A mail viewer you’re going to wish you had – Cloudeight freeware pick

By | April 10, 2011

We are telling you…warning you…there will come a day when Outlook Express has gone away – but all those DBX files that it left behind might still be hanging around if you saved them.

So what, you say? Here’s what, we say! If you don’t have Outlook Express those DBX files won’t mean a thing. Their Outlook Express database files and they contain all your Outlook Express messages. All those saved messages you’re just dying to read but won’t be able to as Windows moves away from Outlook Express to Windows Mail and apparently beyond to Windows Live Mail – which is a shame and another story altogether

Windows 7 is becoming the most popular version of Windows ever – and those of you with aging Windows XP computers are sooner or later going to be making the switch – especially since you skipped Windows Vista. Some of you may hold off until Windows 8 comes out, but we can pretty much assure you that neither Outlook Express nor Windows Mail will be resurrected for that operating system.

So, what’s a dyed-in-the-wool Outlook Express user going to do five years from now when Outlook Express is a distant memory but all your memories are stored in Outlook Express DBX files that you can’t read because you no longer have Outlook Express? We’re here to help you. Have no fear, Mail Viewer is here. If all your old email from Outlook Express is stored in DBX files and you don’t have Outlook Express installed, here’s what you’re going to see if you try to open a DBX file:

785898uyfuiaghulk/cc55tyvhui5g5gui3qweghruttry8t9y89y a”’l8988  8888= &&&—8  8888 *** ;ht9y bbna[y9ytgabb ggq; ttbna*&&*

If you can read that, you’re amazing. Most of us can’t. DBX files will be gibberish if you try to open them with anything else besides Outlook Express. But, now along comes Mail Viewer and that’s good news. When Outlook Express is a thing of the past, a few years from now, at least your old Outlook Express mail messages, stored as DBX files will be readable if you have installed Mail Viewer, that is.

Mail Viewer is a handy-dandy little program that lets you read Outlook Express DBX files – plain and simple. Maybe it doesn’t sound so interesting today, if you’re using Outlook Express, but if you’re using Vista, you might have some old DBX files around that you might like to read. Plus, in future versions of Windows, there won’t be any Outlook Express. That’s when Mail Viewer will become very important. It would be a good think to download it before you need it than to wait until you need it and can’t find it – right? Plus it can read older .idx and .mbx files from Outlook Express 4 and 5 as well as .dbx files from Outlook Express 6. Sort of a program for all seasons!

Here’s what the author has to say. Luckily for you, unlike me, he’s a man of few words:

“Viewer for standalone files containing Microsoft Outlook Express 4,5 and 6 message database (*.idx/*.mbx/*.dbx), Windows Vista Mail/Windows Live Mail and Mozilla Thunderbird message databases as well as standalone EML files. This application is based on MiTeC Outlook Express Reader. It displays list of contained messages with all needed properties as ordinary e-mail client. Message can be viewed in detailed view including attachments (save ability) and HTML preview. It has powerful searching and filtering capability and also allows to extract all email address from all emails in opened folder to list by one click. Selected messages can be saved to *.eml files with or without their attachments. Attachments can be extracted from selected messages by one command. Of course, opened messages can be printed including images.”

So, no more need to be said. If you don’t know what Mail Viewer does by now or why you need it, you probably won’t and probably don’t. Anyway, we thought it was so useful for the present and the future, we named Mail Viewer today’s Freeware Pick. Go get it!

The dreary details:

Mail Viewer
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
32bit and 64bit
679 KB Zip file
What is it? It’s an Outlook Express DBX (database folder), Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird database file viewer

4 thoughts on “A mail viewer you’re going to wish you had – Cloudeight freeware pick

  1. Scot Hall

    Tried to download File Viewer but got a ‘cannot download’ from mitec.cz. Can you help me with this?

    1. infoave Post author

      I cannot help you – the file downloads fine here and for many others. Perhaps your security program is interfering. I’m not aware of any problems with downloading from mitec.cz. I just downloaded the file a minute ago without any problem.

  2. Mikie

    Thank You! I’ve been looking for a viewer for some time now. Just what I needed.


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