A few Windows 8 tips

By | February 11, 2013

Did you know that using combination of the Windows Key + any letter key that is not already assigned to a shortcut, yields a search that starts with that letter you pressed?

Windows Key + O: Use this Keyboard short to stop the screen rotation. You can lock the screen where you want it. This is particularly useful on Windows 8 tablets when you’re reading while reclining to keep the screen from rotating.

Windows Key + Z: This brings up the application bar when you’re using a Metro App. If you’re using a mouse and not touchscreen, this is the simplest way to bring the App’s options. In a Metro-style application, right clicking also bring up the app bar

Windows Key + L: As with all other versions of Windows, this keyboard shortcut lets you immediately lock your computer.

Windows Key + E: This shortcut does two things: It returns you to the classic desktop, and launches Windows  Explorer for you.

Windows Key + C: Brings up the Charms bar quickly.

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