Microsoft Gives Up On Windows 10 Version 1809

By | April 9, 2019

Microsoft Gives Up On Windows 10 Version 1809

If you haven’t gotten Windows 10 Version 1809 yet you’re probably not going to get it. And it looks more and more like Windows 10 users who don’t have Version 1809 (October 2018 Update) will be going straight to Windows 10 Version 1903 (April 2019 Update) when it’s released later this month. According to Ad Duplex only about 26% of Windows 10 computers are running Version 1809, which means 74% are running Version 1803 or older versions of windows 10.

Here’s the scoop from Computer World magazine:

Microsoft throws in the towel on Windows 10 1809

The company largely stopped distributing the October 2018 Update in March, apparently deciding to simply skip one feature upgrade to solve the problem of two on a collision course.

Microsoft has given up on Windows 10 1809, the troubled feature upgrade of last year that was delayed by months, data from an analytics vendor showed.

The Redmond, Wash. developer largely abandoned efforts to distribute the October 2018 Update, aka 1809 in its four-digit yymm format, last month, apparently deciding that it would, like many of its corporate customers, simply skip one feature upgrade to solve the problem of two on a collision course.

According to AdDuplex, a Lithuanian company whose metrics technology is embedded in thousands of Windows Store apps, Windows 10 1809 powered just 26% of surveyed Windows 10 systems as of March 26. The gain from February to March, only 5 percentage points, was about half the increase from January to February, illustrating the slowing of 1809’s adoption.

‘It looks more and more likely that Microsoft seems to be giving up on [1809] in favor of upgrading users straight to the next version,’ AdDuplex noted in a post its website. (sic)

Read the rest of this Computer World article here.

10 thoughts on “Microsoft Gives Up On Windows 10 Version 1809

  1. Dawn Campbell

    My computer was so messed up after that one that I removed it totally. Hope for better luck with the next one.

  2. Lee Connor

    I downloaded version 1809 before they pulled it, and have not had any trouble with it. It has run smoothly and has not caused me one problem. Lucky maybe? I have always had good luck with all of Microsoft’s versions since the original Windows and am a solid dedicated user. If it has been all luck, I hope it continues….knock wood.

  3. Dianne

    I just got update the October update last week so its still being distributed.

    1. infoave Post author

      This article was published yesterday, so whatever was going on last week is not covered. If anyone still really wants version 1809 they can still get it by using the Update Assistant and manually getting the update. The article states that Microsoft (as of yesterday) is no longer pushing out version 1809 through Windows update.

      Just to ease the minds of the 74% of people who haven’t gotten version 1809 yet, they’ll get the new April 2019 Update (version 1903) without ever having installed the October 2018 Update (version 1809).

  4. Charles

    I have 1809 on my computer but didn’t realize until I recently checked so apparently it didn’t cause any problems.

    1. infoave Post author

      The Media Creation Tool helps you make Windows installation media. The download assistant helps you manually upgrade Windows 10. Currently, both the media creation tool and the update assistant creates version 1809 media or updates your computer to version 1809 repectively.

      The article you are commenting on does not imply that version 1809 is not available, it’s just to inform Windows 10 v 1803 users that they will not be getting version 1809 via Windows Update.

  5. D.

    I think that video is interesting to watch as well. It sounds like Nadella (Microsoft CEO) is more into Mobile and cloud services. Gates and Ballmer are the past on the way things were done with Windows. In his opinion in the video, the desktop and laptop will be more of a launching pad for their services. Microsoft knows it has to get these 6 month rollouts calmed down some though. As it goes, just because it is not raining at your house does not mean it is not raining somewhere. Let’s hope things keep getting better for all of us :=)

    Maybe that is the reason Microsoft has to do these rollouts every 6 months because of their services now and later. I don’t know. I guess we will find out as time goes along.

  6. MaryLee

    How funny! Earlier today after reading this, I figured I could stop waiting for the 1809 update; then 3 hours later, I got it. . . ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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