What’s the deal with Prevx?

By | May 7, 2011

Richard wants to know about Prevex
My bank’s marketing department wants me to install “PREVX” as a security measure for their web-site. I have Avast! Free version. Why would I need (or want) an additional “security’ program?

Our answer
Prevx has been around a while. It sounds to us like your marketing department has had a little marketing done on it. Many times companies will come in and make a presentation to a company’s marketing department and make it sound like they’re promoting the most essential software in the world. But there’s no extra protection to be afforded by installing Prevx – as long as you have good antivirus and antispyware already installed.

Prevx offers two products Prevex 3.0 which they claim is “The World’s Smallest, Fastest, Lightest and Strongest Security Software.” and Prevx SafeOnline which they stress is important to “prevent fraudsters from stealing personal information, including usernames, passwords, bank account details and credit card numbers

As for Prevx 3.0 there is nothing that it does that Avast (free) or Microsoft Security Essentials (free) and a good antispyware doesn’t do as well or better. And stating that it’s the world’s “fastest”, “lightest” and “strongest” is a bit of a stretch..

As for Prevx SafeOnline – no one steals your passwords by hacking your computer or by being a “man in the middle”. If you login to a secure server everything is encrypted and no one is going to steal any passwords or data. Your financial accounts and other sensitive accounts are much more likely to be breached because you use weak passwords than some unseen bogeyman hiding in the shadows.

Prevx is not free. It’s $232 for a year for your company (which is why the big sales pitch) and $34.95 for a year for home users. There are better solutions available free or for less money.

If you have good antispyware and antivirus protection installed – and you keep them up-to-date, you’re not going to gain anything by installing Prevx – all you’re going to get is another program you don’t need.

That’s how we see it.

6 thoughts on “What’s the deal with Prevx?

  1. Ginger Martin

    Thanks for all of your wonderful tips and tricks. I’ve been a subscriber since the beginning and you have helped me out many many times. I thank you for it.
    Now I would like you to tell me what you mean by a weak password.
    Thanks very much,


  2. Phyllis

    when my bank tried to make me purchase a “safer” security package and I refused, they threatened to cancel my account. I told them, “My answer is the next sound you hear.” When the person asked, “What is that clicking noise?” I replied, “Me cutting up your debit card. I’m going to another bank.” And I did. What I have on my computer is my business, not theirs.

  3. Renee

    Ho-Hum… Ho-Hum… in the end you are always right! I purchased Prevx last year… 6 months along the road I started getting “Prevx Investigator has found a problem and needs to close” … tried and tried to rectify the problem … worked for a while then started again… so finally… I got rid of it. I have AVG (not the free one) and never, ever had a problem. What do I do now… I check with you guys… and get all the information I need to know! Keep up the good work… we need you!

  4. vale

    it have it installed but i didnt know who installed it it is harming my computer and i wont let me remove it is very dangeroys my computer is getting crazy is shut off by itself it is called prevx and there is a link called http://www.prevx.com so plese dont fall this is a virus very dangerous and hard to remove

    1. infoave Post author

      Pevx is not spyware nor malware – it’s just a very annoying and overbearing program.


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