The Mouse Wheel: It’s Not Just For Scrolling, We Tells Ya!

By | February 14, 2017

Cloudeight InfoAveThe Mouse Wheel: It’s Not Just For Scrolling, We Tells Ya!

You can use your mouse wheel as a mouse button. You can use your mouse wheel to make the  icons on your desktop bigger or smaller, text on web pages bigger or smaller, and more. The mouse wheel is not just for scrolling!

Pressing down on the wheel will act like a third mouse button. This can be used to open a web page in a tab by clicking the wheel on any link and can also be used to close a tab by clicking the wheel on any open tab.

Zoom in and Out on a web page, word document, excel spreadsheet, etc. by holding down the Ctrl key and moving the mouse wheel away from you (up)to zoom in and toward you (down) to zoom out.

You can move forward and backwards while browsing the Web by holding down the Shift key and scrolling up and down. Scrolling down goes back and scrolling up goes forward.

And, if you want to make your desktop icons really big – go to your desktop, click on an empty area of your desktop, hold down the Ctrl key and move your mouse wheel away from you to enlarge the icons; move wheel toward you to make them smaller. Really easy!

And did you know that some mouse wheels can be pushed left or right to also move backward and forward on a web page?

So… don’t overlook your mouse wheel. Do some wheelies today!

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