The Greatest Gift Of All

By | December 21, 2012

So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians Chapter 13

Winter has arrived ahead of schedule this year. Tonight, I look out my window and see softly falling flakes of snow drifting in the dim light of the old lamp post in my front yard. How many times I’ve looked out and seen this same winterscape I cannot count. I wonder how many times I’ve looked at nearly the same scene and went about whatever business seemed important to me at the time. And how many times I’ve never really seen anything at all as life passed by me; and I never really saw anything. At all.

But tonight I’m feeling wistful and pensive. Not sad. Just thoughtful. I guess life is flowing by faster than I ever imagined it could. I suppose none of us at age twenty-five can fathom the value of time; the seasons come and go — and here it is Christmastime again. And, it really felt strange this night to think that Christmas is only a few days away.

When I was a child a whole week to wait for Christmas to arrive seemed a painfully long time. Counting down the days and hours made it seem even longer. But Christmas did come – it came and went; it came and went many times and now here I am, many years older, and hopefully, many years wiser, looking back over all those Christmases past. A few days until Christmas? And it will come and be gone in a blink of an eye.

As I look back at Christmases past, the ones I remember most are the ones where I had the least. Perhaps the lavish gifts of the most prosperous years got in the way of the greatest gift of all. Maybe I buried the greatest gift under mountains of other less important gifts. You know the ones, those gifts that soon find their way into the dark, forgotten corners of cluttered closets. The ones that eventually end up discarded in the trash.

It’s such a difficult time now for the younger people in our world. It’s hard recognize the greatest gift when television commercials try to teach us that we can buy someone’s love with something as cheap as a diamond. For what kind of love is love that must be purchased?

And, sadly it’s true – sometimes it can be very hard to see any evidence of the true Spirit or Meaning of Christmas anywhere around us today. But, the Spirit of Christmas is like the wind; just because we cannot see it, does not mean it is not there. If you keep Christmas in your heart, then Christmas will be everywhere you go.

Christmas is almost here again. And whether or not anyone believes in Christmas, does not matter to me.  I believe in Christmas. And, all those like me, who believe in Christmas will keep Christmas alive despite those who try so hard to destroy it.

It now falls upon those of us who still believe in Christmas to keep the bright Torch of Christmas burning for this generation and the next. I am certain that if we do, the glow from that Torch will continue to light the world. All we have to do is keep the Torch burning. And, never, ever, let it grow dim.

Over two thousand years ago a child was born in Bethlehem and during His short time upon this earth, He taught everyone, (believer and non-believer alike) the same lesson: Love others as you love yourself.

This Christmas be an example. Keep the torch of Christmas burning. It really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks; it only matters what you think. Say “Merry Christmas” with a smile and you’ll keep the the Spirit of Christmas alive. And it will remain alive forever.

Carry the Torch of Christmas wherever you go, and never let its fire die. Remember to love those that do not believe as you do as much as those who do.

Be cheerful and compassionate; be understanding of others and have faith.  Set a shining example by carrying the Torch of Christmas and holding it high. Let the world see your Christmas spirit and let the glow from it light the world.

Be gentle, be kind, be understanding; be tolerant of others who do not believe as you do, in this world there will be many. And be of good cheer. Remember the Reason for Christmas.  Celebrate Christmas in your own tradition and in your own way because it is your right to do so. Remember those who are less fortunate than you and help them as much as you can.

This Christmas remember to give the greatest gift of all. The greatest gift of all costs you nothing. You’ll be far richer by giving it than by receiving it. And even the poorest among you can afford it.

Carry the Torch of Christmas with you during this final week before Christmas and light the way for others. Say “Merry Christmas” and really mean it. This is the season of love and peace. Long ago Jesus came into this world and showed the world His love and brought His message of peace to all those who would listen. Honor Him this Christmas by showing the  world your love.

Be a bearer of the Torch of Christmas and hold it high for all to see. Only you can keep the Torch burning. Do it for yourself, do it for your children and do it for their children. Future generations depend on all of us who hold Christmas dear to keep Christmas alive. Christmas will never die as long as we keep Christmas in our hearts and never let the Torch of Christmas grow dark. Over two thousand years ago, the Star of Bethlehem shone brightly for all the world to see; let the Spirit of Christmas within you burn just as brightly – and let all the world see.

This Christmas make the first gift you give the very best one: Give the greatest gift of all; give the gift of love.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, love is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things…. So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians Chapter 13

25 thoughts on “The Greatest Gift Of All

  1. Bonnie

    Good Job. I love seeing Christian things on websites that aren’t church related, if you know what I mean. This thing of leaving Christ out of Christmas really bothers me. If it weren’t for Christ birthday, there wouldn’t be Christmas. We wouldn’t be celebrating this BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOURS.

  2. Merle Vincett

    I have cancer and this is my last Christmas. Thank you for this blog. It is the message I want to leave for the ones I love and for the unbelievers. I am at peace and this is one of my best Christmases.


    1. infoave Post author

      Dear Merle, Sad to hear this but its like you to say something so positive here. I have seen your orders and questions come through since before 2003 and I know you are a long time member and supporter of our site, way back from the beginning of the “Smileycons and Zappit” Days, and early IA News days. I recall you enjoyed our scrabble and trivia games gack when we had those, and just happy you have been a part of our lives all these years and that as bad as cancer can be, I pray it goes as well as it can for you. Wishing you a Blessed Christmas. Darcy (eightball)

    2. James Sparks

      Ms Vincett: One of the greatest blessings God has given us is the inability to see around the bend in the road that we travel in our lifetime. Always remember that no matter how difficult the travel, God will be with us with every step we take and will hold our hands and be with us as we crossover to our reward in Heaven. I pray that He comfort you and your family and friends during these difficult times. Jim Sparks

  3. Virginia Mayor

    You are so right. So many people celebrate this time of year but for the wrong reason. If it weren’t for the child born in a manger over 2 thousand years ago, there would not be a “Christmas”. Love is truly the greatest gift we can give.

    I am so glad you posted the part from 1 Corinthians. Love endures all things. Merry Christmas. Amen.

  4. Carolyn

    Many thanks for all of your rants and especially for this one. There is a reason for the season and it’s definitely not shopping nor presents under the tree.
    The first king-sized bed: the manger
    The first wrapped present: Jesus in swaddling clothes, wrapped by Mary.
    The first Christmas gift to us: from God – His only begotten Son.
    Much, much better than a trip to the mall.
    God Bless you both!

  5. Margaret

    Merry CHRISTmas to everyone and may God be welcomed as your constant companion through the years ahead.

  6. Barb Branca

    This was truly very touching and very beautifully written.
    We all have good intentions of doing as you mention but so often we get involved in things and forget about it. Perhaps this is the year that we’ll continue to remember all year – hopefully so!

    I’m not really a “religious” person but am always touched by
    1 Corinthians.

    Thank you for all you write!

  7. Joan

    Happy Birthday Lord Jesus. We bake a cake in His honor every year. Merry Christmas to all and as Tiny Tim so eloquently said, “God Bless Us, Every One.”

  8. Jennie Peters

    Thank you for this heartfelt message of love.

    Here in the UK Christmas is being eroded bit by bit with messages of Happy Holidays, replacing the word Christmas, as though it was an obscene word. Jesus reigns forever in my heart and my families heart – and His message of Love is to everyone. Happy Christmas to Cloudeight and all who truly LOVE!!

    1. Linda Freeman

      How true…they may continue to take CHRIST out of the season, but they can never take Him out of our heart!

  9. Sylvia

    Beautifully said, and so very true. I wish everyone a very merry Christmas, with Christ in your hearts and homes to share it, and a Peaceful and Blessed New Year.

  10. Mary M

    Thank you for sharing your deep reflections so eloquently TC.

    That Greater Love shall overcome the darkness is our prayer and promise.

    God bless us all with peace in our hearts and help us to share His love with those hurting.

  11. June Brychka

    Thank you for such a beautiful story.It got a bit ‘blurred’ as your story went on. Our family has used this Bible verse at my parents funerals.Our daughter,Mary,read this passage when my husband & I renewed our vows on our 60th wedding anniversary.We have now added two more years.Love is one thing no one can ever take away from us. It will endure forever.
    Merle is our cousin. Thank you for remembering her. We keep her in our prayers.
    You have helped so many seniors through this electronic age and we thank you for all the time you have given us.
    Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you and your family.God bless…

  12. Roy Phillips

    God bless you Darcy for your lovely description of LOVE,it really has moved me to try harder with loving God and my neibghour. God bless you Merle, your comments brought tears to my eye’s with your positive attitude to your final Christmas, may God welcome you with open arms.
    A Merry Christmas and love to all.

  13. Lillian

    You touched all our hearts, Darcy! According to all the respoonses that I have read has brought Joy to all of us. Merle, your words so beautifully described. You will be in my daily prayers until God has opened His Gates to welcome you. Merry Christmas to all you Cloudeight members; especially to Darcy, TC and their helpers. Another Senior especially sends her thanks for all you’ve done for all of us! God Bless You!for all you’ve done for all of us! God Bless You!

  14. Walter Crawford

    Thank you so much for your heart warming essay. As you say, love cannot be bought and is the most misrepresented word in the English language. I wish you and all at”Cloudeight” a happy Christmas and a prosperous new year.

  15. Jeanne Hochstetler

    Thank you for a meaningful blog/essay today. I have read your articles for years and have grown to appreciate Cloudeight’s wisdom, sense of humor as well as serious moments as this time of year. Our world, in general, has moved so far away from the true meaning of Christmas it is a blessing to see that light of Christ coming to earth still being passed on as a reminder for us to slow down, re-evaluate what is most important in this life and perhaps learn to live more simply enjoying those small things in some of our pasts (as yours) which turned out to be the best memories. I Cor. 13 is such an encouragement. Thank you for sharing with all of us! Merry Christmas and God’s richest blessings to you.

  16. Teddie

    THIS is the reason that I have stayed a faithful follower of Cloudeight for many, many years. THIS is why I trust you to work on my computers. I have come to know your heart through these rants/essays and I love you both for all you do for us. May God bless what you do so you can keep doing it for many years to come.


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