OK…So You Think You’re Smart – But What Kind of Smart are You?
I think most people think they’re smart or at least not stupid, right? But do you know what kind of smart you are? Are you street-smart? Are you book smart? Are you people smart?
Come on and admit it. Now you’re curious, right? What if we told you if you answer twelve questions, you will find out just what kind of smart you are, would you believe us? Right! You should believe us as we always try to shoot straight from the hip.
What kinds of questions, you ask? Well, questions like these:
All of these events are on the same night. Which event do you go to?
How do you feel about making decisions?
Which situation sounds the most unpleasant to you?
When you meet someone new, what are you most focused on?
What do you think is the most important characteristic in a partner?
And seven more questions like those.
I took the test and found out that I’m “self smart”… see?
You’re self smart!
It’s actually called intrapersonal intelligence, baby! Who cares what people think of you? You definitely don’t! You know your limits, your values, and you always follow your heart! Can we have a self-care day with you?
So, now we ask you — just what kind of smart are you?
Visit our site pick and find out right now.
But wait, there’s more!
After you get done taking the test and finding out what kind of smart you are – take a look around at some of the other fascinating things this site pick offers – you’ll be surprised!