105 Weird Facts That’ll Blow Your Mind
These weird facts are truly astonishing.
While searching for a fun site pick to start the year, I happened to stumble upon Parade’s “Can You Believe It?! 105 Weird Facts That’ll Blow Your Mind”. And I’ve got to tell you that some of these 105 facts are hard to believe, but I suppose most of them are true.
For instance, did you know that a strawberry is not a berry but a banana is? Originally, the Eiffel Tower was going to be erected in Barcelona, but the project was rejected because citizens thought it was an eyesore.
Let’s do a few more…
A type of jellyfish is considered biologically immortal. They don’t age and will never die unless they are killed.
You’re not allowed to swear if playing in Wimbledon. Because of this, line judges have to learn curse words in every language.
There are more stars in space than there are grains of sand on every beach in the world.
Humans cannot walk in a straight line without a visual point. When blindfolded, we will gradually walk in a circle.
Canada eats more macaroni and cheese than any other nation in the world.
We only gave you seven of the 105 weird facts. You’ll have to discover the rest of them for yourself.
If you like trivia or learning weird things, then Parade’s list of 105 Weird Facts will be right up your alley. By the way, the phrase “right up your alley” is believed to have originated from the world of bowling. When someone says something is “right up my alley,” they mean that it is well-suited to their skills or interests, much like a perfectly aimed ball in a bowling alley… like our site pick today called “105 Weird Facts That’ll Blow Your Mind“.
Take a trivia trip and have some fun learning new things. Visit our site pick right now.