Cloudeight Limited Edition 16GB USB Flash Drive
Cloudeight 2014 Limited Edition USB Flash Drive
Announcing our first USB flash drive in years!
Presenting our 2014 Special Edition USB Flash Drive
Pre-sale pricing (Through Sunday only!) $29.95
2014 Limited Edition Cloudeight USB
For the first time in years we have decided to offer a Cloudeight USB on a 16 Gig Drive!
Since many of you have already purchased ebooks 11 downloadable version, we are offering a pre-order option at a discounted price of $29.95
We will be offering all of the following on a brand-name 16 GB USB flash drive:
1. Infoave Premium Ebook Volumes 10 and 11
2. Cloudeight Christmas Acpressions Ebook
3. Full version FolderMagic
4. Full version Smileycons
5. Full version CalendarPal
6. Emsisoft Anti-Malware (30-day free trial)
This 16GB flash drive is big enough to hold thousands of pictures, or your entire music collection. Or most of you could even use it to back-up your entire documents folder. Even though we’ve included a lot of things on this drive, more than 95% of it is available for you to use to store all of your important files.
Release and shipping date for our Limited Edition 16-GB USB flash drive will be November 10th. This is a 72 hour pre-sale ONLY! So, pre-order your 2014 Cloudeight 16GB USB Flash Drive Right Now. Pre-sale valid through Sunday, November 2, 2014 only!
Thanks so much for your support!
Cloudeight Internet
What about the recent warnings about flash drives? I’ve been afraid to order any USB flash drives, or other things USB.
The article was not about USB flash drives being dangerous – it was about people using them to hack into computer or infect computers. Saying that flash drives are dangerous is like saying SSDs or External Drives are dangerous. We are selling brand new flash drives – the only thing on them is our software…and Emsisoft trial. Flash drives can be used to spread spyware, malware, Trojans and viruses, but not brand new flash drives from a source you trust. There is nothing inherently dangerous about flash drives.
Sorry, but an article I read (not necessarilly from Cloudeight) said to be careful even of brand new flash drives.
I Googled this and found the newsletter I am referring to from Bob Rankin so I was able to refresh my own memory on this business.. It is at: http://askbobrankin.com/alert_serious_security_flaw_in_usb_drives.html
I Googled this and found the newsletter I am referring to from Bob Rankin so I was able to refresh my own memory on this business.. It is at: http://askbobrankin.com/alert_serious_security_flaw_in_usb_drives.html
I don’t know how to convince you. If you continue to listen to conspiracy theorists you’ll believe man never went to the moon and Bush devised the 9/11 attacks.
There is nothing inherently dangerous about USB flash drives. If someone intentionally puts a Trojan, virus, spyware or malware on a USB drive and distributes it with the hopes of hacking computers, divining information,
steal passwords or other such criminal behavior – yes it’s possible and yes it has been done and is being done.
Do you think big brand flash drive manufacturer would get away with distribution of malicious flash drives very long?
Do you really think Cloudeight is going to be distributing USB flash drives – selling them actually – in a plot to hack users computers, steal information from computers, or gain access to financial accounts; maybe even install insidious keyloggers….really?
I’m not going to comment on Rankin or his sensationalism. Flash drives, are for the most part, safe. Ours are brand new flash drives with nothing on them but our software and Emsisoft antivirus (trial).
The problem with people like Rankin is that he gets people to take their eyes off real threats they’re likely to encounter every day — like malware, rogues, ransomware and the like and worry about something they’re really not very likely to encounter – like brand new flash drives. Writing about malicious flash drives makes good copy to let’s scare the average user into believing this is pandemic. Sure gets Rankin’s name around – how many people did you send this to?
It’s all about taking something that is true in some isolated cases and turning it into a pandemic.
Hopefully you use good antivirus and antimalware too. If not you should.
Worry about things you are going to encounter instead of worrying about new flash drives. Worry about substantial things and don’t believe sensationalism.
It’s no wonder that the average computer user doesn’t know who to believe. You can believe us or not but our flash drives are 100% safe and have always been. We’ve sold thousands over the years and no one ever had a problem with any of them.
I’d very much like one of these flash drives but Paypal
won’t accept my payment. Cannot understand why as
other sites do.
I don’t understand the need for so much sarcasm over this. I did NOT write or use the word dangerous at all. That’s your word, not mine. Second, I DO ABSOLUTELY trust Cloudeight and thought to myself that if I want to buy a new flash drive you would be the source to buy it from because if you are selling new flash drives with your programs installed on them, then they will surely be safe.
I just voiced a concern and passed along the link so you could see where my concern of flash drives and all things USB comes from. Bob Rankin is not the only place I read about this new worry with flash drives. I know I read it from other sources too. Although Cloudeight is my main and top source for all things computer, I do read other articles too.
Yes, I have good protection because I have what you are now recommending. I always end up going with whatever Cloudeight suggests and stands behind, like Emsisoft. I have gone through several program changes over the years based on the stand taken by Cloudeight about those programs, and I now have Emsisoft. Based on my recommendation to her, my daughter also just purchased Emsisoft.
I take all Cloudeight information, recommendations and services very seriously. I have been an avid supporter for Cloudeight for many years now. I was simply sharing a concern and also sharing my source for the concern and I’m sorry that it seemed to be received in some negative way which I hadn’t intended. I certainly didn’t mean to leave any smudge against your good name. If I did that, then this ought to clear that up for anyone who got that inference from my original post.