Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly

Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly
Issue #1041
Volume 20 Number 47
September 22, 2023

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Linda says her Screenshot folder disappeared
Hi, my screenshot folder disappeared and when I use the Windows key and print screen I don't know where it goes.  Help, please. Thank you, Linda.

Our answer
Hi Linda. The Screenshots folder in Windows 10 and Windows 11 is located in your user account's Pictures folder. That is C:\Users\Your username\Pictures\Screenshots.

To save a screenshot to that folder automatically, hold down the Windows key and press the PrtScr key. If you have never created a screenshot that way, there will be no folder called Screenshots. So, if you don't see that folder, hold down the Windows key, tap the PrtScr key and a picture of whatever you were looking at when you did that will be in the Screenshots folder in your user account's Pictures folder.

Keep in mind, that if you're not holding down the Windows key while tapping the PrtScr key, the screenshot is saved to the clipboard and you have to paste it into an image editor like Microsoft Paint, Irfanview, Photoshop, etc. to see it.

I hope this helps you, Linda.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Gail has problems with Big Fish Games
I play a lot of games from and therein lies the problem. Something has happened that is preventing me from logging into the website now. I am driving myself completely nuts trying to figure this out by going into Firefox settings and all that and yes there are instructions on how this can be fixed but I cannot get it done. The site (Big Fish) is telling me that Firefox is set not to accept cookies but I can't get the Firefox settings set correctly; I don't understand it. The more I try I believe I am messing it up. I am going nuts over all of this.
Our answer
Hi Gail. We don't provide support for other websites. I use Firefox and I don't have any problem viewing the Big Fish Games website.  Unless you changed Firefox settings, Firefox accepts cookies by default. But if you think it's a Firefox problem, you can easily find out by using a different browser to log in to Big Fish games.

Every Windows 10 and Windows 11 computer comes with Microsoft Edge installed. You can open Microsoft Edge using the Start Menu or type MICROSOFT EDGE in the taskbar search and press Enter when you see Microsoft Edge appear in the search results. Go to Big Fish Games using Microsoft Edge. If you cannot log in using Edge then, you'll know it's a Big Fish problem and not a Firefox problem. In that case, you should contact Big Fish Games support and see if they can help. You can contact Big Fish Games support through their website or by phone.

Here are two ways to contact Big Fish Games support:

1. Website: You can submit a request through their website help link at

2. Phone: You can call their support line at 1-866-873-9457.

Here are some things to keep in mind when contacting Big Fish Games support:

•Provide as much information as possible about your problem, such as the error message you are receiving or the steps you have taken to try to resolve the issue.

•Include your account name and email address.

•Be patient. It may take some time for Big Fish Games support to respond to your request.

We hope this helps you, Gail.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Brian can't update Express VPN and he's worried his PC is infected
I tried to install an update to my ExpresVPN, and after many tries and supposed help from the supplier, I gave up. I suspect my computer is probably infected with a virus or malware. I would like it to be cleaned up and have the update installed. Also, I have been getting numerous scams, etc. on my email.

Our answer
Hi Brian. We can't provide support for Express VPN products - as we don't recommend them or use them. Just because Express VPN can't be updated does not mean your computer is infected or hacked. VPNs are not anti-malware or antivirus programs. VPN services have nothing to do with your computer virus/malware protection - although their advertising would make you think they do. VPNs merely hide your IP address and location - all the other stuff these VPN companies tell you is just advertising fluff.
If you have Emsisoft or other good Antivirus/Anti-Malware installed, then I think you're in good shape. The fact that Express VPN won't update indicates a problem with Express VPN not a problem with your computer.
If you like, we'll be glad to check your computer for malware, Trojans, viruses -etc. but remember, a VPN does not protect your computer from viruses, Trojans, or malware.  Express VPN is not an anti-virus/anti-malware program.
If you want us to check over your PC we'll be glad to, just let us know and we'll set up an appointment for you right away.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Alan wants a desktop shortcut for Emsisoft
I would like to have an Icon on my desktop. I had one before I had problems with the computer, is this possible? Cheers, Alan.
Our answer
Hi Alan. Sure it's possible. Here's how to put a shortcut for Emsisoft on your desktop.

Right-click on an empty space on your desktop and click "New" > "Shortcut".

Where it says "Type the location of the item" type or copy and paste:

C:\Program Files\Emsisoft Anti-Malware\a2start.exe

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Then click "Next".

Name the shortcut (it will say A2Start so change that to Emsisoft). Then click "Finish".

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You should be all set, Alan.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

OE Classic & Cloudeight


OE Classic is the only Cloudeight Endorsed Email Program - Very Similar to Windows Mail & Outlook Express!

If you're looking for an email program that feels familiar and works much like Windows Mail & Outlook Express, OE Classic might be exactly what you've been looking for!

Read more about OE Classic here!

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Rich has questions about Bitwarden and OneDrive
Good Morning EB & TC.  I have been a promoter of you since your "Birth", many decades ago, and have supported you in every way I could, but now as a retired priest with very little income, I'm unable to help you that much "financially". I have learned many, many tips and tricks and shortcuts, etc.

Now to get to the point. I have set up a Bitwarden Web Vault, but I can't figure out how to change my passwords in my myriad of apps, websites, programs, etc. Can you direct me to a site that explains and teaches me how to do that and/or if you already have this put together, can you send it to me?

A second question has to do with MS One Drive, I have everything "synced" from all my sources (Desktop, laptop, Android Phone, etc. but still have it all on the individual appliances. How do I use OneDrive and delete duplications in One Drive without deleting files on the individual drives, yet have changes made to individual files in One Drive and have those same changes be made (Synced?) on the hard drives as well?

Sorry if this is too much for you and for "rambling".  God Bless you both and reward you for all the help you have given to so many.  Rich

Our answer
Hi Richard.  Thanks for your kind words and long-time support.

You can't change passwords in Bitwarden first - they won't work on the websites. You have to change your passwords on each account/website first and when you do, Bitwarden will recognize you've changed the password and ask if you want to save it the next time you visit that site. For instance, you're using Gmail. You have to log in to your Gmail account first and change your password before you can change it in Bitwarden.

Sign in to your Gmail account.
Click the Security tab.
Under "Signing in to Google," click Password.
You might need to sign in again.
Enter your current password and your new password twice.
Click Change Password.

Once you've changed your password, sign out of Gmail and sign back in with your new password - Bitwarden should recognize the change and ask you if you want to change the password saved in Bitwarden. Or you can manually change your password in Bitwarden by opening the vault and typing in your Gmail address in the search at the top. But remember you must change your password for Gmail (or whatever site you're changing the password for by logging into your account(s) and changing the password(s). You can't change them in Bitwarden first.) Once you've changed your passwords on your online accounts you can manually change them in Bitwarden this way...

Open Bitwarden and type in the account you want to change at the top where it says "Search vault".

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Open the account you want for which you want to change the password and click the Edit button. Select the dots covering the current password, then press delete. Now you can type in your new password. Again, you can only do this after you've changed the password on the website first.

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Duplicate files on OneDrive

We've never been big fans of clearing out duplicate files as many times they're not exact duplicates. And I am not sure how much good removing duplicate files from OneDrive will be. If you have Microsoft 365 (formerly MS Office) you automatically get 1 TB of space to back up your files. If you don't have MS 365 you can get it for $6.99 a month. Not only will you get 1 TB of space on OneDrive you'll also get the latest versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other MS Office apps. With one terabyte of space, there is never any reason to have to worry about duplicate files. If you don't have MS 365 and you have not purchased more space, then OneDrive only gives you 5 GB of space. With that small amount of space, I don't think it would do much good to worry about duplicate files. If you still want to scan for duplicate files on One Drive see this page...

To learn more about OneDrive and running out of space and duplicate files on OneDrive see this page and this one.

We hope this helps you, Rich.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Bev wants to know about OE Classic
If I get OE Classic will it reflect my calendar which I now have in Thunderbird? I would hate to lose all my entries. Thank you. Bev P.

Our answer
Hi Bev. OE Classic does not support any calendars -Thunderbird, Microsoft, Google, or any others. It's a basic Outlook Express-type email client - not many bells and whistles. It does have a calendar, but it does not support plug-ins, extensions, or themes. It's just a basic email client that works well but is not fancy.

We hope this helps you, Bev.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Marian has a question about things saved to a computer without the user's knowledge
Many moons ago you wrote an article on things that were saved to computers without our knowledge, and how to remove them. I saved the information at the time, but several computer updates later, I have lost it, and have some very peculiar things coming up on my photos, which I use as a screen saver, so would be very grateful if you could repeat the instructions. Love your magazine and all the wonderful tips and instructions.  Best regards, Marian.

Our answer
Hi Marian. Thanks for your nice comments and your long-time support.

We want to make it clear that there is nothing surreptitious saved to your computer unless you have malware, a Trojan, a virus, or some other malicious software on your PC.

We've written several articles about how everything you do or type is saved to your computer somewhere - but that does not mean that Windows is adding photos or other potentially harmful files to your computer. When you delete a file it's not really deleted, it's on your computer until the hard drive space it occupied has been overwritten. You can run a command to overwrite all deleted files to make sure the things you've deleted can never be recovered.

Windows creates hundreds, even thousands of temporary files, and your browser saves parts of websites (pictures, etc.) in its cache. But unless you have installed something that you shouldn't have, Windows does not add photos to your photos directory or change your screensaver. We have written several articles, like this one, about cleaning up temporary files from your computer.

When you browse the web your browser caches images and other parts of websites and stores them on your computer in your browser's cache. Your browser keeps a record (browser history) of every site you visit. We have written many articles on clearing your browser's history & cache, like this one.

But Windows does not mysteriously create new photos in your photos folder or change your screensaver in any way - if that is happening on your PC then you've got something else going on.

We hope this clarifies things for you, Marian.

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium -Tips & Tricks

11 CTRL Key Shortcuts You Should Know
Windows 10 and Windows 11

We know there are a lot of keyboard shortcuts – far more than most people can memorize. And most of them are time savers if you can remember them. Today, we’ve picked 11 CTRL key shortcuts that everyone should know and use because they WILL save you time. I use CTRL+Z and CTRL + Y every day. I use CTRL + P whenever I need to print something – it saves me from having to search for the Print button. Well, you know what I mean.

Some of these shortcuts like CTRL + C, CTRL + V, and CTRL + A are basic Windows shortcuts that most of you know and use a lot. But some of the others listed here are just as useful, and you might want to add them to your memory banks.

Here are 11 CTRL key shortcuts you should know my friends!

Copies the highlighted text. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C is used to Copy text or objects in most Windows applications. This means that it will copy the selected text or object and place it on the clipboard. The clipboard is a temporary storage area that holds the last thing you copied or cut. Copy a word, a sentence, or a whole page… when everything you want to copy is selected press CTRL+C to copy it to the Windows clipboard.

Pastes the copied text. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V is used to Paste text or objects in most Windows applications. This means that it will paste the contents of the clipboard into the current document or location.

Pastes the copied text without formatting. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + V is used to Paste text or objects without formatting in most Windows applications. This means that the text or object will be pasted without any of the formatting that it had in the original location. For example, if you copy a paragraph of text that is formatted in bold and italics, and then paste it using Ctrl + Shift + V, the text will be pasted without the bold and italics formatting.

The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A is used to Select all text or objects in most Windows applications. This means that it will select all of the text or objects in the current document or location.

To use Ctrl + A to select all text, first make sure that the cursor is in the document where you want to select all the text. Then, press Ctrl + A. All of the text in the document will be selected.

To use Ctrl + A to select all objects, first make sure that the cursor is in the document where you want to select all the objects. Then, press Ctrl + A. All of the objects in the document will be selected.

Cuts instead of copies. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + X is used to Cut text or objects in most Windows applications. This means that it will remove the selected text or object and place it on the clipboard. The clipboard is a temporary storage area that holds the last thing you copied or cut.

Undoes the previous operation. Make a mistake? Press CTRL + Z to undo it. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Z is used to Undo an action in most Windows applications. This means it will undo the last action you performed, such as deleting text or undoing a change to a document.

In some applications, such as Microsoft Word, Ctrl + Z can also be used to repeat the last action that you performed. For example, if you typed a word and then pressed Ctrl + Z, the word would be typed again.

Redoes the previous action. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Y is used to Redo an action in most Windows applications. This means it will undo the last action you performed, such as deleting text or undoing a change to a document.

Multiple functions…In most web browsers, Ctrl + D is used to Bookmark the current page. This means the page will be added to your bookmarks so you can easily access it later.

In Microsoft Office applications, such as Word and Excel, Ctrl + D is used to Duplicate the selected text or object. This means that the text or object will be copied and pasted in the same location.

You can also use CTRL + D to get back to your desktop quickly.

Find something…The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F is used to Find text or objects in most Windows applications. This means that it will open a find and replace dialog box where you can enter the text or object that you want to find.

To use Ctrl + F to find text, first make sure that the cursor is in the document where you want to find the text. Then, press Ctrl + F. The find and replace dialog box will open. In the find and replace dialog box, enter the text that you want to find. Then, click on the Find button. The text will be highlighted in the document.

The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F2 is used to Rename a file or folder in most Windows applications. This means that it will open a dialog box where you can enter the new name for the file or folder.

To use Ctrl + F2 to rename a file, first make sure that the file is selected. Then, press Ctrl + F2. The rename dialog box will open. In the rename dialog box, enter the new name for the file. Then, click on the Rename button. The file will be renamed.

To use Ctrl + F2 to rename a folder, first make sure that the folder is selected. Then, press Ctrl + F2. The rename dialog box will open. In the rename dialog box, enter the new name for the folder. Then, click on the Rename button. The folder will be renamed.

Print…The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + P is used to Print a document or page in most Windows applications. This means that it will open a print dialog box where you can specify the printer, paper size, and other printing options.

To use Ctrl + P to print a document, first make sure that the document is open. Then, press Ctrl + P. The print dialog box will open. In the print dialog box, specify the printer, paper size, and other printing options. Then, click on the Print button. The document will be printed.

To use Ctrl + P to print a page, first make sure that the page is displayed. Then, press Ctrl + P. The print dialog box will open. In the print dialog box, specify the printer, paper size, and other printing options. Then, click on the Print button. The page will be printed.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

The Case of the Hot & Dirty Laptop
Windows 10 & Windows 11  laptop users

The Case of the Hot & Dirty Laptop - Cloudeight Computer TipsWe’ve written about keeping your computer clean and free of malware, junkware, excess startup apps, etc. But rarely have we written about keeping the outside of your computer clean. Keeping your laptop clean can not only make your laptop run better and last longer – it can help keep you healthier too.


If you never clean your laptop, you’re not doing your computer’s health (or yours) any favors. Did you know that if you never clean your laptop keyboard it could be dirtier than a toilet seat in a public restroom? YUCK!

A recent survey found that laptop keyboards often contain more germs than toilet seats in public restrooms – and most users rarely clean their laptop keyboards – if they clean them at all. So, let’s be clean and healthy…

Unless you like the idea of typing on a dirty toilet seat it’s time to clean it. Apply isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol to a microfiber cloth. Make sure the cloth is damp but not dripping. Use the cloth to clean the keyboard keys and all the areas bordering it. Next, take a dry microfiber or other lint-free cloth to dry and polish your keyboard. If the spaces between your keys are still dirty, use a cotton swab lightly dampened with isopropyl alcohol to clean and sanitize.


Just about everyone dusts the furniture and other objects around the home. But very few people dust the vents on their laptops. Dust can also clog your laptop vents inside and prevent it from cooling down properly.
Dusty cooling vents, can block airflow and cause your laptop to overheat. Overheating can drain your laptop’s battery and shorten its life as well as hinder its performance. Also, if your laptop gets too hot it can randomly shut down. The hotter your laptop gets the worse its performance may be as you try to compensate for the excess heat.

Let’s get clean those dusty vents. Locate the cooling vents on your laptop – they are usually on the sides or bottom. Next, point a can of compressed air at the vents. Be careful not to use too much pressure. The best way to clean your laptop’s cooling vents with compressed is to shoot short bursts from different angles into the laptop vents. This cleans your vents and helps your laptop stay cooler.  To prevent dust from building up, you should clean the vents once a month.

And, if your laptop is running hot and you’re sure the vents are not full of dust, make sure the vents are not blocked by clothing, tablecloths, etc. And don’t place your laptop on top of a comfy pillow on your lap. Instead, use a cooling pad (available for $30 and up) or place your laptop on a flat, solid surface such as a tabletop. If you use your laptop on a table, make sure you don’t place your laptop on top of a cloth placemat or tablecloth.

Clean the screen

A dirty laptop screen can dull colors and make it difficult to read text. So, let’s clean the screen.

First, shut down your laptop. It’s easy to see dust, dirt, and grime when the screen is dark. Use a clean new sponge dampened (not soaked) with distilled water. Never use tap water or harsh chemicals to clean your laptop screen and never use paper towels on your screen. Gently wipe the screen with the damp sponge being careful to clean up any drips right away.

If your computer screen has sticky gunk or spatters or greasy spatters on it, use a clean microfiber cloth dampened with one of the following mixtures:

50% distilled water & 50% white vinegar
50% distilled water & 50% isopropyl alcohol
100% distilled water + one or two drops of dishwashing liquid

Rub the screen gently in small circles to avoid streaks. Never press too hard or you can damage your laptop’s screen. Remember…easy does it! Be gentle. Repeat as often as necessary until your laptop’s screen is clean and clear.

Finally, wait for the screen to dry completely before closing your laptop’s lid or powering it on.

It does not take a lot of time or effort to make sure your laptop is a clean machine. 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Create a Handy Taskbar Shortcut for Gmail — the Right Way
Windows 10 and Windows 11 - Gmail users
Create a taskbar shortcut for Gmail the right way. Cloudeight InfoAve

I recently purchased a new laptop to replace my El Cheapo ALLDOCUBE. Its plastic case was warping so I’m sure its days are numbered. Oh well. it was a deal for $200! I got a good 2 1/2 years out of that cheap little laptop. I worked that laptop hard, day after day… I got my money’s worth out of it, that’s for sure. I never intended to use it for my main laptop but that little thing was so fast and reliable, I used it to death.

The pain of setting up a new computer

I feel your pain! All of you who have set up a brand-new PC know how time-consuming it can be to make your new PC look and work like the old one. Even if you have things backed up. It’s the things you take for granted that come back to haunt you.

The Gmail shortcut is one of the most useful taskbar icons I had one the El Cheapo and so I wanted a Gmail taskbar on my new PC too. But, it’s been a while since I created that shortcut so I couldn’t remember exactly how I did it (I’m getting old!). But it’s not like making a typical taskbar shortcut.

Making a taskbar shortcut for Gmail the right way

Making a shortcut to Gmail isn’t as easy as you might think – that is if you want it to look and work the way it should.

It’s been so long since I created a taskbar shortcut for Gmail that I forgot how to do it. So, today, we will show you the right way to create a shortcut to Gmail on your taskbar.

Open Gmail in the Google Chrome browser. You have to use Chrome for this one. While your Gmail page is open, click the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the browser –> hover over “More Tools”, and click “Create Shortcut”.

The right way to create a taskbar shortcut for Gmail - Cloudeight InfoAve

Tick the box next to ‘Open as window’ This makes Gmail open separately from any other browser tabs or open browsers.

Cloudeight Windows 10 tips - Gmail Shortcut

Gmail should open immediately. Now look in your taskbar, right-click on the Gmail icon, and click ‘Pin to Taskbar’.

This creates a taskbar shortcut with the Gmail icon.

Create a taskbar shortcut for Gmail the right way - Cloudeight InfoAve

You can drag the icon around your taskbar to place it exactly where you want it.


You can use the same method to create a shortcut to Google Calendar, Google Drive, etc.

Add a taskbar shortcut for Gmail the right way - Cloudeight InfoAve

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium -Tips & Tricks   

Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Your Internet Connection and More

There are dozens of sites where you can check your internet connection speed. Heck, there may even be a hundred of them of them and they all do the same thing.

The other day I happened upon an internet speed test site that not only showed my connection speed it also showed me things about my connection I never saw before. Things about internet connection quality, jitter, latency, and other arcane things I knew little about but which affect the quality of my internet connection.

Speed is important but the quality of your connection is important too!

Most of us know that internet connection speed matters. But let's take a look at internet connection quality and how it affects performance.

I have two laptops, almost side by side in the same room. One shows a speed of over 400 Mbps (megabits per second). The other, newer laptop, shows a connection speed of 138Mbps. I assumed that because the wireless card in the newer El Cheapo was not as good as the wireless card in the older El Cheapo, I was going to have either to get a better wireless card for the newer laptop or else settle for 138-140 Mbps as my top speed.

Don't get me wrong, 138 Mbps is good enough for everything I do. I can stream Netflix, Prime, Tubi TV, Pluto TV, etc. I don't do any gaming so I don't know how I'd do with that.

Our site pick today is a speed test that not only tests the speed of your connection, it also tests the quality of your connection. Just because your internet connection speed is fast, does not mean your connection is a high-quality connection.

This speed test gives you a network quality score and tells you how good your connection is for Video Streaming, Online Gaming, and Video Chatting.

It says that despite my older laptop showing a speed of 410 Mbps (download) and the new one showing a speed of 138 Mbps (download) the quality of the connections is virtually the same.

Everything you've ever wanted to know about your internet connection - Cloudeight InfoAve

As you can see from the above screenshots, the network quality of my connection is the same. Both connections are good for video streaming and video chatting and average for online gaming.  That's despite one appearing to show a download speed of 415 Mbps and one showing a download speed of 138 Mbps. And I can honestly say, I don't notice any difference in my internet connection when switching between the two laptops.

Quality counts

Many things can affect the quality of your internet connection. And this site can help you understand things like Latency, Jitter, and Packet Loss.

Everything you've ever wanted to know about your internet connection - Cloudeight InfoAve

You can learn more about each when you hover over the "i" when you're checking your speed on the site. Let's take a look at Jitter...

Everything you've ever wanted to know about your internet connection - Cloudeight InfoAve

RTT is an acronym for "Round-trip time". In networking, it is the time it takes to get a response after you initiate a network request.

You probably don't care about all those technical details but I'm pretty certain you are surprised to know that internet connection speed isn't the only thing that matters. Like many other things in life, quality matters.

Cloudflare calls its internet quality test "Aggregated Internet Measurement" and explains it this way...

Aggregated Internet Measurement (AIM) helps you understand your Internet quality to identify scenarios that your Internet connection is good or bad for. Typically, an Internet speed test provides you with upload and download speeds, which may not always provide a holistic view of your Internet quality.

AIM uses a scoring rubric that assigns point values based on speed tests to help you understand how your Internet quality will perform for streaming, gaming, and webchat/real-time communication (RTC).
Scoring Rubric

AIM analyzes the following metrics to generate your score:

Packet Loss
Loaded Latency

After the test is run and a point value is assigned to each metric, the points are translated to a network score for streaming, gaming, and webchat/RTC. These scores will indicate how good your Internet is in each of these scenarios.

The possible network scores are:


Our site pick today is Cloudflare's Internet Speed Test.

We'll let Cloudflare tell you a bit more about their speed test site... is a tool that allows you to measure the speed and consistency of your connection to the Internet. You can use it to verify that the speed your ISP promised you is the speed you are getting, compare different ISPs or test network connectivity in different parts of your house.

The measurements run on the Cloudflare network, which spans data centers in over 300+ cities worldwide. This ensures you are testing against a server that is close to you, which means you are measuring only the speed of your ISP, with minimal networks in between that may impact your score.

...Why build another speed test tool?

There are many speed test tools out there. Our mission is to help build a better Internet. To do so, we believe in giving users a choice of different services: you shouldn’t be tied to one provider and you should be able to compare results across different tools...

So, there's more to your internet connection than speed. And while speed matters, quality matters too. How well does your connection handle:

  • Video Streaming
  • Online Gaming
  • Video Chatting

There's more than speed to consider when evaluating your internet connection.

Visit our site pick right now and learn everything you've ever wanted to know about your internet connection and more.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Senior Pass + Hotline

Don't have a Cloudeight SeniorPass? It's a great deal. Learn more here.

Our Cloudeight SeniorPass is a great deal. You get unlimited support for one full year from the date you first use your SeniorPass. We can help keep your computer running well, fix all kinds of computer problems, clean up malware, and a whole lot more. Our SeniorPass is like having insurance for your computer. And it's only $99 for an entire year.

Get your SeniorPass today for just $99.  It's just like having insurance for your computer - only better!

To learn more about our SeniorPass, please see this page.

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The autumnal equinox will arrive silently at 2:50 a.m. on Saturday. According to those who know the equinox – which is Latin for “Equal night” – means the days and nights will be nearly equal in length as the sun crosses the equator on its way to the Tropic of Capricorn. When it reaches the Tropic of Capricorn, it will be winter here. Then the sun will begin its journey northward. When it crosses the equator again, it will be spring where I live and the days and nights will be of nearly equal length again.

The beginning of autumn always touches something inside of me. Some primordial facet of my being that makes me pensive and leads me to thoughts and ideas and worries and concerns. On this autumnal equinox, I worry about the world we’ve created and the world my grandchildren will grow up in.

To me, the world seems to get meaner and people seem to treat each other worse than ever. There is no room for compromise anymore. There is much violence and evil...

Read the rest of this essay here.

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium - Back to Basics

What is a processor (CPU)?

EB is a processor. She processes my salary. By the time she gets done processing it, I end up with $7.43 each week, and EB keeps the remaining $4.67 for a processing fee. You might have noticed when you order something "As seen on TV" you end up paying a shipping and processing charge. Processing charges, like EB's, are generally fees for doing very little work - so processing is a euphemism for taking your money for "processing" nothing.

But surely, I jest. You want to know about computer processors - the one(s) inside your computer. Generally referred to as "the processor" or CPU (Central Processing Unit), it's the brain of your computer. It's like your brain, which processes everything you hear, see, feel, and do. The CPU or processor(s) inside your computer or device is the brain of your computer or device. But rather than me trying to explain it, I'm going to give you a really good definition from TechTerms.

The following is from this TechTerms page. If your brain is ready... start processing!
"A processor, or "microprocessor," is a small chip that resides in computers and other electronic devices. Its basic job is to receive input and provide the appropriate output. While this may seem like a simple task, modern processors can handle trillions of calculations per second.

The central processor of a computer is also known as the CPU, or "central processing unit." This processor handles all the basic system instructions, such as processing mouse and keyboard input and running applications. Most desktop computers contain a CPU developed by either Intel or AMD, both of which use the x86 processor architecture. Mobile devices, such as laptops and tablets may use Intel and AMD CPUs, but can also use specific mobile processors developed by companies like ARM or Apple.

Modern CPUs often include multiple processing cores, which work together to process instructions. While these "cores" are contained in one physical unit, they are actually individual processors. In fact, if you view your computer's performance with a system monitoring utility like Windows Task Manager (Windows) or Activity Monitor (Mac OS X), you will see separate graphs for each processor..."
And remember: If you have a desktop, the computer tower is not a CPU.

What's that EB? Your processing fee just went up by 10%. I barely get paid now! I can't afford another 10%!

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

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Have a great weekend... be safe!

Darcy and TC
Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly - Issue #1041
Volume 20 Number 47
September 22, 2023 

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