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Cloudeight Stationery | Thunderbird Installation | Computer Tips & Tricks Cloudeight Computer Care | Our Newsletter

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Due to older versions of Windows and email programs no longer being supported by Microsoft, we are now making stationery for Thunderbird Email Program; it is a free email program provided by Mozilla/Firefox.

Thunderbird is a great alternative to other email programs. One of the things we like best about Thunderbird is that it is similar to the email programs you're probably most familar with such as Windows Mail, Outlook Express and Windows Live Mail.

You can download Thunderbird from here - or, make it easy on yourself and let us install and setup Thunderbird for you. We'll install Thunderbird, add up to 3 mail accounts for you, import your address book (when possible) and install and configure the stationery add-on for you - and you'll be able to use Cloudeight Stationery for Thunderbird right away! Get more information about our Cloudeight Thunderbird Email Setup Service here.

As we continue to create new Cloudeight Stationery for Thunderbird we'll be posting them to this page - so check back often - or better yet subscribe to our free Cloudeight InfoAve Premium newsletter (it's free!) and you'll get updates as well as great computer tips and tricks too!