Our site of the week will give your eyes a break from reading all this TEXT!. It’s almost all photos — some unbelievably beautiful — photographs of places that really exist.
One you’re done visiting this site ( and please do check out Part II as well), you’ll be amazed and your wanderlust will be revived — why you might just get up out of that chair and drive down to Walgreens and buy a magazine, or open a new package of grits — or something. If you’re well-heeled, such as EB, you might buy a plane ticket to points unknown. I am not sure where points unknown is, but I’m sure there’s an airport there.
Seriously, there are some beautiful photographs or places that really do exist — proving once again, no matter how fancy we get with our technology, nature always beats our best.
Come along with us as we travel the world and see some of the most beautiful places on Earth
Really interested in looking at this site but I can’t get past the first page.
If you go to the right under comments where it says Jean on 50 . . . Click there or below is the link, too.
I get an ad and cna’t get rid of the ad. I have tried the kink as well as the tuny url 3 times wiht the same result.
So where are they?
The are the entire page.
So where are they
the photos are so unbelieveable and so beautiful……………the colors are amazing….i will have to click on the site again and enjoy seeing the flowers, mountains, gardens, fields, etc……
how do you get to them.I tried to copy and paste it into my browser & clicked on the link as well.it just brings me back to this page.
If you will click on the words under the last photo, (“Come along with us as we travel the world and see some of the most beautiful places on Earth”) it will take you to Part 1. I right click and have it open in a new tab.
Here is the URL: http://www.wherecoolthingshappen.com/50-unbelievable-cool-places-that-really-exist-part-1/
At the bottom of page one, under the last photo is a yellow text link “Check out part 2”