very easy to set up. They plug into an electrical socket and usually have lights to help you find the best placement. Once in place, you can usually connect a plug-in router to the network by pushing a button.
Below: Typical set-up instructions for plug-in WiFi Range Extenders.
WiFi extenders offer an inexpensive solution to if you have areas where your WiFi coverage is weak or non-existent and moving your router to a more central location is not an option and you don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on a new router or a mesh router system. You can buy a decent WiFi extender for less than $50. They’re available at BestBuy, Walmart, Amazon and most stores where computers and computer equipment is sold. Now you know what WiFi Extender (also known as a WiFi Range Extender, Range Extender or WiFi Booster) is and what it does.
Here's a TP-Link | AC1200 WiFi Range Extender | Up to 1200Mbps | WiFi Extender, Repeater, WiFi Signal Booster | One Mesh | Easy Set-Up | Compact Designed Internet Booster (RE300) From Amazon (about $25). Now you know all about WiFi range extenders - what they do, what they're for, and what they cost. Extending your WiFi network's range with a range extender is easy and not very expensive.
The Capable Word Processor All of
You Have Right At Your Fingertips We are often asked to recommend a good alternative for Microsoft Office, especially an alternative word processor. While there are some excellent free choices for alternate office suites and word processors available, most Windows users don’t know they have a very capable word processor right at their fingertips. It’s called WordPad. WordPad has been unceremoniously upgraded over the years and is available on every Windows 10, and Windows 11 PC. All you have to do is type WordPad in the taskbar search to open it. Here’s an example of WordPad’s capabilities. Here’s a WordPad document I just created for this article. As you can see you can insert images, change fonts, change text formatting, size, color, and a lot more. You can do strike-throughs and other special text effects – check out the screenshot below.
And when you’re finished creating your WordPad document, you can save it in many formats, including RTF (Rich Text Format) which you can open in MS Word, and several others.
And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a free program that can open MS Word documents give WordPad a try. It can open Word Documents too. Here’s an old MS Word document I have had on my computer for years.
And here’s another MS Word document open in WordPad…
We hope this encourages you to give the word processor you have right at your fingertips a chance – you might find a lot of uses for it. WordPad… the very capable word processor you have right at your fingertips. It’s time to give it a try.
Want more tips, tricks, and information? We have thousands of Windows tips, tricks, and more on our InfoAve website. Subscribe to our free InfoAve Daily newsletter.
25 Funny Limericks Only Clever People Will Get Ok…OK…this is more of a webpage pick than a website pick, but it’s a page of limericks we think you’ll find entertaining – if not amusing. And I guess you have to be kind of “clever” to get some of the humor here. But you’re all smart and clever! First of all, what is a limerick? Well, our site pick describes a limerick this way.
Well, all we can hope is that you’ll find the humor in the 25 limericks on today’s site pick We are (hopefully) going to whet your appetite and offer you the following examples. Pelican Here’s a clever limerick about an oft-forgotten relative of the stork – the pelican. I’m not sure about this poet or how wellican write limericks… but I like this one. What do you think?
Gasman The next one will irritate all of you grammar and English experts!
The flea and the fly Of the 25 limericks featured on our site pick, this one was my favorite. It makes you realize how hard it is for someone who doesn’t speak English to learn English. Time flies like the wind, but fruit flies like bananas, eh?
The man from Nantucket The next one will sound familiar but thankfully it’s not THAT limerick.
OK, you have enough samples. It’s time to visit our site pick and see the other 21 limericks, right? Visit this Clodueight Site Pick right now and read “25 Funny Limericks Only Clever People Will Get”.
The Best Computer Care and Repair - Anywhere! We can fix your computer while you watch. You never have to leave your home. Just sit back, relax, and watch us work. Get PC service from folks you trust at the best prices you'll find anywhere. Get more information here.
Read the rest of this essay here.
Don't have a Cloudeight SeniorPass? It's a great deal. Learn more here. Our Cloudeight SeniorPass is a great deal. You get unlimited support for one full year from the date you first use your SeniorPass. We can help keep your computer running well, fix all kinds of computer problems, clean up malware, and a whole lot more. Our SeniorPass is like insurance for your computer. And it's only $99 for an entire year.Get your SeniorPass today for just $99. It's just like having insurance for your computer - only better! To learn more about our SeniorPass, please see this page. ![]() ![]()
Let's Grab a Byte And if your Internet Service
Provider guarantees you 100 Megabytes per second, don't believe them.
They're talking about megabits. 100 Mb (megabits) per second equals 12.5
megabytes per second. One megabit is equa tol 0.125 megabytes.
Don't have a Cloudeight SeniorPass? It's a great deal. Learn more here. Our Cloudeight SeniorPass is a great deal. You get unlimited support for one full year from the date you first use your SeniorPass. We can help keep your computer running well, fix all kinds of computer problems, clean up malware, and a whole lot more. Our SeniorPass is like insurance for your computer. And it's only $99 for an entire year.Get your SeniorPass today for just $99. It's just like having insurance for your computer - only better! To learn more about our SeniorPass, please see this page.
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