Many people think Windows 8 is a completely new operating system because of how it looks. But under the hood, it’s very much like Windows 7. In fact, if you’ve been a Windows 7 user for a while, if you add a start button and you choose to boot to the desktop instead of the multi-tiled start screen, sometimes you’ll forget you’re using Windows 8.
Then again, if you really want to use Windows 8 as Windows 8, it has many great features that are accessible to you with just a couple of clicks. For instance, did you know you can access a text menu that provides you with easy access to many useful Windows features such as: Device Manager, Control Panel, Windows Explorer, Windows Search and more, just by tapping the Windows Key plus the X key?
Try it. We’re betting this is one Windows Key shortcut you won’t forget because you will use it often.
I sure like the short cuts.