Save The Food – A Cloudeight Site Pick

By | January 30, 2024


Save The Food – A Cloudeight Site Pick

Save The Food - A Cloudeight Site Pick

Our site pick this week is one I happened to hear mentioned on a TV news show a few days ago. Since it was about food, and I love food (too much) I took the bait and explored the site. And I’m glad I did.

I’m no spring chicken and I thought I knew it all when it came to how to store food correctly. But I never knew, for example, the best way to store asparagus in vase like flowers, did you? I threw out overripe avocados – I didn’t know what to do with them — but now I do. There were dozens of things about food, storing food, and using food that may be past its prime. Dozens of recipes and other ways to stop wasting food. Wasting food means wasting money and one thing I don’t want to do is waste money. I don’t have any to waste.

The site is called and it’s superbly done. You can not only find tips on how to store your food so it lasts longer, but also storage tools you can use. One of the features of the site that I think you’ll find most inspirational is the recipes. There are dozens of recipes available. And some of them are unique. For instance, until I explored, I had no idea what aquafaba was. Not only did I learn what it was, I learned to make a delicious salad dressing with it.

Oh, I piqued your interest did I? Well…

Aquafaba, the liquid left in the pot after straining or cooking beans, is the perfect base for homemade dressing. Instead of pouring that aquafaba down the drain, blend it with a combo of herbs and spices to make an easy, delectable ranch salad dressing. Pro tip: extra ranch dressing lasts for a few days in the fridge and makes a great veggie dip.

The recipes you’ll find on are unique and easy. Who doesn’t like unique and easy?

There is much more to discover, but you’ll have to visit our site pick and explore it yourself.

Right now we’re going to bring in the site’s developers to tell you more about…

Did You Know?
40% of all food in America is wasted.

While food plays a key role in shaping our identities and it is highly celebrated in American society, each year up to 40 percent of food in the United States never gets eaten, translating to $218 billion lost, which includes the cost of food wasted on the consumer level, retail, wasted water, energy, fertilizers, cropland, and production costs.

Most Americans don’t realize how much food they toss out each year—an average of 1,000 pounds per family of four, resulting in $1,500 lost. Our materials encourage Americans to “Save The Food” by showcasing the wondrous life cycle of food and the loss of resources when it goes unconsumed. All materials drive to the campaign’s website where Americans can learn how simple lifestyle changes like making shopping lists, freezing food and using leftovers can help “Save The Food” and significantly reduce the over 20 pounds per month of food individuals throw away.

Food is being wasted at an alarming rate. And we – consumers – are the largest source of it. More than grocery stores and restaurants combined. But there’s good news: we can do something about it. Everything we need is right here (and in our fridges).

Not sure where to start? A good plan is often the easiest and most impactful. Try out our collection of prep and storage tools or browse our tips to become a food waste warrior.

Whip Up New Recipes

Give scraps and that “past-its-prime” food a new (and delicious) second life! Learn how to cook with everything from cilantro stems to that overripe avocado on the counter.

We hope we’ve sufficiently piqued your curiosity enough so that you are now eager to explore all that has to offer.

Visit our site pick, right now, and well, save the food, and save some money.

One thought on “Save The Food – A Cloudeight Site Pick

  1. Debbie

    Thanks for this i am sure we are ALL guilty of it
    i throw away more Cucumbers then i want to admit to ! My hint from a farmer friend is to wrap in paper towel to store in fridge, It extends the life, oh and i have wrapped Celery in foil for years now , it will last up to 2 weeks !
    The Worst waste of food i EVER SAW was a as a School Cafe, food server ! the food that is thrown out end of each day could Feed 5 families ! sad real sad !
    thanks for the Food saver site and hope you use my hints for your cukes an celery ! it really works !


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