50 of the Dumbest Laws in Every State
This is one of those sites that has no value other than to make you smile… or at least scratch your head.
If you live in the USA, you’ll be interested in learning what the dumbest law in your state is. And if you live anywhere else in the world – well, what can I say? You’ll wonder what it the world these lawmakers were thinking of.
Anyway, here are a few nibbles to whet your appetite.
Connecticut: Pickles must bounce
Idaho: No cannibalism
Louisiana: No catfish stealing
New Hampshire: No seaweed collecting
Rhode Island: Don’t impersonate an auctioneer
Virginia: No skunks as pets
There are 43 more stupid laws where those came from. If you’re looking for a break and/or a laugh, you’ll want to see the dumbest law in each of the 50 states.