We all need some extra motivation sometime, right? What’s the first thing most of us see when we boot up our computers? Our desktop wallpaper — well most of us anyway. So what better way to start your day than with a motivational wallpaper staring back at you from your desktop?
Another way of saying “don’t put off until tomorrow, things you could do today”.
Looking for love? You have to love yourself first before you can expect anyone else to love you. So find yourself first before looking for someone else — that’s what EB says, sage old woman that she is!
You’ll find more motivational wallpapers in a variety of sizes; one of them is bound to be something that will appeal to you.
This article by Lifehacker features several motivational wallpapers — maybe one of them will motivate you!
Click here to view and download some interesting motivational wallpapers.
Thanks! Definitely some good wallpapers on this site. I downloaded a couple, and will share this link with friends too!