If you have Windows 8 and you don’t have a touch screen, you have probably found that Microsoft designed it for touch tablets and not users who use desktops or laptops with a mouse and keyboard.
Well, EB is contrary, she thinks all that rigmarole that Windows 8 makes you go through with a mouse and keyboard is fun and easy-to-use. But she’s contrary, like I said. If you say the sky is blue, she’ll say it’s green. If you like peanut butter, she’ll tell you peanut butter is for peons, and educated folks eat almond butter and that peanut butter is full of insect parts. Yuck! But that’s just how she is. But I’m a commoner, and Windows 8 is a navigational nightmare for those of us steeped in Windows history – i.e. start menu and all that easy-to-use stuff.
There are eight Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts that can make all of you who don’t want to use Windows 8 laptops and desktops like a smartphone. So if you want to avoid those garish start screen tiles as much as I do, then listen up and print the list of keyboard shortcuts below — they’ll save you time and your sanity.
- Press the Windows key to open the Start screen or switch to the Desktop if you’re on the start screen
- Press the Windows key + D to return to the Windows Desktop.
- Press the Windows key + . to pin and unpin Windows apps on the side of the screen.
- Press the Windows key + X to open the power user menu, where you’ll find things power users use like Device Manager, Command Prompt, etc.).
- Press the Windows key + C to open the Charms bar. The Charms aren’t so charming but you can find Search, Settings, and more there. The search is the key — type Control Panel and you’ll be able to get to Control Panel. Type Restart and you’ll be able to restart you computer without going through navigational torture. (Or press the Windows Key+R and type shutdown /r and enter — for a really fast way to restart that Windows 8 computer — that also works on XP, Vista, and Seven.)
- Press the Windows key + I to open the Settings, which is the same Settings found in Charms.
- Press and hold the Windows key + Tab to show open apps.
- Press the Windows key + Print screen to take a screen shot. Windows 8 will automatically save your screenshot in your My Pictures folder as a png file.
Yay. Windows 8 made almost easy! Oh EB, I represent the common folk. I am one. I don’t know what you are. Go play with your start screen!
Thank you very much for this list. The tiles on my screen are idiotic and annoying…but trying to chase and catch those idiotic charms with a mouse (mice are not predators, aftr all) has driven me up a tree. I’ve printed your little tips and am keeping it handy. thx again, M
Thank you especially for the charm tip. Me and my mouse have been frustrated with chasing the stupid charms around.
I have print out of your shortcuts nearby. YAY!