View passwords hidden under asterisks ********

By | June 10, 2011

View passwords hidden under asterisks ********

Have you ever forgotten a password in one of your desktop programs – like your email client -and need to know what it is for some reason? Then you look under account settings to find out what it is – but all you see are asterisks? Don’t you wish you could see what the asterisks are hiding. You can. There are several free programs that perform that function, and one of these is always in our software bag of tricks. It’s impossible to remember all those passwords for email accounts and other programs on your computer that require passwords. And if you try to see what they are, all you see is ********. For the Web-site passwords we (of course) use RoboForm. But for programs on our computers that require passwords such as FTP programs, Email programs, etc. we use a small freeware program called Asterisk Key by Passware.

All you have to do is open up the program that keeps a password hidden by asterisks, open up Asterisk Key, click “Recover” and the password under the asterisks is revealed.


Simple to use and it works like a charm. While there oodles of theses kinds of programs available (some not free) we’re partial to Asterisk Key. You can get it free by visiting this site. Works on 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

7 thoughts on “View passwords hidden under asterisks ********

  1. joyce goldstein

    Please remove my name and email address from above

  2. rita

    i am now concerned that if i can see my hidden passwords with this freeware can anybody else also get acsess to them

  3. Roland

    We have a small spiral writing tablet that we list all of our passwords in. The ones that are utilized the most are easily remembered & I truly have nothing to hide.

    1. infoave Post author

      That’s great unless someone breaks into your home and takes your computer and your spiral notebook. Passwords should be stored digitally and in encrypted form.

      1. Vicki

        I use a small spiral notebook, too, only when it comes to the password, I assign it a number which corresponds to a password list I have in a separate log. I keep both locked in a safe.

  4. Lizza

    Hi! This program sounds like something I could use. However, I use a Mac now. I’m wondering if we have enough Mac users to start adding some Mac programs?
    Even if we used your forums to share, I would be interested!
    How do we start a poll to see if anyone wants to share great programs with other Mac users?

    Thanks for a very wonderful site!

  5. Linda

    I have used the little program before. It is amazing. If you treat it like any program that needs to be protected it will work wonder, it has for me…..Lindy


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