Researchers say crab-based computing possible, lobsters throw up claws in disbelief

By | April 13, 2012

IBM’s Holey Optochip? Yawn. Fujitsu’s K supercomputer? Yesterday’s news. Forget about boring old conventional computing stuff, the future of computer technology lies in crabs — lots and lots of crabs. Researchers at Kobe University and the University of the West of England’s Unconventional Computing Centre have discovered that properly herded crabs can signal the AND, OR and NOT arguments essential to computers, not to mention those crucial 1s and 0s. Forcing two swarms of crabs into one, for instance, represents the OR gate — a trick the computational crustaceans pulled off fairly reliably… Read more here.

2 thoughts on “Researchers say crab-based computing possible, lobsters throw up claws in disbelief

  1. Ken Roberts

    call me when they can work as an exclusive or gate, maybe a JK flip flop, oops they would have to have a clock also . well maybe not depending on the time .


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