QuickNotes 23
Vintage Valentines
Fast and Easy Stationery for Outlook & Outlook Express
We hope you will enjoy this special collection of Vintage Valentines Quicknotes! Quicknotes are non-scrolling and non-musical stationery to use in your email. Because of their small size, they are only available as a full collection download in your choice of standard for Outlook or Outlook Express, or in advanced for Outlook Express only. Click here to find out more about Quicknotes; includes tips on renaming for ease in finding what you want!
Click on the titles of the stationery below to see a quick preview of each.
All stationery in this collection have the common prefix qn23
Looking for more great Valentines Day Downloads by Cloudeight? Click Here! (Members, if you navigate away from members pages, you need to click your Members link and return!)
Please note all stationery in this collection have the prefix qn23. Use our QuickNotes following the same three steps as you use for stationery so the margins and text colors are preset. Visit our help page for more information.

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