150 Minimalistic Desktop Wallpaper Images Plus a Whole Lot More Artsy Stuff!
It’s rare for us to feature wallpaper sites in our newsletters. This one was so unique we just had to tell you about it. You may not know this, but TC is very maximalistic, while EB tends to be minimalistic, especially when it comes to my paycheck.
But wait… there is a whole lot more to our site pick than just minimalistic wallpaper – there is lots of artsy-crafty stuff in which to indulge…plus some photo tips and even a tummy bag.
But first the wallpaper, OK. Sometimes we all like minimalistic things because sometimes more is better… right? I’m not big on gaudy wallpapers or gaudy colors. I like things neat and functional. I have a new minimalistic desktop, what do you think?
And there are 149 more awaiting your eyes…
I’m sure you’re anxious to minimalize your desktop too, and we’ll get to that soon. But first and without further delay or verbosity, I hereby present, Coco Basilio, owner, manager, and CEO of ICanBeCreative.com — home of minimalism and artsy-crafty stuff. Actually, I made up Coco’s name. I don’t know what his or her name is… does it matter?
Take it away, Coco!
“Our project is a fast growing design and coding website based on useful Photoshop and Illustrator tutorials. We also have tricks, graphic design articles and inspiring stuff, and free resources such as PSD files, textures, fonts, brushes, you name it!
We focus on web developers, designers, graphic artists, software developers, bloggers, SEO experts, internet marketers, photographers and many more, where innovation meets the imagination.
We’re digital people!”
But there is a whole lot more to explore on our site pick than just minimalistic wallpaper, we tells ya!
But wait, there’s a lot more to this site than just the unusual minimalistic wallpaper – oh yes indeed. The ICanBeCreative website also includes…
Photographers reveal contrasting images of setups and the finished picture
Realistic Pokémon redesign with incredible details
The Lion King with deepfake style-transfer of the classic film
Passion for bold shapes, vibrant colors and tropical vibes
Sculpture made of colored pencils
Fantasy creatures brought to life
Transparent tummy bag for your groceries
Meticulously crafted paper sculptures
Kinetic installation of light and movement
Lively and creative mixed Photoshop effects
Art installations to explore childhood themes
Intricate crafted paper works of art
Incredible illustrations by Laura H. Rubin
Fish shaped wine packaging
How to shoot dreamy photos using this simple trick
Extraordinary surreal photography
And there are dozens more awaiting you.
So, to conclude our foray into minimalistic wallpaper, art, design, photography, and a tummy grocery bag, we invite you to visit our site pick called I Can Be Creative… and all you have to do is visit this page to get started.
Well… what are you waiting for?
I Liked …# 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , .
I prefer scenes more , maybe because I long to take day trips ,
I love your suggestions,
As well as when you are helping people with their pc issues.
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G Williams