Cloudeight Freeware Pick

By | February 26, 2011

Stardock Logon Studio

A Cloudeight Freeware Pick
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
A Windows logon screen changer
Approximately 7.5 MB download file size

Sometimes we find a program that really serves no useful purpose other than to make fun changes to your computer. You all know how to change your desktop wallpaper, but how many of you know how change your Windows Logon screen? If you haven’t seen a Windows Logon screen that means your User Account is not password protected. That’s not a good thing. Your User Account should be password protected even if you’re the only one who ever uses your computer. It’s just good computing – so if your account isn’t password protected, change it right now so it is.

For the rest of you who see the login screen every day, you might want to know how to change that logon screen so it’s more “you”. You know. Maybe you like whales or snakes, or maybe you’d like to have a picture of your grandchild or son or daughter as your logon screen. If you’re really adventurous, you can ask EB for her latest studio self-portrait and look at her while you login in (no, no, no – you don’t want to!) Or, you can use any of the couple dozen images provided, get more from , or create your own from any suitable image you have on your computer. Once you’ve selected the image you want to use as your logon screen, just click “Apply”. LogonStudio will log you out right away so you can see your new logon screen right away. Think of it, your own logon screen. Maybe using EB’s photo would be a great idea! It would scare intruders off and keep your PC protected even without a password!

InfoAve by Cloudeight

Nope this is not a program that performs any significant functions or that improves the performance of your computer – it is a program that makes using a computer fun. And, one of the things we always try to do – along with the serious stuff – is to make it fun to use your computer.

You can get LogonStudio free from Stardock by going to . It’s a 7.5 MB download and completely free. So go ahead and download it – and have a little fun with your computer.

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