Be My Eyes: Help for the visually impaired

By | February 7, 2020

Be My Eyes

If you are visually impaired and you have an Apple or Android smartphone, you may be interested in a free app called “Be My Eyes”. Be My Eyes has over 3.4 million volunteers who are ready to assist you when you need help reading text, identifying objects, reading prescription drug information or important instructions.

Be a volunteer… If you’re not visually impaired, consider being a Be My Eyes volunteer and help those who are blind or who have difficulty seeing.

Bringing sight to blind and low-vision people

Be My Eyes is a free app that connects blind and low-vision people with sighted volunteers and company representatives for visual assistance through a live video call.

How it works… Every day, sighted volunteers lend their eyes to solve tasks big and small to help blind and low-vision people lead more independent lives.

Blind or low-vision person requests assistance… As a blind or low-vision person, whenever you need visual assistance, our volunteers are happy to help. Through the live video call, you and a volunteer can communicate directly and solve a problem. The volunteer will help guide which direction to point your camera, what to focus on or when to turn on your torch (flashlight).

Sighted volunteer receives video call...As a sighted volunteer you can help just by installing the Be My Eyes app. A blind or a low-vision user may need help with anything from checking expiry dates, distinguishing colors, reading instructions or navigating new surroundings.

Whether you need visual assistance or you want to volunteer to help those who are blind or visually impaired, please visit the Be My Eyes home page where you can get more info about Be My Eyes and download the free Be My Eyes app for your Apple or Android smartphone.

3 thoughts on “Be My Eyes: Help for the visually impaired

  1. May

    How wonderful this app must be! Never have I heard of it or in my wildest imagination would have thought of it.! Thanks, I will be visiting this site again and watching it more thoroughly.

  2. Janice M

    I saw this app being used in Walmart grocery area on YouTube–the guy’s channel is called, “BLIND JUSTICE” and her goes to various places to check on the ADA accommodations. He has called attention to several places that have not provided for ADA individuals.

    As always, you two do such a fantastic job keeping us up to date on everything! THANK YOU!

  3. Jason Miller

    I wish this was advertised more so that the general public was made aware that this was available. so many people would love to have this kind of help. I know many of my Masonic Brothers would be interested in doing things like this and I will bring this up at our next meeting. Thank you for this info.


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