Cloudeight InfoAve Premium Issue #852 Volume 17 Number 16 February 7, 2020 Dear Friends, Welcome to Cloudeight InfoAve Premium issue #852. Thank you very much for subscribing and for being a part of our Cloudeight family. We appreciate your friendship and support very much! If you have a question or comment for our newsletter, please submit it here. ![]()
Valentines Sale! Save $14 on a Cloudeight SeniorPass - one full year of
computer care & repair for one great price.
Save $14 on a Cloudeight SeniorPass right now. Get all the details here!
A comment from Jeanie
A big Cloudeight "Thank you!" to Jeanie, Dennis, Ruth,
Annabelle, and everyone who took time out to write to us, share a comment and/or share us on Facebook! We appreciate your kind words and your support very much! EB & TC.
A Sweetheart Deal! Get a computer repair key for just $14! CRAZY CHEAP! ![]() ![]() Dave wants to be able to "Send to - Mail recipient" on Windows 10
Jacquie has a problem with her Microsoft account I have a Thunderbird email problem. When I write or forward an email I used to get a contact list on the left side of the screen. Now I don't and I can't find a way to get it back again. So, my question do I get it back, please? I am currently using Thunderbird version 68.4.2. Thanks for your fantastic services to computer users everywhere. Vic. Our answer Hi Vic. I have you covered! All you have to do is this: Open any mail and click reply or forward. Now click the F9 key. If you are using a laptop that has extra functions on the function keys, hold Fn key (bottom row on keyboard) and click F9. That should bring that contacts (address book) sidebar back in view and it will stay there. If it comes up missing, it might be that you are accidentally hitting the F9 key. That key will also remove it from view - it works both ways. ----- Vic wrote back..."Darcy. Thank you, my dear friend .Once again you have saved my "Bacon". What fantastic service and in absolute quick time. Thanks again. All the best to you and "him" with you. Vic." ![]() Carol says Microsoft Store is gone... After the last update from Microsoft, I can't find the Microsoft Store. Can I download it from the internet? Our answer Hi Carol. Just type STORE in taskbar search (the search just to the right of the start button). I hope this helps you find the Microsoft Store. ![]() Mary wants to use our Amazon affiliate link in Canada but... Regarding your Amazon connection - when I use the link in the newsletter, it brings me to How do I link to Thanks, Mary Our answer Hi Mary. Thank you for your support and for using our Amazon affiliate link. If you're connecting from a location in Canada and you're not using any kind of program to change your IP address it will automatically go to the Canadian site. I just tested it using a Canadian VPN and it works as it should. ![]() Thanks again for your support, Mary. ![]() Patty can't find Item Checkboxes in Windows 10 Re: Jim's question about the checkbox feature. I don't know what that is, so, being the curious old lady I am, I followed the directions you gave and it brought up 'My PC' and nowhere could I find File Explorer. Could this be because I still don't have the new version of Windows 10? Aren't they supposed to put that on my computer, or did I miss a notice to do it myself? Since I had the stroke I'm not sure of myself enough to do it. Is this something you can help me with? Our answer Hi Patty. I think you're missing a step somewhere. Item Check boxes are in every version of Windows 10 including version 1909. The screenshot below was taken on Windows 10 version 1909. Hold down the Windows key and tap the E key to open File Explorer. Whether it says "This PC" or "Quick Access" at the top, you must click "View" on the toolbar to see "Item check boxes". ![]() I hope this helps you, Patty. ![]()
With our Windows 10 customization service, we will:
Make your computer look & work more like Windows 7 by doing the following:
If you are still using Windows 7 and you'd like to upgrade to Windows 10 and then have us make it look more like Windows 7, we can help you with both! See our Windows 10 Transformation service page.
Locate Your Mouse Pointer the Easy Way Sometimes it's hard to find your mouse cursor or pointer. Maybe you're getting older and having a little bit of trouble seeing, or maybe the color of the background makes it hard to see the pointer. Whatever the reason is, we're going to give you a tip that will help you. We call it the Sonar effect. No doubt we are the only ones who do, so don't go to your geeky neighbor and start talking about Sonar effects or he'll think you're crazy. We call it the Sonar effect because of the concentric circles Windows generates to help you find a missing mouse pointer. Yes indeed, it's true. The Sonar effect causes your mouse pointer to pop-up in the center of concentric rings so you can easily find it. Some of you may have never lost your mouse pointer, but we bet many of you have. We have too and it's frustrating. In Windows 10 the Sonar effect should already be turned on by default. But you can make sure by going to Settings > Devices > Mouse > Additional Mouse settings. When the Mouse Properties dialog opens (see below) click on the Pointer Options tab,
Make sure the box next to "Show location of pointer when I press the CTRL key" is checked. Now, the next time you lose your mouse pointer, just press the CTRL key and
Windows will create concentric circles around your pointer to help you locate
it. You might have to press the CTRL key a couple of times, the circles don't
stay on the screen long.
The Differences Between System Restore, System Reset, Fresh Start and Factory Reset Over the years we've helped several people who used System Reset instead of System Restore. We know confusing all these Windows 10 recovery options can be - especially if you’re upset, frustrated or in a hurry. Today, we are going to clarify each Windows 10 recovery option and give you some suggestions as to when you should run each. First, Fresh start is available only on Windows 10 Creators Update, Fall Creators Update and newer versions of Windows 10. [NOTE: None of these Windows features are backup programs. Nothing on this post should be construed as alternatives to keeping good backups. At the very least you should have an external hard drive and Windows File History turned on. It’s available with all versions of Windows 10.] System Restore Think of System Restore as a time machine [not a backup program]. Let’s say this morning you installed Uncle Bill’s Desktop Whirly Gig and it really messed up your computer. System Restore is your best FIRST option. System Restore lets you go back in time, to a time before you installed Uncle Bill’s crummy software, and puts your computer back to the state it was in before your computer got all messed up. System Restore keeps all of your programs and settings up to the date/time of the Restore Point you choose. Additionally, it keeps all of your personal files and folders. System Restore is a good first option when something goes wrong. It's the best first choicebecause it makes the least changes to your computer. System Reset System Reset is a powerful tool that comes with every version of Windows 10. System Reset gives you two options: 1. Reset your computer and keep all your personal files. 2. Reset your computer and remove everything. When you do a System Reset and choose the option to keep your personal files, Windows saves all of your personal files (documents, pictures, videos, music, etc.) and then removes all your programs and settings. Windows generates a list of programs that it removes. After Windows has saved all of your personal files and removed all of your programs, it reinstalls Windows. Any programs you installed are removed, but any apps that came with Windows and manufacturer’s bloatware will be reinstalled. So, after the Reset is done, all your personal files will be right where they were before you did the reset. But you’ll need to reinstall any programs you like because all you’ll have after a Reset are Windows apps like Edge, Mail app, etc. and any manufacturer’s software that came with your computer. The first program you should re-install after a system Reset is your security software. When you do a System Reset and choose not to save your personal files and folders, Windows will remove everything, reinstall Windows with Windows apps and any manufacturer’s software. A System Reset is the best option when your computer has so many serious unrelated problems that using your computer becomes annoying or difficult. Fresh start Fresh start is a new feature of Windows 10 that was introduced with Windows 10 Creators Update. Fresh start is very similar to System Reset with one big difference. When you run a Windows 10 Fresh start, it saves your personal files and folders, and some of your Windows settings. Like Windows 10 Reset, it uninstalls all of your programs. Fresh start clean installs Windows 10, which means that none of the manufacturer's bloatware is reinstalled. You get a fresh, clean copy of Windows and all your personal files are restored. Fresh start is a good choice if you are having many substantial and serious problems with your PC. Factory Reset Many computer manufacturers included a recovery partition on the hard drive that allows you to restore your computer to the same condition it was in the day you bought it. Each computer manufacturer has its own procedure for performing a factory reset. Since doing a factory reset wipes everything off your computer and puts it back to the exact state it was in the day you bought it, it should be your very last choice if you are having serious problems with your computer. Another thing to keep in mind: If your computer came with Windows 7 or Windows 8x when your purchased it, then you upgraded to Windows 10, and you do a factory reset, your computer will be running Windows 7 or Windows 8x when the factory reset has completed. However, you can re-install Windows 10 without having a product key. The Windows 10 key was hardcoded to your computer when it was installed (or when you upgraded). You can create Windows 10 installation media by following the instructions on this page. During the installation process, when you're asked for a product key, choose "Skip" and go on with the installation. You should always try System Restore, System Reset, or Fresh start before resorting to a factory reset. If you want to know how to do a factory reset, check with your PC’s manufacturer. “Quick Start Guide to Windows 10” E-book Available Free From
Many of you who were using Windows 7 have recently upgraded to Windows 10. And while it’s not a huge leap to move from Windows 7 to Windows 10, it can take some time to get used to the change. There are a lot of similarities and some significant differences between Windows 7 and Windows 10 For instance, in Windows 7 when you wanted to change settings and options you opened the Control Panel. In Windows 10, although Control Panel is still there, you’ll find most of your settings and options are in the Settings App. In Windows 7 the taskbar was fairly simple; in Windows 10 it’s more complex with more options. Microsoft’s “Quick Start Guide to Windows 10” e-book, is a great way to learn about all the Windows 10 features, settings, and options. The e-book contains 8 sections: 1. Understanding your desktop 2. Setup and personalization 3. Apps and Programs 4. Tips and Tricks 5. Security, privacy and scam protection 6. Accessibility 7. Windows updates and upgrades 8. Additional Resources Microsoft says:
We are not much for hyperbole, but this Windows 10 E-book is very nicely done. And you can’t beat the price. FREE.
If you’re new to Windows 10, you’ll find this e-book an invaluable aid in learning Windows 10. And if you’ve been using Windows 10 for years, we are almost certain that you’ll learn something in this e-book you didn’t know.
Visit this Microsoft page and get your free “Quick Start Guide to
Windows 10” e-book
Installing and Working With Fonts on Windows 10 Viewing and installing fonts on Windows 10 is a huge improvement over previous versions of Windows. To view the fonts on your Windows 10 computer, type Fonts in taskbar search and press Enter. You can also find Fonts in Settings > Personalization > Fonts. You’ll see all the fonts on your system displayed exactly as they will appear when you use them.
Installing fonts on Windows 10 is a snap. The biggest challenge with fonts on Windows 10 is finding good free fonts from decent sites that don’t bundle malware with the fonts — or try to trick you into installing driver updaters or other garbage. Here are 3 free fonts sites we tested today (23 January 2020). We found all 3 to be free of trickery. DaFont Thousands of fonts, easy to download. Fonts come in a zip file with nothing inside but the fonts, and sometimes a “readme” text tile and/or a graphic of the font. No malware. No tricks. Google Fonts Google Fonts is a great site. Thousands of fonts. However, downloading fonts from Google takes some getting used to. Persevere and you’ll find some great fonts to download from Google – and Google Fonts is one of the only where all fonts are free for home or commercial use. FontSpace There’s a very nice search feature on this site to help you find a font by name. Fonts are in zip files. They’re easy to download. All fonts here are free, but most are free for home (personal) use only. Moving right along. Downloading fonts the hard part… trying to find a good free font site and going through all the great fonts can be time-consuming. Now for the easy part. We downloaded a font in a zip file from DaFont. Unzipped the file and double-clicked on the font file.
Just right-click the font and choose “Install” or “Install for all users" from the right-click menu.
Want to see what your new font looks like after it’s installed. Easy. Type Fonts in the taskbar search. When Windows 10 Fonts opens, search for your font by name.
Find your new font and you can see what it (or any font( looks like by typing a word or sentence in the text box and using the slider to make the font smaller or larger.
Once you’ve installed a new font, you can use it in any application that allows you to select fonts. Here, I’m using my new “VanessasValentine” font in a very old version of PaintShop Pro.
Now you know all about downloading, installing, previewing and using fonts on Windows 10. Have fun! We have thousands of Windows tips, tricks and more on our InfoAve web site. Subscribe to our free InfoAve Daily newsletter. Make a small donation and help us help you!We are beginning our annual winter donation drive today. If you don't need any of our products or services right now, please help us with a donation. Even the smallest gift is appreciated. Every donation helps us to provide useful information that helps you with your computer as well as helping to keep you safe on the Internet. We offer free help to thousands of people every year... and we offer an honest and inexpensive computer repair service too. We do everything we can to help you with your computer and keep you safe too.So if you don't need any of our products or services right now, please consider helping us with a small donation. If you're not a Cloudeight Booster already, you'll be invited to join our boosters after you make a donation of any amount. Our boosters get freebies and special booster-only offers Please help us by making a donation right now. Thank you! Interested in making an automatic monthly gift? Visit this page. Help us keep helping you... and helping you stay safe on the Web. ![]() ![]() BrainBashers Here’s what the site’s developers have to say about their collection of brain-teasing fun things to do on a day when you’ve got nothing else to do. It seems EB has far too many of those kinds of days. It’s no wonder we’re going broke!
[*The following items came from today’s BrainBasher’s front page.]
Here’s a screenshot of BrainBashers’ home page.
BrainBashers does not ask or require any personal information. No registration is required. BrainBashers is free to use. Don’t blame us if you go to this Cloudeight Site Pick and while away the hours. We are not responsible for any domestic squabbles that may result. OK now, are you ready to
visit our Site of the Week – BrainBashers?
I thought so. Have fun!
If you purchased or renewed Reg Organizer through Cloudeight within the last 12 months, you're entitled to a free version upgrade to Reg Organizer 8.43.
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What's your Uptime? WE WILL CONTINUE TO OFFER THIS SERVICE FOR A LIMITED TIME Microsoft ended support for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020. Using Windows
7 after that date may put your computer at risk as Microsoft will no longer
be releasing security updates and fixes for it. Now's the time to upgrade to
Windows 10!
more information or purchase your "Transformation" now.
![]() ![]() These products and services are recommended and endorsed by Cloudeight:
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