Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly

Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly
Issue #1081
Volume 21  Number 36
June 28, 2024

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Rod needs help finding a file
First of all, I must confess that I have been lax in backing up my files (my bad).  I have an external hard drive I do not like very much so it has not been hooked up for some time.  A few weeks ago I decided to clean up and delete many irrelevant work spreadsheets since I am now retired.  Then instead of using a backup program, I copied the remaining spreadsheets and documents to a flash drive.  In the process, I accidentally dropped a file and the entire file simply disappeared.  I am sure that it must be somewhere on my hard drive but I can not find it.  A file search turned up nothing.  Do you have any suggestions for a repentant old codger?

Our answer
Hi Rod. I suggest that you try searching by file type instead of by file name. I don't know what file type you saved the file(s) in but for example, I'm going to use .xls which is Microsoft Excel format (if not .xls just substitute the file type you saved the documents in.

Open File Explorer. (Windows key + E)
Navigate to the location you want to search.
In the search bar at the top right corner, type your search query with wildcards.
Press Enter to initiate the search.
So, if your flash drive is letter D, open File Explorer, navigate to drive D,  and type *.xls (or *.docs, *.pdf, etc.) in the search box at the top and press Enter to start the search.
You can also try a program called Everything which is a very fast and thorough search program for Windows. You can read more about Everything Search here.  Our article even shows how we search using wildcards.
If the file(s) were accidentally deleted you can try using Puran File Recovery (it's free) to recover any accidentally deleted files.
I hope this helps you find your missing file(s). 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Pat says when she tries to print all she gets is Print to PDF
I have a problem with printing that I cannot find the answer to.  When I click to print text, my printer goes right to "print to pdf".  I have been through several instructions to fix it, but I can't get it to work, and just prints a page of text for me.  I do not have "let Windows manage my printer" checked.  I would appreciate hearing your instructions to get around that problem.  I have unplugged the printer and replugged it, rebooted my PC, etc.  I know you have lots of answers and that I need to hear this one.  Thank you, Pat.

Our answer
Hi Pat. The reason why your computer defaults to PRINT TO PDF is that no default printer is set. Try to set a default printer this way:

1.  Right-click the Start button and select Settings.
2.  Navigate to Devices.
3.  Click on Printers & scanners on the left side.
4.  Find the printer you want to set as default in the list.
5.  Click on the printer and then select Manage.
6.  Click on Set as default.
If you do not see the printer you want listed then you'll know it's not installed.  You'll need to install it correctly. To install a printer you must reinstall the printer software. The best way to do this is the way you did it when the printer was new.
First thing... Unplug the printer from its power source and if it's not a Wireless printer, unplug it from the computer. Restart the computer.
Restart the computer and download the printer software package from the manufacturer's website. Be careful, never search for printer software or you'll end up with all kinds of malware. Go directly to the manufacturer's website and look up installation software for your printer brand and model. Or if you send me your printer brand and model I'll find the download link and send it to you.
Once you have the installation software downloaded, plug the printer in, then double-click the printer software to install it. Be sure to follow the onscreen instructions carefully as it will guide you in setting up your printer.
We hope this helps you, Pat.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Bob wants to know if reinstalling Windows 11 using Windows Update deletes your installed programs
On your start page today you have a tip for Windows 11 to reinstall Windows using Windows update. Does this also NOT delete your installed programs? Thanks, Bob.

Our answer
Hi Bob. We tried to make it clear that when you use the Windows Update method of reinstalling Windows 11, you don't lose anything. You don't lose files, apps, programs, or settings.

I used the word "apps" to mean programs and apps. To make it clear I've added the programs as follows:
Did you know you can use Windows Update to reinstall Windows 11 to fix PC problems without losing anything? It's true. Using Windows Update to reinstall Windows 11 allows you to keep everything -- all of your apps, programs, files, and settings will be preserved. 
I hope that makes it even clearer that you don't lose anything using this method. This is different than a Windows reset.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Cheryl wants to know how to access her second Gmail account with her primary Gmail account
Hello, my computer guru friends. I currently have 2 Gmail accounts. Is it possible to access both accounts using only ONE account? I read your instructions on "How to Access your other accounts with your Gmail account" but it doesn't say you can add in a 2nd Gmail account. Am I misreading the instructions? Thank you as always for all your help through the years. Cheryl.
Our answer
Hi Cheryl. We've written several articles about using multiple Gmail addresses. Did you read our article about adding a second Gmail account to your primary Gmail account so you can access them both? The article you cited was about accessing your other accounts (like your ISP email account, Hotmail accounts, accounts, and Yahoo Mail accounts using your Gmail account.
The article I've suggested is how to access secondary Gmail account(s) from your primary Gmail account.
Please take a look and let me know if that article helps you.
Cheryl wrote back: "As always Mr. TC, you're a genius!!! No, I did not see or read the article about adding a 2nd Gmail account (until now). I followed your very detailed instructions and voila!! I now have my 2nd Gmail account added. FANTASTIC! Thank you sir for taking the time to respond. I really appreciate all the great things you and Ms. Darcy do for the computer community (especially us senior citizens who were not brought up with computers). You've saved me hundreds of dollars in repairs over the years (been with you since 1998). Thank you again, sir. Hope you have a fabulous week. "

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Martin has a problem with high disk activity on Windows 10

Hi TC. Thank you for such a fast reply - and for the detailed info you provided. You are the best - and I appreciate it! So, first things first - in answer to your questions:

I purchased the Dell Desktop on 12/31/2019... In early January 2020, I had a problem with System restore not working properly - and a Dell Tech had me do an "in-place OS repair/upgrade" - so somewhere along the line with them, I ended up with a fresh copy of Windows 10 which was then updated to the latest version.

I use (please don't be mad at me) Norton Antivirus.
I use (please don't be even madder at me) Carbonite as my cloud backup solution.

Just now I restarted my PC. It took about 6-7 minutes for all desktop icons and system tray icons to fully load. Then I opened Task Manager and under "Disk", it showed in descending order:

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... I turn to you, TC because you and Darcy do know so much about all this - and I don't. In the past, as a general manager in a manufacturing company, I worked closely with our IT department and learned a lot - but that was a long time ago - long enough for me to forget most of it...

But since I'm not ashamed to say "I don't know what I'm looking at", and you do - maybe you see the answer already - or can explain why the few programs that are running with such small values can cause a "100% Disk Usage" - and basically "pin the needle" as they say. Though to be fair, my PC is not really dragging, just not as "peppy" as when the Disk Usage is under 50%...

I was hoping that you could reply with some additional info or thoughts, now that I've given you a little extra info. Maybe there is still something else I could try or at least look at. I had a good chuckle when you said you never use Resmon - again a clear case of how "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing". I picked that up along with WinDirStat 20+ years ago while I was still working. But now I've stopped playing doctor and I turn to you and Darcy when I can't figure something out for myself...

Thank you again, TC. You're a true friend - to all of us.

Our answer
Hi Martin. Thank you so much. I can see from the screenshot that "System" is using up an inordinate amount of resources.

"System", if you right-click on it,  you'll find is ntoskrnl (NT Operating System Kernel) which is the core of the operating system and is known as the Windows NT Kernel (all Windows versions since Windows XP run on the Windows NT Kernel).
Here's what ntoskrnl does:
Manages Hardware: It acts as the bridge between your hardware (like CPU, memory, storage) and the software applications you use.
Handles Processes: It controls how programs run on your computer, allocating resources and ensuring smooth operation.
Provides System Services: It takes care of essential background tasks like memory management, security, and device drivers.
Ntoskrnl.exe is the foundation upon which Windows runs. You can't stop it, you can't start it, you can't change it.
Norton has had difficulty competing with sleeker, more effective security programs, so they've added more "features) to Norton like "LifeLock" (which has been sued dozens of times) and a VPN that most people don't need - just to sell it and justify its inflated price. More processes, more resources.
Carbonite is very hard on resources and we never recommended it because of this and because OneDrive is so much better. But as we say, it's your PC, you can certainly use whatever you want.
I cannot tell you why the Windows NT kernel is gobbling up so much of your resources, but unless you do a reset (you can do a reset and keep your files) you're probably not going to be able to cobble together an effective solution by stopping this or that service or this or that background process.
Before doing a reset you should try doing a clean boot.  A clean boot can help identify if a background process or program is causing issues you're experiencing. A clean boot is time-consuming but not difficult. Microsoft has a guide for performing a clean boot here.
I see that you have several Abode processes running in the background. That tells me you have them starting with Windows. They don't need to start with Windows. The long boot time is partially caused by too many programs/apps starting with Windows and too many startup programs could be adding to your problem. You should remove all unnecessary startups with a program like HiBit Uninstaller or AutoRuns.
Finally, I think you're probably going to end up doing a Windows 10 Reset (cloud version). It's what I would do.  A Windows 10 Reset removes all your apps and programs, and reinstalls a clean copy of Windows 10, but keeps all your personal files (documents, pictures, music, etc.). It will replace Ntoskrnl and give you a chance to reinstall the apps and programs you want/need.
I hope this helps you, Martin. 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Sherri has icons instead of thumbnails for pictures
Hi. All of a sudden,  I can no longer see thumbnails of my pictures. No matter what I try all is see are icons - no thumbnails.. All this started after I installed a Windows update. Please help me get my thumbnails back!

Our answer
Hi Sherri. This should help you get your thumbnails back.

Type folder options in the taskbar search then click "Open".
In File Explorer Options click on the 'View" tab and make sure "Always show icons, never thumbnails" is not checked. If it is, uncheck it and click APPLY/OK. 

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If you find this is already unchecked, do this:

Type default apps in the taskbar search. Click "Open" and under Photo Viewer select something other than what you are currently using (it's okay you can switch back later). Now look in your pictures folder.

Let me know if this helps you.
Sherri wrote back: "Oh my goodness! It worked. Thanks so much for helping me! Sherri L."

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Roger wants to know if SponsorBlock is safe
Hi there. I need to ask you your opinion of a program called SponsorBlock. It supposedly stops ads etc., popping up on YouTube. Do you know if it is safe to download any help will be appreciated. Many Thanks. Roger

Our answer
Hi Roger. SponsorBlock is generally considered safe to use. SponsorBlock's code is publicly available on GitHub, allowing anyone to inspect it for malicious code. It has a clear privacy policy outlining how it handles user data, which is minimal and anonymized. It's maintained by a reputable developer who has a positive track record in the open-source community.

Its primary function is to skip sponsor segments and other content you might not want to see, it does not inject ads or track your browsing habits.
It may, at times, block not only ads but sometimes part of the content, but it's rare and does not happen often from what I found.
The only words of caution I have is to make sure you download SponsorBlock from a reputable site such as the developer's site at
I hope this helps you, Roger.
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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium -Tips & Tricks

You Should Start Using Windows Key Shortcuts and Here’s Why
Windows 10 / Windows 11

OK…we’ve featured Windows key shortcuts several times, but sadly not enough times to convince some of you just how much of a time-saver Windows key shortcuts can be.

Casting “Zulu” from my laptop to my Roku 

Just last evening I was using my laptop and I wanted to watch something on TV via my Roku player. I subscribe to a streaming service (which I will not mention here for obvious reasons). When I watch this particular streaming service (I’ll call it Zulu for convenience) on my TV I have to watch all of the commercials because I’m too cheap to pay the extra $6.95 a month to buy the ad-free version of “Zulu”.

I discovered, however, that if I log into “Zulu” on my laptop and “cast” it from my laptop to my TV, good old uBlock Origin blocks all the ads on “Zulu” and effectively gives me the ad-free version at no extra moolah. Is this cheating? I don’t know – it was accidentally discovered, so I think not.

What the heck does this have to do with Windows key shortcuts? A lot actually. I use the Windows key + K shortcut to open the “Cast” dialog in Windows 11 (it works on Windows 10 too). When the Cast dialog opens I can see my 3 Roku players (2 Roku Express and 1 Roku Ultra).

Casting from my laptop to my Roku Player - Cloudeight InfoAve

Using the Windows key + K shortcut opens the “Cast” dialog immediately and saves me from having to type in “Cast” in the Taskbar search or muddle around in Settings to find “Cast to a wireless display”.

I use the Windows key + K shortcut just about every day. Not many days pass me by that I don’t use the Windows key + R (Run box), Windows key + I (Settings), Windows key + V to paste from the extended clipboard, Windows key + X to open the Start button right-click menu, Windows key + S to open a search box, and many others.

So consider this a reminder that using Windows key shortcuts can save you a lot of time and the more you use them the more you’ll remember them and the more they’ll become part of your computer skill set.

What is the Windows key and where can you find it?

We’re glad you asked. Some of you are afraid to ask where the Windows key is because you think it’s a stupid question. But you know, the only stupid question is the one you don’t ask.

The Windows key is on the bottom of the keyboard between the Ctrl key and the Alt key… or if you’re using a laptop it is usually between the Fn key and the Alt key. You can find it easily as it’s the only key with the Microsoft Windows logo on it.

The Windows Key - Cloudeight InfoAve

And when we say, for example, Windows key + R (or Winkey+R), what we mean is that you hold down the Windows key while tapping the “R” key. So, Windows key + means holding down the Windows key while tapping the key after the “+” (plus) sign. To further shorten our Windows key shortcuts we use “Winkey” instead of “Windows key” – but they are exactly the same. Easy peasy, right?

Here’s an extensive list of Windows Key shortcuts

Pressing the Windows key (Winkey) by itself opens the Windows Start menu
Winkey + E  Opens File Explorer
Winkey + A  Displays the Action Center
Winkey + D Shows the Desktop
Winkey + G Activates the Xbox game bar to let you record games or take screenshots.
Winkey + H  Opens Microsoft speech services (Dictation)
Winkey + I  Opens the Windows Settings app
Winkey + K Activates the Connect (Cast) feature to stream to wireless displays/audio devices
Winkey + L Locks your computer
Winkey + M  Minimizes all open Windows
Winkey+Ctrl + M  Opens Windows Magnifier
Winkey + R Opens a Run box.
Winkey + S  Opens Search
Winkey + Q  Opens Search
Winkey + U  Opens the Ease of Access Center (Accessibility)
Winkey+ PrtScr key Takes a screenshot of your computer screen
Winkey+ Fn + PrtScr key Takes a screenshot of your computer screen (some laptops)
Winkey + X Opens power user features (Same as right-clicking the Windows Start button.)
Winkey + Ctrl + D Creates a new virtual desktop
Winkey + Ctrl + F4 Close virtual desktop
Winkey + Ctrl + Left or Right arrow Switches between virtual desktops
Winkey + Shift + Left or Right arrow Moves apps from one monitor to another.

There are many more but those should be enough to get you started!

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

How to Use Windows Update to Reinstall Windows 11 without Losing Anything
Windows 11

Did you know you can use Windows Update to reinstall Windows 11 to fix PC problems without losing anything? It’s true. Using Windows Update to reinstall Windows 11 allows you to keep everything — all of your apps, programs, files, and settings will be preserved.

Windows Update can help fix problems with your PC. Fixing problems using Windows Update is a recovery tool that can help fix computer problems and resolve updates-related issues. Using this tool will reinstall the current version of Windows on your device. This tool preserves all your apps, programs, files, documents, and settings. Make sure to keep your PC connected to a power source and the internet during reinstallation.

Here’s how to use Windows Update to Repair Windows

1> Open Settings (Windows key + i )
2> Click on System
3> Click on Recovery
4> Next to “Fix problems using Windows Update” click “Reinstall now”

How to Reinstall Windows 11 and Fix Problems Using Windows Update without Losing Anything - Cloudeight InfoAve

After you click “Reinstall now”, you’ll see the following prompt. Make sure you stay connected to the internet and a power source during the Windows 11 reinstallation process.

Using Windows Update to reinstall Windows 11 to fix PC problems allows you to keep everything -- all of your apps, files, and settings will be preserved. Cloudeight InfoAve r

After you’ve read the information in the dialog, click “OK” to start the Windows reinstallation process. 

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Find Things Faster
Windows 10 / Windows 11

If you’re searching for something on your computer, especially in a folder, we will show you a faster way to find what you’re looking for.

Press the Windows Key + E to open File Explorer. If File Explorer opens Quick Access, click “This PC” in the left pane.

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Find Things Faster - Windows 11 - Cloudeight InfoAve

You’ll see a tiny search box at the top that says “Search This PC”. We’ll enlarge it for you so it’s easier to see

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Type what you’re looking for in the search box.

Here’s another helpful hint. If you know the folder that the file you’re looking for is in, switch to that folder first by clicking on it, and then search. It’s even faster;

The search box is available for all folders. Here we’re using the Documents folder as an example.

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And if you want even faster searching, check out our freeware pick, Everything Search.

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium -Tips & Tricks    

Snappa – Create Online Graphics in a Snap

Snappa - A Cloudeight Site Pick

Today’s site of the week ought to appeal to 82.3% of you. That’s the percentage of our subscribers who love to work with graphics. Of course, it’s based on an EB International Poll, and she does not bother polling anyone. She uses my top hat, writes numbers on pieces of paper, then picks three numbers, averages them, and adds “point 3” to it so it looks official. See what I have to put up with?

I spent a good amount of time on this site playing around with graphics. But instead of trying to make a graphic to dazzle you, I tried to make a graphic to ingratiate myself with EB. But I know I’ll fail… no one ingratiates themselves with EB. Go ahead and try. I dare you!  

Anyway, in my futile attempt to please her and thus get a paycheck from the famously parsimonious EB, I created this flattering graphic.


Ain’t it cute? Imagine a T-shirt like that? Or perhaps a bumper snicker… don’t correct that EB, that’s what I meant SNICKER.  Feel free to download the above graphic and send it to EB and see if she’ll like you more than she does me!

How about another one?  This time without the surly influence of EB.

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And we all love Cloudie, right? Wouldn’t that make a great t-shirt!

Do you think you’re the only one who loves this part of these articles – where I stop my oral – or in this case- written – perambulation, and bring in the developers to top things off and tell you what the heck this Cloudeight Site Pick is good for?  I love it too! And it’s okay. I know you’re tired of my rambling by now. I get it. I work with EB. I have tough skin,

I can take it. I’m used to it I tells ya! Yes, I can take a hint. I herewith present you with some words from the developers of our site pick… Snappa not to be confused with the once popular sugary drink Snapple.

Take it away, developer people:

A Brief History

Snappa was founded in 2015 when we noticed that a lot of small businesses struggled to create quality online graphics. The tools available were not only complicated, but they were incredibly time consuming. Hiring a graphic designer was also out of the question.

Since then, we’ve been optimizing our graphic design tool to be as quick and easy to use as possible.

Today, Snappa is used by thousands of marketers, entrepreneurs, and non-designers to create a wide range of graphics for social media, display ads, blog posts, and more.
The Team

Snappa is proudly headquartered in Canada. We’re a small, but hard working team that spans across the country.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are all of your photos and graphics completely free?

They sure are! All photos and graphics included in Snappa are 100% royalty-free. They can be used for both commercial and non-commercial purposes and you are not required to provide attribution.

Can I use my own company logos and graphics?

Of course! You can upload all of your own photos and graphics into the program and keep your branding intact.

Can I use my own custom image dimensions?

Definitely! In addition to providing popular presets, Snappa allows you to create images with custom sized dimensions thus giving you endless possibilities for creating graphics.

Are you always adding to your library of photos and templates?

Absolutely! Over a thousand new photos are added daily and our team of in-house designers are busy creating new templates each and every week.

Do I need to install anything to run Snappa?

Nothing whatsoever! Snappa lives in the cloud so you can access it on any laptop or desktop computer with an internet connection.

That’s about it folks. If you like playing around with graphics, or if you’re a graphic designer for a poor broken-down, financially-challenged company like Cloudeight and/or you don’t have any money, and/or you’re just looking to waste some time – quality time, you’ll enjoy Snappa – we’re pretty sure you will.  At least 82.3% of you will.

YES, you do. You do need to sign up to create graphics and download graphics you make to your computer, but signing up is free. Free accounts are limited to three downloads a month. If you’re a serious designer and do stuff for money or fame, you can create unlimited graphics and downloads for $10 a month.

To get a free account, all you need to give them is your name and your email address. If you’re paranoid, give them any old name – like Lucy Jupiter, or Bill Andromeda, and cloak your real email address using an email address cloaking service (throwaway email addresses) like Guerrilla Mail or ThrowAwayMail. Where there’s a will, there’s a way!

Now it’s time to say goodbye and send you off to make some eye candy or dazzling graphics. Or should I say it is time for 82.3% of you to take a trip to Snappa and see what you can do?

Thanks for the scientific poll, EB. You’re a peach!

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium - Essays , Rants, etc.

Fancy Phones and Apologies to Beethoven

I was looking at smartphones the other day – thinking maybe it’s time to get rid of my old flip phone. Not flip-flops! But it is that time of the year for everyone who does not have toenail fungus – if you do, skip the flip-flops. Please.

No. I don't use a Jitterbug.

Anyway, while I was looking at all the smartphone choices, I got an idea that I know is going to make me rich. I’m sure of it. I’ve always been an idea man, but I’ve never had an idea that made me rich. I want to be like the guy who sewed sleeves on a blanket, called it a “Snuggie” and made $572.4 million.

So anyway, I was looking at phones when this great idea popped into my head and I wanted to tell you about it.

But first I want to give you a little background just in case you don’t know much about the new fancy cell phones. Expensive cell phones are called “smartphones”, but since I don’t like that term - how can a piece of plastic, metal, and guerilla glass be smart - I call them fancy phones. There are so many kinds of these fancy phones available these days, and they really can do much more than just make phone calls. Things like selecting just the right gigolo in Buenos Aires, or making reservations for one at a “Gentleman’s Club” in Madrid, or telling you what street the local ice cream man is on and exactly how long it will take until he gets to your house...


Read the rest of this essay here.

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OE Classic & Cloudeight


OE Classic is the only Cloudeight Endorsed Email Program - Very Similar to Windows Mail & Outlook Express!!

If you're looking for an email program that feels familiar and works much like Windows Mail & Outlook Express, OE Classic might be exactly what you've been looking for!!

Get more info here.

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium - Back to Basics

What is the Dark Web?

The Dark Web is an invisible part of the Web that is not searchable by search engines like Google. You can only access with via the Onion (Tor) network. The Tor Browser can be used to access the dark web - it's the original dark web browser. The Tor browser routes your web page requests through a series of proxy servers operated by volunteers around the globe, supposedly making your IP address unidentifiable and untraceable.

The Dark Web is mostly a place where people buy and sell illegal things like stolen credit card numbers, fake passwords, stolen identities, illegal drugs, illegal prescriptions and a lot more. . All traffic to/from the dark web is encrypted and theoretically hidden from all other internet traffic and searches- hence the "Dark Web".

Some companies like Experian and others, supposedly scan the Dark Web to see if your Social Security number or other highly personal information is listed there.

If you're interested in learning more about the Dark Web, here's some interesting reading for you.

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Emsisoft Anti-Malware:  Emsisoft is the only Cloudeight-endorsed and recommended Windows security program. It provides users with a complete antivirus, antimalware, anti-ransomware, and anti-PUPs solution. We offer single Emsisoft licenses and multi-computer licenses at discount prices. Also, we offer our exclusive Emsisoft with Cloudeight installation & setup. Get more information here.

Reg Organizer: Reg Organizer is the Swiss Army Knife of Windows tools. It's far more than just a registry optimizer and cleaner - it's a Windows all-in-one toolkit. Reg Organizer helps you keep your computer in tip-top shape and helps you solve annoying Windows problems. Reg Organizer works great with Windows 10 and Windows 11!!Get more information about Reg Organizer (and get our special discount prices) here.

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Have a great weekend!

Darcy & TC
Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly
Issue #1081 - June 28, 2024

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