Cloudeight InfoAve Premium Issue #848 Volume 17 Number 12 January 10, 2020 Dear Friends, Welcome to Cloudeight InfoAve Premium issue #848. Thank you very much for subscribing and for being a part of our Cloudeight family. We appreciate your friendship and support very much! ![]() We're moving our Websites to secure servers We spent last weekend moving our websites to SSL (Secure) servers and we are still working on it. It is a huge project. When this project is complete, you’ll see a lock in front of our all of our RLs. Some pages are already complete - see our Start Page at, for instance. So if you notice a picture missing here or a mixed-content warning there, please bear with us as we continue working on this project. As always, thanks so much for your support. We appreciate it very much! ![]() MICROSOFT WILL END SUPPORT FOR WINDOWS 7 ON JANUARY 14, 2020. YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO UPGRADE. Microsoft will end support for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020. Using Windows 7 after that date may put your computer at risk as Microsoft will no longer be releasing security updates and fixes for it. Now's the time to upgrade to Windows 10!
Get more information or purchase your "Transformation" now.
A comment from Pete
A big Cloudeight "Thank you!" to Pete, Bonnie, Cheryl, Becky and everyone who took time out to write to us, share a comment and/or share us on Facebook! We appreciate your kind words and your support very much! EB & TC. Your Purchase Helps Us!
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Roger wants to do a clean install of Windows 10
Yvonne asks about Chromes reader-mode "distilled" page option I am trying to get my computer to go to sleep rather than shutting it down every night. Before the last update, it worked well for me, but now it does not. Any ideas on how I can fix it? I have another computer which is much slower and it was not messed up with the update, but not the main one that I use for most things. I don't understand how this can happen like that. You people are so good at helping fix all these silly things. m I don't know what people who don't follow you make out. I know I would be totally lost. Thanks for all you help. Bev. Our answer Hi Bev... thanks! It seems to me that Windows 10's "Sleep" has never worked the way it should. But anyway... there's no point in putting a computer to sleep unless it's a laptop and you're moving from place to place. Windows 10's sleep is a hybrid of sleep and hibernation and many people report problems with it. We set our computers to never sleep and to dim the screen after 10 minutes of inactivity. And that puts the computer into an idle state, but not sleep. The monitor/screen uses most of the power so dimming the monitor/screen after so many minutes of not being used is a great way to save power. If you do it our way, you don't have to worry about sleep mode and you still save power. Depending on your monitor or laptop screen it can use 100 to 200 watts, whereas the computer/laptop itself when idle uses only 7 to 15 watts (about the same as or a bit more than a nightlight.). We actually do practice what we preach. Here is how I have my laptop power settings. I leave my laptop plugged in 99% of the time. This laptop is over 7 years old. I have been settings this way since the early days of Windows 7 and it has never shortened the life of my hard drives or computers. ![]() Assuming you're not using a laptop, right-click on your start button, click Power Options and do this: Under Screen "Turn off after 10 minutes". Under "Sleep" set it to "Never". If it is a laptop, under Screen set it to 5 minutes when on battery and 15 minutes when plugged in. And under "Power" change it to "PC goes to sleep after 10 minutes" when on battery, and "Never" when it's plugged in. If you want to try to fix your sleep mode... do this. Right-click on your start button and choose "Power options". Then change whatever settings you have for sleep to something different. In other words, if you have it set to sleep after 10 minutes, change it to 15 minutes -just make sure it's different. Then restart your computer. Most of the time, just changing the sleep timer works. If this doesn't work, there are more complicated solutions. Let me know if you need more help.. ![]() Judy wants to know if this program will speed up her Internet connection Recently I did a speed test on my laptop using Anyway, my download was 5.17 Mbps and the upload was .51 Mbps. Not very good but much better than dial-up. The site pointed out a file to download called SG TCPOptimizer 4 which is suppose to provide an intuitive interface for tuning and optimizing Internet connection. I wonder if you know of it and can it make a difference? I don't want to put in on my computer for fear it is Spyware. I value your opinion. Thanks for your time. Judy L.\ Our answer Hi Judy. It won't hurt your computer to try it. And it's free. And it may increase your speed but only nominally (maybe a few tenths of Mb). Read this honest review here. But whether you have 5.17 Mbps or 5.5 Mbps, you're not really going to notice a difference. The only way you're going get noticeably faster speeds is by using an ISP who can provide it.. or paying extra if your ISP offers a "tiered" service. It is not spyware but I think is more of a psychological fix than one that will make a real difference. ![]() Lee wants to know why links don't open up with his email program anymore I used to use Outlook 2010 and when I clicked on an email link on a website it automatically opened a new Outlook email for me to complete. However since I had to stop using Outlook as Sky Mail won't accept it anymore, can you please tell me how to link my new email client, say Gmail, so that a website email link will open a Gmail new email. At the moment it still opens Outlook. Thanks for all the help this past year and all your great advice and tips. Our answer Hi Lee. Thank you! The program that opens email links is not determined by your email service, it is determined by your Windows 10 settings. Right-click on the Start button Click Settings In Settings, click on Apps In Apps, click on Default apps In Default apps click on "Mail" Select "Google Chrome" or "Gmail" (if you see it). Close Settings ![]() I hope this helps you, Lee. ![]() Mikeal wants to know what we currently recommend to make image backups I can't thank you both enough for all the information you give all of us in your newsletters. My question concerns image backup software. Cloudeight used to have an image backup software you installed and set up. I don't see the information for that service any longer. Is that no longer available? Thanks again for all you both do to help everyone who asks. Our answer Hi Mikeal. Thanks so much for your very kind comments. We not currently recommending or promoting any image backup software. We recommend using Windows 10 File History to back up your files and folders. Windows 10 has System Reset and Fresh Start available to reinstall Windows without removing your files, folders, etc. All you have to do is reinstall your programs - and Windows makes that easier by leaving a list of programs that were removed on the desktop. Also, Windows 10 is available free, so you can make installation media (USB or DVD) so reinstalling Windows on a new hard drive is fairly easy. All this makes image backups a lot less important. If you still feel you need an image backup, Macrium Reflect works well. The free version is available from there. The program is easy to use and its documentation is excellent. I hope this helps you, Mikeal. ----- Mikeal wrote back: "Thank you so much for the reply, I will do that with a fresh start and back up the files and folders with Windows 10."...and again "That was painless to do the refresh on windows 10. I can now trim down the loaded apps I used to have on the desktop. thank you so much for the insight for what I needed. Blessings to you both. Mikeal." ![]()
We answer more of your questions from the past week here!
Includes "Anytime Repair" with Our Unattended Support Feature! How to Export and Save Your Gmail Contacts This tip was created when Pearl wrote and asked how to save her Gmail Contacts. We sent her instructions and she said it was just exactly what she needed. So we thought we'd share this tip with all our InfoAve Premium readers. If you use Gmail and you get a new Gmail account, you
may want to export your contacts from your old Gmail account and import them
to your new account. Or you may want to export your Gmail contacts and import
them into Thunderbird or another popular email program. Or you may just
want to export them and keep a copy of your Gmail contacts on your computer. 1. Open Gmail and click the Google apps icon near the top right. Then click on the "Contacts" icon.
2. In Google (Gmail) Contacts, click on "Export" in the menu on the left.
3. Tick the circles to select "Contacts" and "Google CSV" then click "Export" at the bottom.
4. As soon as you click "Export" your contacts will be downloaded in a CSV
file that you can save on a flash drive or external drive. You can use the CSV
file you downloaded to import contacts into most email programs or to
import them back to your Gmail account or a different Gmail account.
A Quick and Easy Guide to Resetting Most Popular Browsers Installing extensions can add functionality to your browser, some of them quite helpful – LastPass for example. Others can cause your browser to display unwanted popups, advertisements or worse. Sometimes uninstalling or removing a browser extension doesn’t fix the problems it created. If you have are having problems with your browser, no matter what the cause, a good option is to reset it. This removes all extensions and resets your browser back to its original state. Resetting a browser does not erase or remove your bookmarks or favorites. Here’s the skinny on resetting the 4 most popular browsers: Chrome – Click the Menu icon (very top-right; it looks like 3 vertical dots). Click Settings. At the very bottom of the Settings dialog, click Show Advanced Settings, scroll down to the bottom and click “Reset settings”. For a complete guide see our tutorial here. Firefox – Click Help / Troubleshooting information / Refresh Firefox. For a complete tutorial on resetting Firefox see this page. Microsoft Edge – Right-click the Windows 10 Start button. / Click on Settings / Click on Apps / In Apps & Features on scroll down and find Microsoft Edge / Click on Microsoft Edge, then click on Advanced options / Click on the “Reset” button. See our tutorial here for a complete guide on resetting (or repairing) Microsoft Edge. Internet Explorer – Click Tools / Internet Options / Advanced Settings / Reset When your favorite browser is not working right due to an extension you
installed, or if you’re getting popups or advertisements you shouldn’t be
getting, or something else does not seem quite right, then resetting your
browser might be just the fix you need. How to Export Chrome Passwords to a File If you use Chrome’s built-in password manager and you want to save your passwords to file, we’re going to show how to do that. Step #1. Open Chrome and click on the Settings icon (3 vertical dots). Then click on “Settings”… (Please note… If you want to save time and a couple of steps, you can copy and paste “chrome://settings/passwords” without the quotes in Chrome’s address “Omni” bar and then go directly to step #3.)
Step #2. In Chrome Settings, click the little arrow icon to the right of “Passwords” as shown in the screenshot below.
Step #3. In the dialog that opens, click the icon (3 vertical dots) to the right of “Saved passwords”, as shown below:
Step #4. In the next dialog, click the button labeled “Export passwords…”.
Step #5. You’ll see another dialog warning you that once exported to a file, your passwords will be visible to anyone with access to the exported file. To continue, click the blue “Export passwords” button.
Step #6. Your Chrome passwords are protected by your Windows password (or PIN). Type your Windows password or PIN the dialog that appears after you click “Export passwords…”.
Step #7. Choose a location where you want to store the file with your passwords, and give your file a name. For example, see the following screenshot.
Step #8. After you click the “Save” button (above), your password file will be saved in the location you specified with the name you chose.
Step #9. The file will be saved as a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. If you have MS Office installed CSV files will open with Microsoft Excel. If you don’t have MS Office installed, you and open the CSV file with WordPad. Below you can see we opened the password CSV file with WordPad. Since everyone with Windows 10 has WordPad, you’ll be able to open your saved password file even if you don’t have MS Office or an alternate office program. You can open WordPad from the Start menu > Windows Accessories > WordPad…or you can right-click the Start button, click “Run”, type WRITE in the run box and press Enter.
We suggest you store your password file somewhere other than your
computer’s hard drive(s). It would be wiser to store it on a flash
drive or external drive.
More Desktop Wallpaper for You Over our little Christmas break, I had a bit of extra time so I dug deep and found 64 beautiful photos that II thought would make great desktop wallpaper or a beautiful background image for your Windows 10 lock screen. So I gathered them all and zipped them up for you. All of these photos are from Microsoft. Those of you who are using Windows 10 may have seen some of these beautiful photos on your Windows 10 lock screen. I had a lot of fun finding, sorting, compiling and naming all of these images for you. There are 64 photos in this collection – here are some thumbnails to give you a sample of some of the photographs in this collection.
We hope you enjoy viewing and/or using these beautiful photographs for your desktop wallpaper, your lock screen backgrounds, or in your projects. You can download a zip file containing all 64 of these full-sized photographs from this link. (File download size is 32.9 MB) Bonus! We have another compilation of wallpaper for
you can read about it and get it here.
We have thousands of Windows tips, tricks and more on our InfoAve web site. Subscribe to our free InfoAve Daily newsletter. When you support us with a small gift, you help us continue our mission to keep you informed, separate the truth from the hyperbole, and help you stay safer online. Plus, our computer tips make your computer easier to use. Did you know that we provide support to thousands of people? Every week we help dozens of people via email at no charge. The questions and answers you see in our newsletters are from the email answers and help we provide to everyone free of charge. Thanks to your gifts, we do a lot more than provide this free newsletter. We help you recognize online threats, fight for your online privacy, provide you with the knowledge you need to navigate the Web safely, provide you with suggestions for safe, free software and websites, and help you get more out of your PC. Please Help us keep up the good fight with a small gift. Interested in making an automatic monthly gift? Visit this page. Help us keep helping you... and helping you stay safe on the Web. BleachBit: A Unique System Cleaner Once in a while, we find a freeware program that seems to be a re-hash of other applications, but on closer look isn’t. BleachBit is one of these kinds of applications. On the surface, it may seem to be just another system clean-up tool (yawn!) of which there are dozens of free ones to choose from. But when we looked closer, we found it to be the most powerful, most comprehensive free clean-up tool we’ve ever used. And because it can be so powerful – it can cause problems for some users — especially those who are inclined to not heed warnings or read program documentation. But we’ve decided to recommend it to you because it cleans areas of your computer that most others don’t touch, BleachBit is a powerful system clean-up tool, and when it is used with care, it can clean up files like Adobe Reader’s cache. temporary files, system files, files created by popular browsers such as Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc., and much more. Plus its file shredder can make you private files impossible to recover. It goes places other cleaners don’t — and that’s why we are featuring it. Here’s
a simple description from the developer: If you’re looking for something that cleans the garbage from your computer and
many of the applications that leave traces and junk files behind, and that is
fairly easy to use, take a
look at BleachBit. You can read
more about and/or download BleachBit (free) from here. If you purchased or renewed Reg Organizer through Cloudeight within the last 12 months, you're entitled to a free version upgrade to Reg Organizer 8.40.
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A little bit about megabytes and megabits
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