Email Stationery for Outlook and Outlook Express, by Cloudeight Stationery

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What is the difference between Advanced and Standard?

For those new to our stationery we recommend the standard installation which installs the stationery to your default stationery directory. For those of you who have used CloudEight Stationery before and are going to be downloading a lot of our collections we recommend you choose the advanced installation which creates a new directory in your default stationery folder and installs each new collection into its own folder, making it very easy to find.

As far as functionality, each version is identical. They both look and sound the same. The advanced installation is a convenience for those who are going to be downloading more CloudEight Stationery (which we hope is everyone! ).  Only users of Outlook Express can use the Advanced version.

To download any of our other collections in the advanced format click here.  If you are collecting advanced installations, you can safely delete any stationery in your default stationery folder; it will not affect any other programs.   You can even delete an entire folder of a collection you no longer need! Many chose to do this with seasonal collections.

Again, we stress the importance of visiting our help page if you are new!  All Cloudeight stationery comes wtih preset margins and text color, as well as scrolling.  Most have music too!

Click here to return to the Download page for Griselda!

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Visit Griselda's site by clicking here.
Visit Bjorn Lynne's site here.


Griselda Tello's artwork is copyright �1996-2000 by Griselda Tello and is used by special arrangement.
Bjorn Lynne's midis are copyright �1996-2000 by Bjorn Lynne and are used by speical arrangement.
All stationery in this collection is copyright �2000 by CloudEight Stationery.