Account Killer

By | February 27, 2015

Account Killer

OK so you joined a Web mail, or social media site or Web site and now you’re stuck. It’s captured all your funky personal info and though you try to get away, it’s claws have dug in deeply. You’re trapped, you can’t leave – the site reminds you of the Hotel California – you can sign-up anytime you like but you can never leave.

We have featured sites like this before, but this one have the most features and provides you with the most information and the most features we’ve ever seen.

What makes this site unique is not that it lets you easily or somewhat easily pry yourself and your personal info away from a site or service you wish you had never signed up for – several other similar sites do that too – but this site has blacklists and whitelists.

Let me give you an example. EB joined a site called Cougarlife. She was looking for a twenty-something with oodles of muhla. After months and months she finally found Emil C. LaGrasse, 27-years-old male from Land-O-Lakes, Wisconsin. He is a cheese mogul and EB chased him across 3 states, and finally caught her prey. So she wanted to divest herself of her Cougarlife account, and lucky for her – and Emil – it was on the whitelist at and that means, my friends that it was easy to unsubscribe from – and I’m not kidding. Now all you ladies in your golden years, take heart. if EB did it, you can too. Now you know that Cougarlife will let you unsubscribe without a whimper you can join up and join in and once you have secured your rich, virile, young man you can remove your account and the personal info that may later identify as a lady with cougar tendencies. Oooh la la, ladies. Sorry guys – is not on the whitelist.

Cloudeight Internet
Above: That’s the Cougarlife web site – but no fellas, that sure ain’t EB, I tells ya! You wish!

So whether you are currently subscribed to sites you wish you weren’t, or if you want to find out if a site you’re thinking about signing up for is easy to cut loose from, or if you just want to browse through the whitelists and blacklists, or if your curious and want the link to Cougarlife, you’ll get a lot from this site. Honest!

And what would one of my screeds be without a word from the developer(s) of this site pick? I’d be remiss. I don’t want to be remiss, so now I introduce you to the one and only developer(s) of …

Cloudeight Internet

“Do you care about your personal data? We provide instructions to remove your account or public profile on most popular websites, including Skype, Facebook, Windows Live, Hotmail / Live, Twitter, MSN / Messenger, Google and many more. Want to create an account somewhere? Check our Blacklist first to see if it’s even possible to remove your profile! “

You gotta love their anti-loquaciousness, don’t you?

I can say no more. Go and find easy-to-kill accounts, play around with the blacklists, whitelists, cut yourself loose from sites you subscribed to after long periods without sleep, too many shots of Jack, or just a momentary lack of common sense, or sites which you’re just plain tired of.  Account Killer awaits you!

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