Floss your brain with this Cloudeight Site Pick

By | April 10, 2013

Mental Floss

Do ewe love plays on words? Wee due! Nothing more pun than playin’ with words. Ever play Words with Fiends? Dental floss – Mental Floss. Haha! Get it?

I was at the end of a long day when I wrote this, so naturally the cocktail part of this site drew my attention. Now I’m an old boozer from way back. No actually, that’s not true. EB is an old boozer from way back. But she insisted I write this so, you’re stuck with me. I’m so out of the loop. There were a few cocktails with which I was familiar. One of my favorites is Long Island iced tea. The authors of the site capitalized each word in the name of the cocktail – but trust me grammarians, I’ve looked it up and it’s not supposed to be. Not even bloody mary. Trust me. I really did look it up. (I can see the emails already telling me it’s Bloody Mary and Long Island Iced Tea and Alcatraz Al. Honest. I really did look up bloody mary vs. Bloody Mary.)

Anyway, here’s what Dental…er I mean Mental Floss has to say about Long Island iced tea:

“Long Island Iced Tea

It might not actually contain tea, but at least the Long Island part of the name is accurate. This spring break favorite is fairly young as cocktails go; it’s only been around for about 32 years. Rosebud Butt, a bartender at the Oak Beach Inn in Hampton Bays, invented the drink in 1976, so if you ever need to find a patron saint of terrible hangovers and nights spent falling off of barstools, Rosebud may be your man.”

Immediately you suspect me of publishing that because of the bartender’s name. But you’re wrong I tells ya! It is not the reason. But in case you like Long Island iced tea, I’m sure Rosebud is your man? I betcha EB starts calling me Rosebud, from now on. She treats me so badly.

Anyway, Mental Floss is a site for those of you, who like me, hunger for trivial knowledge. I’ll be somewhere and someone will mention Long Island iced tea and I’ll say, “Hey, did you know that Long Island iced tea was invented by a man named Rosebud Butt in 1976.” Of course, who would believe that.

If you’re hungry for useless and trivial knowledge, like I am, the Mental Floss has a plethora of it. The have a myriad of trivial bits and pieces of inane facts and trivialities.

Can any one of you tell me what song this line comes from?

“Come on, if you please. I’ve got no time for trivialities.”

I will let you chew on that for a while. Google it. If you were alive in the 1960’s you know the answer – or you should.

Quit flossing your teeth so much and start flossing your mind. You can always get false teeth; but you can’t get a false mind!

Visit our site of the week and fill up your triviality tank with ethyl :-).

Our site pick is called Mental Floss — and you can read all about it here.

One thought on “Floss your brain with this Cloudeight Site Pick

  1. Gay

    Sounds like an interesting, fun website! However, as usual, your article is probably as entertaining (might be more so) as the site will be when I check it out. Great job as always; we appreciate all you and EB do!


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