A Treasure Chest of Desktop Wallpaper, Beautiful Pictures, and More!

By | April 5, 2022



A Treasure Chest of Desktop Wallpaper, Beautiful Pictures, and More!

Cloudeight Site Pick

We’ve discovered a treasure chest of beautiful desktop wallpaper for Windows users. But you can also use this site if you have Apple or Android devices. Plus there are very beautiful images on this site.  So, you could say, this site has something for everyone.

Not only are there thousands of (mostly) beautiful wallpapers and pictures, there are hundreds of beautiful videos (loops) you can download and/or share. Plus, if you love desktop themes, there’s a great Themes section too.

But no more words, how about some examples… wallpapers first. NOTE: If you’re using Safari or Internet Explorer you won’t be able to see the images on this page. They’re in WebP format. All sample images below have been resized to fit this format. All images on the site are full-sized, high-resolution images.

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Cloudeight Site Pick

Cloudeight Site Pick

Cloudeight Site Pick

Cloudeight Site Pick

Cloudeight Site Pick

Cloudeight Site Pick

Cloudeight Site Pick

There are thousands more. All are high-resolution images perfect for any desktop. Visit our Cloudeight site pick called PeaPix right now. 

And while you’re there, how about some videos? They’re free for your personal use.

While you’re on the PeaPix site, take a look at all the beautiful video loops you can download. All are free for your personal use. Here are a couple of samples for you.

There are a lot more where those came from. Visit https://peapix.com/videos to see more.

How about Themes?

Cloudeight Site Pick

And if you’re looking for themes, click on the Themes link while you’re visiting the PeaPix site.

4 thoughts on “A Treasure Chest of Desktop Wallpaper, Beautiful Pictures, and More!

  1. Judy Nestibo

    They are beautiful! But I feel that I should know (and don’t) how to make them my wallpaper or share them as you say you can. Clicked on the picture and it said “download” so I did. Then what? lol! Help!!

    1. Jody Waldo

      If you have Windows, you should be able to go to “downloads”, right click on the file you want, and in the drop-down box that opens there should be an option to “set as desktop background”. You can do that with any photos you have stored in your computer, too! Hope this proves to be helpful 🙂

    2. Chase

      Judy, If you haven’t selected a special folder for the placement of your downloads, it’s usually within your “C” drive folder–> User folder–> Your name folder –> Downloads folder. I hope this is easy to follow. (Chase)

    3. Marie

      Judy,, After you did as Chase said, and found the picture you downloaded, right click on the picture you want and click on “set as desktop background” then it should be your desktop wallpaper.


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