Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly

Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly
Issue #1080
Volume 21  Number 35
June 21, 2024

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Cloudeight InfoAve

Steven wants to turn off AI Overviews on Google Search
As I understand it, unfortunately, AI Overviews are baked into the default search results page now on Google.  Is there any way to turn off the AI?

Our answer
Hi Steven. Completely disabling AI in Google search isn't currently possible. Google uses AI to understand your searches and deliver relevant results.
However, you can potentially minimize the influence of the specific feature  - AI Overviews - that provides summaries alongside traditional search results. Here are two options:
Several Chrome extensions claim to hide AI Overviews. These work by manipulating the code of the search page to hide the AI Overview section. Search for "Hide AI Overviews" in the Chrome Web Store, but be cautious when installing extensions as some might be malicious. Here's one that has good reviews and a developer who reads and responds to customer feedback. It's called"Hide Google AI  Overviews".
Or you can consider using a different search engine that doesn't prominently feature AI-generated summaries. DuckDuckGo is a popular privacy-focused search engine that emphasizes traditional search results. You can switch search engines in Google Chrome this way:
Type the following in Chrome's address bar and press Enter
Select the search engine you want to use instead of Google, for instance, DuckDuckGo.
You should be aware that even without AI Overviews, Google search results are still influenced by AI algorithms that rank and filter results based on your search query.
I hope this helps you, Steven.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Sue notices something new on Gmail (on her phone)
Hi guys, I recently noticed a new box in Gmail that appears at the bottom of any received emails. It's to reply to emails, I've never seen this before and don't know how it got there! It's only on emails on my phone not on my laptop. I don't think I changed any settings! I don't see any option to remove the box. Have you heard of this? Thanks for any help you can give me.

Our answer
Hi Sue. It's at the bottom of Gmail on my smartphone also. I don't use Gmail on my smartphone much, but "Reply"  with an arrow next to it is at the bottom of all messages I open. So I can't tell you if this is something new, since I use Gmail on my PCs and not on my phone, but I can verify that it's on Gmail on my phone as well.

I hope this eases your mind, Sue.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

John wants to know if completely shutting down a computer can help fix problems
I have heard and I have used..... If your computer is acting up, won't boot, won't whatever... turn the computer off, remove the power cord from the computer, and then push in and hold the power button for 15 sec. or so.... the next step, is to reconnect the power cord,  and turn the computer on normally and quite often the computer is back to working fine?

One answer I have been able to get from a computer tech friend is that doing what I have mentioned above removes the electricity from the capacitors in the computer and this allows the computer to restart normally. My question to you all is my info correct? I have received your newsletters for many years, I have saved and organized all your tips and I just basically just really love, admire, support, and appreciate all your knowledge, faith, and ideas you put forth in your weekly, Friday reflection articles. Keep up your good work, I'm with you to the end.... oh and by the way, I'm now 85 and have been working in the computer world for 60 years, mainly helping older people. I also served as a helo pilot in the Air Force for 21 years. High light... serving in Vietnam rescuing downed pilots out of the jungle.

Looking forward to hearing from you and getting to know you even better than I do now... God Bless...

Our answer
Hi John. Thanks for all your nice comments!

We've mentioned this many times but not quite as dramatically... there's no need to unplug the power cord - just make sure the computer is completely powered off (no lights lit).
This is from an article we wrote in February of this year (you can read the entire article here).
Shut down your computer completely and wait a few minutes…
Make sure all power is off and all power lights are off. Wait five minutes and then turn your computer back on.
You’ll find the second method may be successful if restarting your computer doesn’t work.
When you completely power off the computer, it effectively shuts down all running programs and processes, allowing the system to 'reset.' Turning the device back on then launches the system with a clean slate, which can resolve any issues causing it to malfunction or run poorly previously. It also clears the RAM  (Random Access Memory) cache. The RAM cache stores frequently accessed data for faster retrieval by the processor. Shutting down your computer completely clears the RAM cache. RAM is volatile memory, meaning it loses its contents when the power is cut off.
We hope this helps you, John. 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Sheila wants to block profanity on streaming TV
Hello friends. Do you recommend any sites to stop bad words that are almost constant now while using my Fire Stick on Prime TV?  I looked at one called VidAngel but wasn't sure if it was safe. so I didn't purchase it. I'm a Christian and the f-word really bothers me.  Please advise. Thank you! Sheila
Our answer
Hi Sheila. We can't recommend anything from personal experience. But we can give you some information that you may find useful.
Fire Stick has parental controls that allow you to restrict content based on age rating. Some parental controls won't block all profanity, but they can limit access to shows and movies with more mature content that might contain swearing. Here's how to set up Parental Controls on Fire Stick.
Go to Settings on your Fire Stick.
Select Preferences.
Choose Parental Controls and turn it ON.
Enter a PIN to restrict access.
You can then set the maturity level for content based on age ratings.
Also, many streaming apps offer parental controls:
Netflix offers a robust parental control system.
Disney and Disney + offer parental controls.
Hulu offers excellent parental controls.
Amazon Prime offers parental controls.
HBO MAX has parental controls
There are also content-filtering apps you can use.
Clearplay integrates with Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, HBO Max, and Amazon Prime Video. It offers content filtering beyond age ratings, including the ability to mute or replace profanity with more acceptable terms. There is a subscription fee associated with Clearplay. Clearplay costs $7.99 a month after a free 30-day trial.Read more about Clearplay here.
VidAngel is another option if filtering content on streaming services is important to you.
You need to be aware of the limitations due to past legal issues with some studios, for example, Warner Brothers & Disney. Right now VidAngel offers filtering for Netflix, Paramount Plus, Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, BritBox,  AMC, Starz,  Peacock, and a few others. VidAngel costs $9.99 a month or $99.99 a year.You can read more about VidAngel here.
We hope this helps you make a good choice - one that works for you.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

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We can fix your computer while you watch. You never have to leave your home. Just sit back, relax, and watch us work.Get PC servicefrom folks you trust at the best prices you'll find anywhere.

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Sharon needs to fill in PDF forms on her computer

I need help as usual and turn to you guys,  I have forms from my doctor I  need to fill out. They were sent to me by Gmail. on Windows 11  in PDF format. I can read them but cannot type on them.  I want to type on the forms on the PC. Help! Thank You.

Our answer
Hi Sharon. Adobe offers a free service called "Fill and sign a PDF". All you have to do is go to this page, upload your PDF, fill it in, sign it (if required), and download the filled and signed PDF to your computer.
There are a lot of desktop PDF form fillers but most are not free. One free one I did find is called PDF Fill but I didn't try it and I can't vouch for it or recommend it. You can take a look here.
I would choose the free Adobe online PDF form filler if I needed to fill in a PDF form.
I hope this helps you, Sharon.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Wendy doesn't want any Windows Updates
Firstly I just want to thank you both for all the help and advice that you have shared over the years; it is much appreciated. I have used the "'WIN UPDATE STOP" since you mentioned it with great success.....until today.  (I think MS is trying to get around it.)  I always turn off the laptop, however, I need to leave the web this unit has a problem if I turn it off....terrible trouble to get it back.  I was told to just leave it on when I shut down by local techs.  (I was always concerned as I wondered about the access to the battery power, but until now no problem. I switched on this morning to find that 3 updates had been downloaded but not installed.  Win Update Stop must have stopped this installation, however, it's telling me that it wants a restart.  I'm still using Windows 10 and trying to keep it for the life of this unit which is just 18 months old. Any thoughts as to how (or if) I can get rid of this restart message and reject these 3 updates entirely?  It seems they want me to get ready and change to Win 11...My sister's computer is running Win 11 and she has had many problems with it.....she even had your help with some of it a month or so ago. I'd appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.

Our answer
Hi Wendy. It's not safe to block all Windows updates. Most Windows updates patch vulnerabilities that fix exploits hackers and malicious software can use to attack your computer.  One of the most unsafe things you can do is to block Windows updates for more than a short period ( a few weeks at most). The article in which we recommended Win Update Stop is over six years old and in that article, we advised readers not to use Win Update Stop for the long term. Here is what we said...

But again, we remind you, that we are not advising you to turn off Windows Update for the long term. We are recommending Win Update Stop only to those Windows 10 users who want to temporarily block the Windows 10 April 2018 (AKA Spring Creators Update), until Microsoft fixes the problems that are causing major problems for some. (From our article here.)
It's important that you open Win Update Stop and click on "Enable" to make sure that Win Update Stop does not interfere with the installation of updates so your computer is not vulnerable to exploitation. After you have done this, restart your computer to install the updates. The updates will not install Windows 11.
We want you to be safe, Wendy.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Terri doesn't want to use Outlook
Hi TC. I have been forced into getting Microsoft Office 365, but I dislike the Outlook component. One reason is that I cannot get it to accept my Dodo emails, and I do not want to change internet providers. Can I remove Outlook and use another email app and, if so, what one do you recommend? Microsoft will be pulling the plug on Windows Mail at the end of 2024, so it is no good to use that one. What do you recommend? Regards, Terri.

Our answer
Hi Terri. If you're looking for a free email client there's not a lot of choices. Thunderbird is the best free client although we no longer recommend it. You canget Thunderbird here.

If you're looking for a simple email client that just does the job without a lot of bells & whistles, we use and recommend OE Classic, but OE Classic is not free. It's $37 for a lifetime license that includes 3 years of updates. You canread more about OE Classic here.
However, I cannot tell you if Thunderbird or OE Classic will work any better with your ISP than Outlook. It seems odd that Outlook doesn't work with your mail provider.
And I am not sure what you mean about Windows Mail not being supported after 2024. Windows Mail has not been supported since 2016. I think you meant the Windows Mail app which is morphing into the free Outlook Mail app.
We hope this helps you, Terri.
Cloudeight InfoAve Premium


Reg Organizer: Cloudeight recommended and endorsed.

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium -Tips & Tricks

Private Browsing is Not Private... but there are some things it's good for
Everyone who browses the internet

While private browsing is anything but private, there are some good reasons to use it, but none of them are related to hiding your activities, as you aren’t going to hide anything by using private browsing. Every site you visit is logged by your ISP and most of the time by the site you’re visiting. Your IP address is being logged; private browsing does not hide your IP address. Yet many people think they’re skulking around the Internet anonymously when they are using private browsing, but alas anonymity requires a lot more than using a browser’s private browsing mode. If it’s not private, then what good is it?

Cloudeight InfoAve

1. Use Private Browsing when you don’t want cookies or temp files from sites you’ve visited stored on your computer. Using private browsing doesn’t store cookies or the site URLs you visit on the local computer. If you’re a lady looking for a new husband, you don’t have to worry about your husband looking through your temp files and finding photos of your new prospective husband or cookies from – or EB’s favorite I only know EB frequents that site because I snuck up on her while she was perusing a gaggle of shirtless, fat, rich, old men.

2. Logging into multiple accounts from the same computer: If you’re logged into, let’s say one of your Gmail accounts and you try to log into another it will make you sign out of the account you’re logged into (there’s a way around this but that’s for another issue). If you want to open another Gmail account, etc. just open private browsing, and log into the other account. If you want to log into 5 Gmail accounts, for example, at one time just open 4 private browsing windows.

3. Search without cookies that identify you: You can search Amazon or PayPal etc. from a private browsing Window without seeing it come up on searches you perform when you’re logged into a site. Since cookies are not carried over from a private browsing session, sites cannot use them to identify you when you search using private mode, and then log into the site to purchase. This also provides you with a means whereby you can check the contents of a site as a new user and compare prices to make sure aren’t getting better prices than members. Hey, it happens all the time.

4. Checking email or browsing from someone else’s (or a public) computer. When need to check your email, check an account, or browse on someone else’s computer may want to use private browsing for that because browsing history, email provider, and accounts are not saved to the computer. Private browsing never saves web history, cookies or web data.

So private browsing is useful for a lot of things, but not for hiding your identity from your ISP, the FBI, the NSA, the famous super-sleuth, EB, or the websites you visit, I tells ya.

Oh, and we almost forgot – here are some keyboard shortcuts for launching a private browsing session:

Firefox and Microsoft Edge: Ctrl+Shift+P launches a new private browsing window.

Chrome, Brave, and Opera: Ctrl+Shift+N is the shortcut to open a new private browsing (incognito) window.

And there you go – everything you ever wanted to know about private browsing but were afraid to ask. 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

How to Stop Windows from Tracking Everything You Do
Windows 10 / Windows 11

There’s been an uproar recently over Microsoft’s new Copilot PCs and a feature called “Recall” which is turned on by default. Recall automatically takes screenshots of your screen every few seconds ostensively to make things easier to find later on. It seems most people don’t want Windows taking screenshots of everything they do on their computers every few seconds so now Microsoft is making Recall optional and turned off by default. If you want to read more about the “Recall” uproarsee this article.

Windows Tracks Everything You Do

Did you know that whether you’re using Windows 10 or Windows 11, Windows already tracks everything you do – but not with screenshots?  It’s called Timeline and Activity history in Windows 10 and Activity History in Windows 11.

If you don’t want Windows tracking everything you do on your computer here’s how to turn off Activity history and clear history already recorded.

Windows 10

Open Settings (Windows key + i ) and click on Privacy

In the left-hand pane, click on Activity history.

Under the “Manage your activity history” section, you’ll see two options:

Store my activity history on this device: Toggle the switch to Off if you don’t want Windows to store your activity history on your device.

Send my activity history to Microsoft: Toggle the switch to Off to prevent Windows from sending your activity history to Microsoft.

Disabling both options will completely turn off activity history.

Turn off Activity History in Windows 10 - Cloudeight InfoAve

To clean up what Windows has already recorded, scroll down a bit further, and under “Clear activity history” click the “Clear” button.

Clear Activity history Windows 10 - Cloudeight InfoAve

Windows 11

Open Settings (Windows key + i)

In Settings click on “Privacy & security”

Under “Privacy & security” scroll down find “Activity history” and click on it.

In the “Activity history” dialog, toggle the switch next to “Store my activity history on this device” to the Off position.

And next to “Clear activity history for this account”, click on “Clear history”.

Windows 11 Activity History - Cloudeight InfoAve

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Speed Up Your Windows 10 or Windows 11 Computer with this Simple Trick
Windows 10 / Windows 11

Turning off SysMain might speed up Your PC

SysMain was once called “SuperFetch” in older versions of Windows 10. SysMain is supposed to be a system optimization feature to help speed up your PC’s performance. However, SysMain can often cause high disk, CPU, or Memory (RAM) usage that can make your PC run slower. But you can easily turn off SysMain without harming your computer or Windows installation.

Here’s how to disable SysMain on your Windows 10 or Windows 11.

1. Type SERVICES.MSC in the taskbar search and press Enter.
2. Locate SysMain and double-click it.
3. Next to “Startup type” click on the down arrow to expand the list and choose “Disabled”
4. Click the “Stop Button”
5. Click Apply/OK

Cloudeight InfoAve Windows 10 Tips

6. Restart your computer.

If your computer is running slowly, turning off SysMain is one of the simple things you can do that might help speed it up without causing any problems.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

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We can fix your computer while you watch. You never have to leave your home. Just sit back, relax, and watch us work.Get PC servicefrom folks you trust at the best prices you'll find anywhere.

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium -Tips & Tricks    

The Elliot Report: The Consumer Advocate Headquarters

They say that necessity is the mother of invention, I say ‘they” are right. After spending 3 hours trying to straighten out an order with my wireless carrier yesterday, I was ready to blow a fuse. I spent 3 hours listening to crazy, nondescript music while on hold waiting for yet another customer service representative who told me he or she would take care of it and call me back. Ya think they called me back?

It all began when I took advantage of a mail promotion about which it seems, the wireless company failed to notify its customer service representatives. Anyway, I bought into the promo – naive dolt that I am. I ordered two of the phones that were advertised. One was free the other was not – a buy one get one free deal. However, when my order arrived from UPS, I had been “upgraded” to phones that cost $80 more and neither was free.

The final straw was when one of the customer service reps asked me to send her photos of the promotional flyer for the free phone. Really? Like I’m making all this up? Oh well. I’ll be a sport. I dutifully scanned both sides of the flyer. saved them as JPEGs and sent them via email to the representative. She promised to call me back when she got the pictures and fix things for me. She never called back and things never got fixed up.

That was it. I had had it. The pressure valves in my head were about to explode. But every dark road has a light on it somewhere. All that frustration and exasperation led me to the Elliot Report.

Cloudeight Site Pick Elliott Report

It’s a gold mine for frustrated consumers who are sick and tired of being on the treadmill trying to talk to a real human being and to talk to a human being who has the brains and the authority to fix problems.

Most of you have used Amazon, right? If something goes wrong who can you contact? The Elliot Report puts that information at your fingertips!

Cloudeight Site Pick Elliott Report

Elliot Report - A Cloudeight Site Pick

I found corporate executives’ contact information on the Elliott Report. I promptly emailed 3 different people explaining the merry-go-round I was on. And within 30 minutes of sending those emails, my phone rang. It was from a lady who worked for one of the vice presidents. In less than 30 minutes she had all my problems solved, My order was corrected, my phones upgraded for free, and I received a credit on my bill for all my trouble. And this happened only because I finally got the eyes and ears of someone who could help.  Now I am a happy customer again.

If you are having a big problem with a product or service and you find yourself trapped in an endless rat maze of misdirection while trying to find a real person who can help you, the Elliott Report publishes contact information that big companies try to hide from us. And if you have a serious problem with an order, a service, or a product, and you contact the right person, there’s a good chance you’ll get it resolved… and pronto. The hard part is finding the right person.

The maze called customer service for most large companies, was put in place for a reason. To take care of minor complaints, simple problems, and the ever-present folks out there trying to get something for nothing.

But if you have serious problems and can’t seem to find anyone to help you, visit the Elliott Report and look up the email addresses of corporate executives. You might be surprised how fast your problems are resolved.

Cloudeight Site Pick Elliott Advocacy

Cloudeight Site Pick Elliott Advocacy

Besides contact information for corporate executives for most major companies,the Elliott Reportcan help you through its free consumer Report service.

When you’ve run the exhaustive treadmill of endless waiting on the phone, pressing one for this, two for that, and 3 for something else, and all you want to do is reach a living, breathing person who has the power to help, you’ll find a lot of good information and some very powerful corporate contact information on the Elliott Report website.

Let’s look at some more pictures, shall we? A picture saves 1000 words!

Not only can you find contact information for almost any company, but you’ll also find interesting reports and articles on the Elliot Report website.

Elliot Report - Cloudeight Site Pick

Elliot Report - Cloudeight Site Pick

Before we go, some words from the Elliot Report…

About the Elliott Report

The Elliott Report is a news site published by consumer advocate Christopher Elliott in association with Elliott Advocacy.

Elliott Advocacy is a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization that empowers consumers to solve their problems and helps those who can’t. It serves consumers through direct consumer advocacy, journalism, and by maintaining a directory of executive contact information.

Here are the team members who make it happen.

Christopher Elliott is the founder of Elliott Advocacy He’s the author of numerous books on consumer advocacy and writes three nationally syndicated columns. He also publishes Elliott Confidential, a critically acclaimed newsletter about customer service.

If you’re having trouble with a business — any business — and you’ve reached a dead end, we’ll do our best to help. Send our consumer advocacy team a request and we’ll investigate.

Please read our frequently asked questions before getting in touch.

So, if you are lost in the maze that has become customer service, the Elliot Report can help. You can get company contact information that you can’t easily find anywhere else. And once you are there, bookmark the site. You may not need it now, but someday you know you are going to.

Take a trip to the Elliot Report right now!  

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium - Essays , Rants, etc.

Remembering Otis

Otis died on Monday.

Otis was my best friend ever. I’ve never had a better one.

But how can I tell you about a friendship that lasted more than a decade so you will understand? There were so many things Otis and I did together.

All the memories come flooding back.

Walking along the wooden boardwalk — the one that winds through the most beautiful forest — we’d share the seasons – all of them – winter, summer, spring, and fall. Just the two of us spending the days of our lives… together.

I don’t think Otis had many friends... 

Read the rest of this essay here.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

OE Classic & Cloudeight


OE Classic is the only Cloudeight Endorsed Email Program - Very Similar to Windows Mail & Outlook Express!!

If you're looking for an email program that feels familiar and works much like Windows Mail & Outlook Express, OE Classic might be exactly what you've been looking for!!

Get more info here.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium - Back to Basics

Use Your Favorite Browser to Browse Files on Your Computer

Did you know you can use your favorite browser (Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, etc.) as a file explorer? Yes, you can.

Open your favorite browser right now. Open a new, blank tab, and press the Ctrl key plus the O key (that's an O, not a zero).

You will see a File Explorer window open in your browser. We use this trick all the time. It's sometimes quicker than opening File Explorer especially if your browser is already open.

Even if it's not, at least now you know you can do it. Try it. You just might like it as much as we do! 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

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Cloudeight Direct Computer Care: Always a great deal. Cloudeight Direct Computer Care is like having PC insurance.Get more information here.

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Reg Organizer: Reg Organizer is the Swiss Army Knife of Windows tools. It's far more than just a registry optimizer and cleaner - it's a Windows all-in-one toolkit. Reg Organizer helps you keep your computer in tip-top shape and helps you solve annoying Windows problems. Reg Organizer works great with Windows 10 and Windows 11!!Get more information about Reg Organizer (and get our special discount prices) here.

Windows 10 Customization: Make Windows 10 look and work the way you want it to.  Learn more.


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We hope you have enjoyed this issue of Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly. Thanks so much for your support and for being an InfoAve Weekly subscriber.

Have a great weekend!

Darcy & TC
Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly
Issue #1080 - June 21, 2024

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