Announcing Cloudeight Boosters

By | November 19, 2013


Cloudeight BoostersGifts is the  new name for donations:

Thanks so much for your support. As we’ve noted in our newsletters, PayPal has changed the rules for donations and made them for “non-profits” only. So we had to take down our donations page. Since we did so, we have received many emails from those of you who wanted to continue to help us by making a donation. We cannot tell you how important your donations have been and how much they have helped us through some very difficult times.Since we cannot accept donations anymore, we have changed the word :”donations” to “gifts” to comply with PayPal’s (and governmental) rules. So to make it simple, gifts is just another word for donations.

Visit this page to give a gift.

In exchange for your gift, you will be invited to join our Cloudeight Boosters – no matter which level of gift you decide to give (Silver, Gold or Platinum). Every one of our boosters will get special discounts on products and services, beginning with a free copy of our 2014 E-book when it is ready. You are not obligated to become a booster when you give a gift, but we both hope you’ll join us. We will be creating a Booster’s Hall of Fame and, with your permission of course, we will list your first name and country on our Booster’s Web site. If you don’t want your first name and country listed, no worries, it won’t be.

We both look forward to welcoming you as a member of our Cloudeight Boosters. And we thank you in advance for your support and your help.

Please visit this page to give a gift and/or to get more information.



7 thoughts on “Announcing Cloudeight Boosters

  1. Homer Taylor

    Made a gift and got to the sign in page for the boosters but must have overlooked how to set up my account user name and password. Sorry to be so dense but hope you will help me out.

    Thank you

    1. infoave Post author

      Thanks for your gift — it is very much appreciated. Your using name is htaylor and your password has been emailed to you. You may change your password any time after you log in.

      Thanks very much, Homer.

  2. Joyce Clark

    I lost your link you had on CloudEight awhile back for downloading White Pages. Could you send me the link to download White Pages again? Thanks,

  3. Nigel

    I have my cloudeight booster password and name registered with you. I have not used it for some time and have been unable to work out how to log on. I can not find anywhere I can sign in.
    Sorry to be such a dork.


  4. Mary Tansey

    I would appreciate if you could send me my user name for the Booster – I have been a member for several months but have yet to take advantage of it – my user name is not being accepted. Thank you so much for your help and have a nice day. Mary

  5. donna sidnee williams

    I also tried to sign up after a small donation and was stumped…how do I find my login info again?

    1. infoave Post author

      Hi Donna, I sent you a personal email with the info you need. Thanks so much for your help and for being a booster.


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