Cloudeight InfoAve Premium Issue #840 Volume 17 Number 4 November 15, 2019 Dear Friends, Welcome to Cloudeight InfoAve Premium issue #840. Thank you very much for subscribing and for being a part of our Cloudeight family. We appreciate your friendship and support very much! ![]() Help us by sharing us on your Facebook page! Do you use Facebook? If you have a Facebook page, please help us by sharing us on Facebook. You can help us by sharing one of our articles or pages. You can also help us by sharing over 4000 computer tips and tricks on our InfoAve web site at or our Facebook page at If you have used our products and services and are pleased, mention us on your Facebook page. Thanks so much for your help! ![]() TIME IS RUNNING OUT! LET US HELP YOU UPGRADE YOUR WINDOWS 7 COMPUTER! Microsoft will end support for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020. Using Windows 7 after that date may put your computer at risk as Microsoft will no longer be releasing security updates and fixes for it. Now's the time to upgrade to Windows 10!
Get more information or purchase your "Transformation" now.
A comment from Sharon
A big Cloudeight "Thank you!" to Sharon, Chuck, Roberta,
Margie, Roger and everyone who took time out to write to us, share a comment and/or share us on Facebook! We appreciate your kind words and your support very much! EB & TC. Your Purchase Helps Us!
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Bonnie's text size on her Windows 10 PC suddenly became very tiny
Uwe asks about Microsoft telemetry I have done something wrong. Maybe I touched some key I should not have touched. The problem is when I start my computer ACER appears but I use to have a different picture every few days. Now I only have one picture. What do I do to get new pictures every few days from Microsoft? Our answer Hi Kenneth. Here's what you need to do. Right-click on an open area of your desktop (i.e. without any icons). Choose "Personalize" > "Lock screen". Under "Background" make sure it's set to "Windows spotlight". ![]() When it is set to "Windows spotlight" you'll get a new background picture on your lock screen every few days. ![]() Margie has a question about LastPass and Internet Explorer Hi, I have a couple of web sites that are no longer going to support my internet explorer browser very soon. I have used the free "Last Pass" for years, ever since you recommended it. Now if I have to start using Edge or Chrome for my browser, how do I put my Last Pass extension on the newer browser and still keep the web sites and ALL the passwords that were generated, that I use? Then is there an easy way to put all my Favorites on the newer browser too? Thank you very much for all your advice throughout the years. Our answer Hi Margie. Thanks for your kind words and your support. The key to LastPass is your master password. All of your sites & passwords are stored encrypted in your LastPass vault. The only thing that decrypts your passwords and other confidential information is your master password. You can install LastPass on almost any browser and on almost any supported device and your passwords will be unlocked with your LastPass user name (email address) and your master password. You don't have to do anything but install LastPass on whatever browser you need to install it on then click "Log in" and login to your LastPass account with your master password. Your sites and passwords and all other data you have stored in your LastPass vault will automatically appear in the browser(s) you install it on, once you log in to your LastPass account. II suggest you do not download the one-size-fits-all version of LastPass. Chrome and Edge have their own versions. Download LastPass for Chrome here. Download LastPass for Microsoft Edge here. Keep in mind, you can install LastPass on both and try out both browsers with LastPass to see which browser best suits your requirements. Import your IE favorites into Chrome this way. Click on the 3 vertical dots (top right). Click "Bookmarks" & click import bookmarks and settings. When the dialog opens choose to import from Internet Explorer (Favorites are bookmarks). ![]() All your Favorites will be imported from IE. To import your Favorites from IE to Edge: Click on the 3 horizontal dots (top right) and then click on Settings (near the bottom). ![]() When "Settings" opens, click on "Import or export". ![]() Tick the radio button next to Internet Explorer & then click the "Import button" - that's all there is to it. ![]() I hope this helps you. ![]() Brenda asks about our newsletter and about Java I am not getting your newsletter anymore and I cannot figure out how to change my email address on your site. But most of all I need to install JAVA to deposit checks at my bank and I have tried 3 times and still can't get it done. I used it successfully before getting Windows 10 but now I can't. Please help me. Thank you. Our answer Hi Brenda. Java is not supported natively by any modern browser. If you need to use Java for online banking at your bank, you're going to need to use Internet Explorer -- it's the only browser left that supports Java. You can find Internet Explorer on Windows 10 in the Start menu under Windows Accessories. You can also start it by typing IEXPLORE.EXE in the taskbar search and clicking it when it appears in the results. Java is not supported because it's not secure and it's not safe - it's been a vector for malicious applications for a long time. The same will be true of Flash. It will not be supported in any modern browser after December 2020. You should call your bank and find out why they are not using a modern, secure portal for their customers to use for online banking. As far as your subscription address, I can change it for you, just let me know what you want to change it to and I'll do that for you. ![]() Robert wants to stick with Internet Explorer I'm sorry, I still like Internet Explorer. For us older persons it's just simple to use to get things done. It's easy to add thing you want to do, like send a page or link without going thru a lot of clicks. I'm sure they will not add these easy ways to Dev. My question is, in Dev do you have an option to import your Favorites? Does this put another file into Dev. We have Favorites under users now with a sort cut to them. If you add a site to Dev will it update the one you have now under users. I don't like to create more files then I need. Our answer Hi Robert. You can use whatever browser you like, Robert.. Edge Dev is basically Chrome. It's based on Google Chrome and most of its features are exactly like Chrome except it calls bookmarks "Favorites" as does Edge and Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer has always used the C:\Users\%Username%\Favorites to store favorites. These favorites were stored as files. Microsoft Edge has never used this location and does not share favorites with Internet Explorer at all. Microsoft Edge Dev stores favorites in a different location in a database file called spartan.edb. Microsoft Edge Dev does not share favorites with Internet Explorer. So, while you can import favorites into Edge and Edge Dev, once imported they are not shared with Internet Explorer. So adding a favorite to Edge or Edge Dev does not make it visible or usable in Internet Explorer and likewise, the reverse is true. Internet Explorer is the least secure and slowest of all browsers. But it's your choice to continue to use it. What you're going to find over the next few years is that many sites won't work correctly in Internet Explorer - some already don't. Most developers don't bother with Internet Explorer compatibility anymore because fewer than 7% of all people on the Internet use it. We not saying we agree, but we can understand. The main modern browsers and their derivatives, Chrome, Firefox, Edge. Edge Dev, Opera, are used by most people. And finally, the database files and files used to save bookmarks are very small. In this age of terabyte hard drives, I would not worry about a few megabytes of bookmark/favorites files and databases. Most browsers, like Chrome, Edge Dev, Firefox and Edge have free extensions you can install that will allow you to do things like sending a link by email in one click. In fact, I'm not aware of anything (safe things) that Internet Explorer can do that modern browsers cannot do. You can use Internet Explorer as long as the sites you visit still work with it. ![]()
We answer more of your questions from the past week here!
Includes "Anytime Repair" with Our Unattended Support Feature! When Your Laptop is Plugged-in but the Battery's Not Charging Here's a solution we've used to fix the "Laptop Plugged-in, battery not
charging" error. If you have the "laptop plugged in, battery not charging"
when you battery level is less than 90%, try this:
What to Do When Sleep is Not on the Menu
We have noticed that some Windows 10 users don't have a sleep option on the
power menu (shut down menu). We don't normally recommend putting your
computer to sleep, rather we recommend leaving your computer idle and just
allowing the screen to dim after a set number of minutes of inactivity (10,
15, 20, etc. minutes).
When You Need to Close Your Browser in a Hurry This is to remind you how to close a browser that has become unresponsive or when you click something malicious and suddenly you’re faced with a tech support scam popup or another malicious popup. CTRL+F4 We’ll do the easiest one first. If you just want to close the current tab (the one you’re viewing), just press CTRL+F4. This is a quick and easy way to close the tab you’re viewing. This may come in handy if you can’t close the tab normally. ALT+F4 If your browser is frozen or you have run into malicious scam popup, you may not be able to close the tab. In this case, while your browser is open and you’re looking at it (it’s in focus) try using ALT+F4 Task Manager If neither of the above work for you try opening Task Manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC) and look in the processes tab. You can right-click on any browser process and choose “End process”. Keep in mind there may be several processes running for the same browser. You need right-click on each and choose “End process”. Taskkill Even easier to use is Taskkill. Open a command prompt: — On Windows 7, type CMD in the start menu search and click on CMD when
you see it appear at the top. At the prompt in the Command prompt window, type the following (remember these commands must be typed exactly as far as spacing goes – they are not case sensitive though).
To close all instances of Chrome type: Taskkill /im chrome.exe /f To close all instances of Firefox type: Taskkill /im firefox.exe /f To close all instances of Microsoft Edge type: Taskkill /im micosoftedge.exe /f To close all instances of Internet Explorer type: Taskkill /im iexplore.exe /f Keep this in mind – when you close your browser using ALT + F4 or Taskkill, and you reopen your browser, most browsers will attempt to restore the tabs that were open when you forced it to close. If you’re trying to get away from a tech support scam or other malicious popup or advertisement, the last thing you want to do is let your browser restore the tabs/pages that were open. If you allow that you’re likely to find yourself caught in a never-ending circle. Never allow your browser to restore the tabs that were open when you force your browser to close to stop a scam, popup advertisement or other incidents. Restart your computer Finally, you always have the option to restart your computer if you run into something bad on the internet. That will close all open programs. Again, remember, if you force your browser to close by restarting your computer to get away from a problem you’ve run into on the Web, don’t allow your browser to reopen the pages that were open when you forced the browser to close. Now you know what to do the next time you run into a
tech support scam popup that tells you your computer has 9 million viruses
and if you close the scam ad all your files will be erased – and telling you
to call 1-800-XXX-MMMM to fix your computer. You will know what to do —
Our Favorite Windows 10 Windows Key
Shortcuts Every so often we like to feature our favorite Windows 10 Windows key
shortcuts. We think they're time-savers and if you use them, we think you'll
agree. So here you go. These are the Windows 10 Windows Key shortcuts that
we use most of all. Of course, there are many more - but we think you'll
find these the most useful. We have thousands of Windows tips, tricks and more on our InfoAve web site. Subscribe to our free InfoAve Daily newsletter. When you support us with a small gift, you help us continue our mission to keep you informed, separate the truth from the hyperbole, and help you stay safer online. Plus, our computer tips make your computer easier to use. Did you know that we provide support to thousands of people? Every week we help dozens of people via email at no charge. The questions and answers you see in our newsletters are from the email answers and help we provide to everyone free of charge. Thanks to your gifts, we do a lot more than provide this free newsletter. We help you recognize online threats, fight for your online privacy, provide you with the knowledge you need to navigate the Web safely, provide you with suggestions for safe, free software and websites, and help you get more out of your PC. Please Help us keep up the good fight with a small gift. Interested in making an automatic monthly gift? Visit this page. Help us keep helping you... and helping you stay safe on the Web. If you purchased or renewed Reg Organizer through Cloudeight within the last 12 months, you're entitled to a free version upgrade to Reg Organizer 8.30.
Autumnal Observations I walk a lot. At least some would say I do. It’s all a matter of
perspective, I suppose. I try to walk at least one hour every day. When a
person walks as much as I do they tend to learn a lot about the people and
the places they walk by. Most days I look forward to my walks. However, there are only a limited number of walking routes available to me
if I want to stay within my one-hour walking limit. So, wherever I walk has
to begin and end at my home – I am not driving my car to some out of the way
place just to grab a change of scenery. And unfortunately or fortunately,
depending on one’s perspective, I pass by some of the same places almost
every day. In my little town, there are not enough unique places that lie
within a good one hour’s walk. But that’s fine with me. Over the years I’ve learned which stores are struggling, which ones are
having sales, and so on. I’ve also learned a lot about people, such as which
homeowners are obsessed with their lawns, which ones don’t care...
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Now when you shop Amazon using our links, you can save money, get great
products and help us too!
For every purchase you make using our Amazon affiliate links, we make a
small commission. If you shop at Amazon, we hope you'll use our Amazon
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Shop Amazon and help Cloudeight! All About Your IP Address Your IP address is much like your phone number. It’s a unique number assigned to you when you’re connected to the Internet. Your IP address can be static – that is fixed and unchanging – or it can be dynamic – meaning it changes every time you connect to the internet or semi-static meaning it changes from time to time. Your IP address is logged by every Web site you visit and can be used to identify you right down to your city and country — and with a court order your name and address and phone number. However, unless there is some reason for the authorities to issue a court order or warrant to find out who you are, IP addresses simply remain on Web server logs along with the time and date when you accessed the site(s). Every web server captures your IP address – and no ad-blocker or do-not-track extension that claims to keep your browsing private actually does. Additionally, your ISP logs everything you do and every site you visit on the Internet. Well here, we’ll show you. Go to Wait a few seconds. You will soon see that it can tell a lot about you even -in most cases – the city and country you’re in and even your longitude and latitude from your IP address. There may be times when you’d like or need to know what your IP address is – or maybe you’re just curious. If you’re curious or need to know your IP address quickly, the fastest way to get your IP address is to go to and type IP in the search box and press Enter. Immediately your IP address is displayed at the top. If you want to find out more about yourself do an IP Lookup on your IP address. You can do that from Amazing and a bit scary too, eh? Your IP address is essentially like a phone number. In order to get on the Web you have to have an IP address; your IP address is automatically assigned by your ISP. But just because you have an IP address doesn’t mean some hacker or criminal is following you around or lurking in the shadows. And yes, you can hide your true IP address by using a VPN, however using a VPN will not prevent you from getting malware, ransomware, having your identity stolen, or even from being tracked. Because seriously, think about it: Data is money. Do you believe your VPN service is not keeping logs and is not tracking the websites you visit just because they say so? A grain of salt, I say! There is a lot more to IP addresses than we’ve covered here, but what do you
think we are, geek-heads and techno-jargonists? No way!
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