A Shortcut to All Gmail Shortcuts [and more]

By | September 5, 2020



A Shortcut to All Gmail Shortcuts [and more]

Gmail has a lot of nifty and useful shortcuts that you can use in Gmail. And you don’t need to memorize them because they’re just a shortcut away. You can bring up a list of all Gmail shortcuts instantly by pressing just two keys.

Open Gmail in your browser. Now press Shift +? (Hold down your Shift key and tap the question mark key) and you’ll see this:

Cloudeight Gmail Tips

If you want to see the list of shortcuts in a new window, click “Open in a new window”.

If you scroll down, you’ll find more shortcuts that are not enabled by default. However, you can enable them just by clicking a link. See?

Cloudeight Gmail Tips

Cloudeight Gmail Tips

All those Gmail shortcuts right at your fingertips and you probably never knew it. And all you need to remember is the keyboard shortcut Shift +? (Shift key plus the question mark key).

Pretty cool, eh? Now you’re a Gmail power user!

Bonus Tip: Want More Gmail Tips?

Do you want to see an impressive list of Gmail tips & tricks? Just click right here.

4 thoughts on “A Shortcut to All Gmail Shortcuts [and more]

  1. Anna M. Cumming

    I am new to Thunderbird, am pleased with it except when “Forwarding or Writing” to multiples in my contacts.
    When I first started with TB several months ago, I was able (from a left side pane that showed my contact list) to highlight all the contacts to send to at one time then click “Send” and I was done…that quick, that simple!
    Now that left side pane has disappeared along with the contact list, I have to enter the contact into the “To” or “BCC” or “CC” by stiking the letter of the alphabet the contact is listed as and click on the contact before it goes to the chosen line. Long and tedious..there must be a better way.
    I have tried in vane to follow the advise that was offered to get the left side pane back, none of which worked.
    Perhaps, in your unfailing wisdom, you have the solution that will end my misery.

  2. Linda

    Enjoy reading all your tips and tricks. Is it possible when you get an email in Gmail to “save as” lets say as an .eml ?

    1. infoave Post author

      If you use an email program like Thunderbird, you can click “File > Save as ” to save any email as “.eml”.

      In your Gmail account, open the email you wish to download and save as .eml.
      Click on the the 3 vertical dots icon. Then click “Show original”.
      Right-click on “Download Original”
      Then click “Save As… ” from the drop-down menu.
      Manually type the extension (.eml). Then click Save.
      Your browser may ask you which extension you wish to use. It may say something like “The default extension is .txt” and offer you the option to save as .eml. Click on “Use .eml”.


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