Funkyize your photos with this online photo editor

By | April 19, 2011

The Web’s sure gone crazy. It ain’t like it used to be. We’re not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.  You can do some crazy things these days on the Web, just ask EB.

For instance, the other day we stumbled on a site called “BeFunky”. Now, to be honest with you, we haven’t heard anything called “funky” since the 60’s and 70’s. Funky was both a positive term and a negative one. Like “that band is funky!” (a good thing). Or, “wow dude! your feet smell funky!” (bad thing).

This site is funky in the former sense. It’s a good thing. You can do some interesting things with your digital photos at BeFunky – and you don’t even have to give them your email address, name, or any kind of personal information. You can upload a picture and “funky-ize”  it – and save it to your computer and do with it whatever you like.

Here’s a couple of examples:

Cloudeight InfoAve

Cloudeight InfoAve

Both of the samples above were from a digital picture of a baby – not saying whose baby, but certainly not EB’s or TC’s. We’ll let you guess who that baby belongs to!

BeFunky is 100% free.  You can use almost any digital photo you like. There are dozens and dozens of effects you can use and dozens and dozens of variations of those effects. Plus, you can crop and manipulate your digital photo on Be Funky before you apply the effects. You’ll just have to mess around with it yourself to see what we mean.

Warning! This site may be habit forming!

We’d be remiss if we didn’t invite the site’s developers in for a little background on Be Funky – so here they are, the Be Funky team:

“We’re changing the face of the internet. And the faces of those who surf it. BeFunky helps people turn their offline personalities into powerful online visual expressions.

Founded by engineers and cartoonists with a unique desire to integrate art and technology, BeFunky develops digital media tools that let people become instant artists and express themselves creatively without the need for any technical knowledge.

In developing these tools, BeFunky continues to help people all over the globe enhance the look and feel of their blogs, personal websites and profiles on social networking sites….”

So have at it. Get some digital photos together and venture to this Cloudeight site pick and freeware pick all rolled into one. So BeFunky, dude and dudettes!

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