A great free Personal Information Manager (PIM) – Cloudeight freeware pick

By | July 30, 2011

Whenever I put this newsletter together – which usually starts off on Tuesday and ends up with an all-nighter on Thursday, I get all sorts of good ideas and write them down only to get lost in the other stuff I write down. Or I give the file a stupid name and then can’t remember what I called it. There’s no excuse for that, but then again, it’s me. But anyway, I came across a program last week called StickySorter which helps me organize my ideas better – and you all know how much I need that.

It’s like a bulletin board for your computer. You can stick sticky notes on it and move them around to see what order you can make from the chaos. It gives you a great way to visualize what your mind’s eye has been seeing all along. That makes no sense, but then again, neither do I. I’m sure you’ll all agree.

At the risk of offending those who think I verbally dawdle too long, I’m only going to dawdle a little more. Maybe not. Maybe now is a good time to show you how this week’s newsletter – at least the tips and tricks section was organized (at one time).

Cloudeight InfoAve

By the time you read this it may have changed from the order I had originally planned. Oh well. I’m sure you’re used to making sense of my digressions and dawdling. Right?

Since I’ve committed myself to becoming a more laconic soul, let me present you with the authors of today’s wonderful freeware pick whose names are Julie and Sumit.

Authors – take it away:

“Ever found yourself lost in the eye of a brainstorm? Lots of great information, but it’s all over the place! Sticky Sorter is a Grassroots Project, developed by two Microsoft Employees, that you can use today to manage such challenges. The inventors, Julie and Sumit, were looking for an easier way to capture, sift through, and organize hundreds of research observations traditionally done on physical sticky notes in an affinity diagramming exercise with researchers from around the world. The result is StickySorter which met their complex needs, supports virtual collaboration, and is now available for you to use in managing your next brainstorm.”

This program is actually by Microsoft’s Office Labs team and looks very much like they were planning on putting it in the Microsoft Office Suite but decided against it for some reason. Thankfully, they’re offering it as a separate freeware program that you can enjoy and use to organize whatever it is your need to organize.

Our freeware pick is called “StickySorter”, it’s free, it’s from Microsoft (believe it or not) and it’s only a scant 3.2 MB. Get it here and organize yourself! http://www.officelabs.com/projects/stickyso

Mumbo Jumbo

Personal Information Manager (PIM)
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (32/64bit)
Download size: Approx 3.2 MB

4 thoughts on “A great free Personal Information Manager (PIM) – Cloudeight freeware pick

    1. Rose

      Like everything else from Microsoft,I couldn’t download it. Made 4 attempts,and the farthest it would go was 62%. This is the first software, that was mentioned on this site, that I’ve ever had trouble downloading. Everything else has downloaded in a jiffy. This took forever & then wouldn’t finish. Typical Microsoft.

  1. TC

    If you’re using some sort of download manager you might find it difficult to download from a lot of sites. Many sites do not allow download managers.

  2. Ken Roberts

    This comes in real nice for me it reminds of things to do on the same day , and I keep forgetting what I need to do so sticky notes fills the bill for me . I have one up there now and is ” let the people I have insulted or wronged to forgive me”


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