Microsoft’s Windows Genuine Advantage problems

By | July 9, 2011

Bert asks about MSE and Windows Genuine Advantage
Hi there, am amazed by your knowledge, do hope you can help me. Down loaded Microsoft Security Essentials. Getting a messages about validation, which doesn’t work. tells me website wants to install add on, no go either. I do have genuine XP that is activated and get automatic updates. I have altered DEP settings as requested. Hope you do have enough info here. Appreciate your newsletters. Bert

Our answer
It seems you’re having problems proving to Microsoft that your copy of Windows XP is valid – i.e. you’re being blocked because you can’t pass the Windows Genuine Advantage check.

The fact that you get updates doesn’t prove to Microsoft that your copy of Windows is genuine. We know that makes no sense, but that is way it is. We’re not sure what DEP (Data Execution Protection) has to do with this issue. But let’s see if we can help you:

The reason you’re getting this error (we’re guessing) is that you do not have the right permissions set for the Windows Genuine Advantage Data folder. Why this folder gets out of whack is anyone’s guess – but it does and you’re not the only one this happens to.

Here’s how to fix it if you’re using Windows XP Home

Restart your computer; keep tapping the F8 while your computer is booting. When the boot menu appears, choose Safe Mode, and then boot into Safe Mode.

In Safe Mode go to Press the Windows Key plus the “R” key, then type:

C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataWindows Genuine Advantage

Right click the DATA folder, then choose Properties. Click the security tab. In the Group or User Names section click “Users”. In the permission for user section make sure you check all the check boxes under the “Allow” column – those being Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and Read.

After you’ve completed the above, reboot Windows normally. You should now be able to pass the Genuine Advantage check and download Microsoft Security Essentials.

Let us know if this helped you.

One thought on “Microsoft’s Windows Genuine Advantage problems

  1. Ian Clark

    I have had this problem ever since installing Microsoft Security Essentials. Any other software that needs to check Windows Genuine Advantage passes Ok, but MSE frequently on reboot says my Windows failed validation, I the reboot again and all is well.


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