If You’re Still Using Windows Mail on Windows 10, Here’s a Heads Up

By | October 19, 2017

If You’re Still Using Windows Mail on Windows 10, Here’s a Heads Up

Just a heads up.. I installed Fall Creators Edition today for Windows 10, and it completely wipes out Windows Mail program and it cannot be fixed or reset. This is the time to change over to the Thunderbird mail program, so you still have time to save any mail/contacts and transfer them from Windows Mail. Once you update to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (version 1709), you won’t be able to access anything in Windows Mail.

More on Thunderbird here.

Please note: The Windows Mail  program that we refer to in this post is the Windows Mail program that replaced Outlook Express and came with Windows Vista. It could be modified to work on Windows 7, Windows 8x and Windows 10 and many people are still using it on Windows 10.

It does not refer to the Windows Mail app that comes with Windows  10 or  Windows Live Mail. If you’re still using Windows Live Mail, keep in mind that it has reached the end of its life cycle and no longer supports Microsoft accounts and will no longer be getting security updates, features updates or fixes. You use Windows Live Mail at your own risk.

18 thoughts on “If You’re Still Using Windows Mail on Windows 10, Here’s a Heads Up

  1. Richard

    Am I correct in your assessment of Thunderbird that it can be configured to handle Gmail and Live Mail, as well as other web mail services?

    1. infoave Post author

      Absolutely. I assume you’re talking about Live.com or Live.ca (Outlook.com) accounts. We can also import contacts and mail message from Windows Live Mail program.

    2. Sandy

      I am still not sure what I have to do. I have used Hotmail for years so if I change over to Thunderbird does that mean I will have to notify everyone of a new e-mail address??

      1. infoave Post author

        This has nothing to do with Hotmail, (Outlook.com). This only has to do with Windows Mail that came with Windows Vista that some people are still using on Windows 10. It has nothing to do with Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook.com, Yahoo Mail, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird, Windows Mail App on Windows 10, or anything else. Just Windows Mail (Outlook Express) that came with Windows Vista that was modified to work on Windows 7, 8, and Windows 10.

    1. infoave Post author

      It refers to the Windows Mail that came with Windows Vista that had been modified to work on Windows 7, 8, and Windows 10. It does not refer to the Windows Mail app that comes with Windows 10. I have now modified the post to clarify this. Thanks for reminding us.

  2. Vicki in Oz

    No, no, no not that deplorable ‘absolutely’ word again. ‘Yes’ sounds much better from a refined person.
    “Why use six-bit words when two-bit words serve the same person”, heard from an American schoolteacher in Australia.

  3. Vicki in Oz

    Typo … purpose replaces person, my apologies as a fast typist.

  4. Judy Gibson

    Get Cloudeight’s friendly little elves to install and set up Thunderbird email. They do a great job and you can drink your coffee and watch while they do their magic. It works well, is easy to use and they even have fun stationery. I had them fix both my laptop and PC with Thunderbird email many months ago and it has been working smoothly ever since, even with MS updates.
    Love those Cloudeight elves!

  5. Sandy Euglow

    Still slightly confused. Are we talking about Outlook.com going to go by the way??

  6. Fay Burnett

    I am using the Mail App that comes with Win 10 so, obviously, this “heads up” does not apply to my situation. However, I just want to take the opportunity to say how much I dislike the Win 10 Mail app. It’s not very nice to just post a complaint so will make it sound better by saying what a help Cloudeight has been to me over many years. 🙂

    1. Sondra Vannice

      Thank you so much for the heads up. That’s why I love you guys! You are always looking out for us, warning us about the dangers lurking in the Internet, saving us from grief ,and helping us find the best software and Apps to use. You’re the greatest!
      As a user of the Windows 10 Mail App, I so agree with Fay Burnett. I do not understand how Microsoft could be the creator of the wonderful little program that Outlook Express was and then follow up with the failures they’ve produced.
      So, I think it’s time for me to give Thunderbird email a try. Also, I miss your great Cloudeight stationery. 🙂

  7. Dawn Campbell

    Your article and my passing it along just saved someone heartache! Keep up the awesome work. Love this site~


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