If you’ve used Windows for ten years or more — you’ve probably heard of TweakUI. TweakUI was an unofficial tweaking tool that was created by Microsoft employees, but never officially recognized by Microsoft. Many of us used it to access hidden features of Windows — and to make it easier to access some features of Windows that were buried deep in the Control Panel or somewhere else.
There’s a Super TweakUI for Windows Vista and Windows 7. It’s called WinBubble. It has all the features of the old TweakUI and dozens more. If you’re looking to access all the features of your Vista or Windows 7 computer — and you know enough about computers to know what you can tweak and what you shouldn’t tweak – WinBubble is for you.
If you are a novice — and you don’t know that much about the inner-workings of Windows, you can use WinBubble to learn — just don’t tweak things you don’t understand. For instance, it won’t hurt anything to change your Windows Logon Screen. WinBubble makes it easy to revert back to the original logon screen. But you don’t want to hide your drives or disable features — unless you really know what you’re doing.
WinBubble is a powerful tweaking program for Vista and Windows 7. WinBubble also gives you one-click access to all Windows tools and utilities – so it is much more than just a system tweaker.
Here’s some information from the developer of WinBubble – there is a lot more information on the WinBubble blog. Be sure you visit the developer’s blog to get more information.
“In just two clicks, the freeware application will help you to maintain, customize and tweak your Windows 7 easily. Its features cover Maintenance, Customization, Security and Optimization.
WinBubble is an easy-to-use FREE tweaking and customization utility that focuses on enhancing your Windows 7 and Vista Experience. Even If your not a dedicated or just starting to learn to customize your computer, WinBubble will make every tweaking much easier.
Not Just For the Geeks But For All!
New Features of WinBubble Version 2!
Modifying Owner Information and Branding your Windows 7 Machine
The new version automatically loads and scans your PC with available bitmap files and lets you change user information easily.
Branding your Windows Machine
Welcome Screen Wallpaper Customization and other Logon Features
Using WinBubbles, you can easily customise the Welcome Screen wallpaper before login using the ease of access center icon located at the lower left side of the screen. The program automatically convert all your existing wallpapers and put them into one location in which each file size less than 250kb. The automatic image converter was tested to more than 4,300 images ranging from different sizes.
Hidden Windows Utilities in Windows 7 and Vista
Want to learn about these hidden tools in Windows 7 and Vista? WinBubble was designed to access this tools in one location for educational and maintenance purposes.”
If you’re looking to tweak your Windows Vista or Windows 7 computer – or if you just want easy access to the tools and utilities Windows offers —you’ll want to visit the WinBubble blog to read more about and/or download WinBubble. It’s a great program — but be careful. Don’t use it to do things if you don’t understand exactly what you’re doing. OK?
I truly like using tweaker programs, since using my IBM XT in 1986. Tonight it took me nearly an hour to find a download link; at last I found this: http://www.freewarefiles.com/WinBubble_program_37959.html
The developer so kind to give us this program free; there is ample information on how to use it; why oh why was it so terribly difficult to find a download link? I finally used Google search to find one I was willing to use.
Thank you. I was afraid to click anything since there wasn’t a clear winbubble download link. Sheesh!