Put Your Favorite Windows 10 Settings On Your Desktop

By | February 28, 2017

Put Your Favorite Windows 10 Settings On Your Desktop

Ahoy there mateys. MSDN (Microsoft Developers Network) published a Uris table (Uniform Resource Indentifiers) that you can use to create shortcuts to the settings you use most often.

Most of you who use Windows 10 know by now that the Control Panel was carried over from previous versions of Windows, and Windows 10 also has Settings. That’s where you’ll find most of the customization options for Windows 10 so you can make Windows 10 more the way you like it.

Now on with the show.

If you have Settings that you access often, you can make desktop shortcuts to them and save some time. Plus they look pretty spiffy on your desktop, I tells ya.

In the table near the bottom of this article, you’ll find a table of Uris that we’ve modified to make simpler to use. The first column shows you the Settings Category, the last column shows you the shortcut, called Uris to confuse you. Do not let it confuse you; it is simple.

Want a shortcut to Wi-Fi settings? Right-click on your desktop, choose New —> Shortcut, and type ms-settings-wifi under “Type the location of the item”. Click Next. Then you’ll be asked to give your new shortcut a name. How about SETTINGS: WI-FI or WI-FI SETTINGS? You can name it whatever you like but if you name it Earl’s Ice Cold Beerhouse, six months from now you’re probably not going to know what the heck setting that shortcut is supposed to be. So,  you might want to resist the urge to be too creative!

Above, in our example of creating a shortcut to Wi-Fi settings, in the box beneath “Type the location of the item: ” we entered:


Then, we clicked “Next”

Then click Finish. And you’re done. If you’ve done everything correctly, you’ll see the shortcut on your desktop. When you click on the shortcut, you’ll go directly to Wi-Fi Settings. You will not pass Go; you will not collect $200. But you will have access to your Wi-Fi settings.

OK…you get the idea now, right?

Here’s our modified Uris Table:

We’ve modified the original MSDN table so it’s easier for you to use.

Category Settings page Uri for apps that target Windows 10
Home Landing page for Settings ms-settings:
System Display ms-settings:display


Notifications ms-settings:notifications
Storage ms-settings:storagesense
Battery Saver ms-settings:batterysaver
Battery Saver ms-settings:batterysaver-settings
Battery Saver ms-settings:batterysaver-usagedetails
Offline Maps ms-settings:maps
Devices Bluetooth ms-settings-bluetooth:


Connected Devices ms-settings:connecteddevices
Mouse & Touchpad ms-settings:mousetouchpad
Network and Wi-fi Wi-Fi ms-settings-wifi:


Airplane mode ms-settings-airplanemode:


Cellular ms-settings:network-cellular
Dial-up ms-settings:network-dialup
Ethernet ms-settings:network-ethernet
Proxy ms-settings:network-proxy
Data Sense ms-settings:datausage
NFC n/a
NFC n/a
Mobile Hotspot ms-settings-mobilehotspot:


Personalization Lock screen ms-settings:lockscreen
Personalization ms-settings:personalization
Accounts Your account ms-settings:emailandaccounts
Your workplace ms-settings-workplace:


Time and language Date & time ms-settings:dateandtime
Region & language ms-settings:regionlanguage
Speech ms-settings:speech
Privacy Calendar ms-settings:privacy-calendar
Contacts ms-settings:privacy-contacts
Feedback & diagnostics ms-settings:privacy-feedback
Location ms-settings:privacy-location
Messaging ms-settings:privacy-messaging
Microphone ms-settings:privacy-microphone
Other ms-settings:privacy-customdevices
Radio ms-settings:privacy-radios
Speech ms-settings:privacy-speechtyping
Webcam ms-settings:privacy-webcam
Update & Security Windows update ms-settings:windowsupdate

In the first column you’ll find the Settings category. In the second column, you’ll find the Settings “page”. And in the third column you’ll find the Uri to type in under “Type the location of the item:” in the Shortcut dialog. Also, just for fun, you can press Windows Key + R and type in the Uri. press Enter, and you’ll go right to the Setting you chose.

If you find yourself using certain settings frequently, creating shortcuts to the ones you use most often can be a time saver.

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