8 New and Necessary Punctuation Marks

By | February 22, 2013

Today’s site of the week is totally for smiles. You’ll wish these punctuation marks really existed, because, boy! would the come handy for this newsletter, and for our emails and yours.

You’ll learn the new “I’m Not Angry” punctuation mark. You’ll discover the Sinceriod, the Sarcastises, The Hemi-Demi-Semi Colon, The Morgan Freemark, and four other useful punctuation marks that don’t exist, bur really should.

We guarantee, if you have any sense of humor left, after reading through this entire newsletter, you’ll smile when you visit this page.

Cloudeight InfoAve

Come along with us and have a smile today, visit our site of the week by tapping on this link.


4 thoughts on “8 New and Necessary Punctuation Marks

  1. Ozark Mountain Nana

    One can actually download the font but I believe unless the recipient also has the font installed on their computer, the marks will not show up properly. If the originator plans to print out the document, then it will probably work. ?????

    1. infoave Post author

      You’d have to try the printer — I really don’t know — not a printer expert by any means. But for sure, unless your recipient has the same fonts installed, they would see their default font and not the special font. You could also take a screen shot of the email and post it on Facebook, etc. or send it as an image in an email.

    2. infoave Post author

      You’d have to try the printer — I really don’t know — not a printer expert by any means. But for sure, unless your recipient has the same fonts installed, they would see their default font and not the special font. You could also take a screen shot of the email and post it on Facebook, etc. or send it as an image in an email.

  2. Gay

    These are wonderful! Who doesn’t need a little levity at the end of a long week? And at other times as well–if these really existed.☺


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