Are you planning to upgrade to Windows 10?
We ran this poll on 02 JUNE 2015 and found most of you using Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1 are planning to – or at least thinking about – Â upgrading tow Windows 10. Now release day is just a couple weeks away ( 29 JULY 2015 ) and we’re going to ask you the same question again to see how many of you have changed your minds.
If you’re a Windows XP holdout or you’re using Vista, you’re welcome to vote too. Everyone votes — Cloudeight is a democracy! 🙂
Thanks for participating!
[polldaddy poll=8908673]
Hi guys…..I had planned on upgrading to Windows 10 (I have Windows 7) but after reading many different sites about it, I now have a dilemma. One site stated that some older printers may not be compatible with Windows 10. My printer, which I love, is probably from 2001. It’s a HP #7760 Photosmart printer. Do you have any “inside” knowledge about this? If so, is there any work-around to keep this printer or will I have to get a new printer? Thanks!
Sue, Before anything else, make sure you’re updating from the actual HP website, and not just some site with HP products. Also, should you decide to download an updated driver – ** create a Restore Point first! ** I just Googled “will an HP #7760 Photosmart printer work with Windows 10,” and was lead to the HP site’s printer driver download page for that specific product. First they have you verifying your operating system, then you run a short diagnostic thingie, then you can download the driver, with its new version number and date. There are also videos on the page, to help, I presume. I’m sure I’ll have to do the same with my Epson printer. You don’t need to go to ask(dot)com to ask a question. You can also put your Google search in the form of a question. I bet Alex Trebek does it all the time.
I do plan to upgrade to W10, but I was thinking on holding off till maybe the first week in September to allow for any flaws that may occur. Would appreciate any thoughts on holding off. Thank you!
I have a windows 8 laptop. I plan to upgrade to 10. I plan to wait a few months to see how people like it.
As far as my windows 7 desktop, I don’t plan to update it…Overall, I think xp was the best.
I’m really on the fence about upgrading. If I do, I’ll wait ’til the year is almost up on the free upgrade.
I believe you when you say “we’ll think you’ll like Win10”. However, I’m concerned with the forced auto updates with the Home version (I have Win7 Home). I’ve been thinking about buying a Win8 Pro computer while retailers are are “rabid” to get rid of them. Guess I better make a decision pretty soon, huh?
I’m concerned because Microsoft says there won’t be a Win11, 12, etc. I’ve also read their future focus will be elsewhere……kicking home desktop users to the curb…AGAIN.
It’s a HUGE wait and see for me. Win10 might be the best OS, since XP, but I don’t trust Microsoft. I’ve read articles that hint about MS charging monthly, annually, for their OS in the future. I suspect the “set-up” is underway.
Personally I’m very ‘iffy’ about upgrading to 10. I’ve finally gotten pretty used to 8.1 and have things working the way I want them to. It’s one of those times when a person wonders if you should fix something that’s not broken. Also, I have some software, which I love, that may not work with W10…….and then I’d be stuck. At this point in time, I would say I will not be upgrading.
You can get it for free for the first year of release but once you get it it is good from then on. Hope that helps Lee.
You can only get Windows 10 free (if you are using Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1) for one year from July 29, 2015 to July 28, 2016. After that – according to Microsoft – you will need to pay for it. However —
If you get it free during the free offer period of one year – you will never have to pay for it – you’ll get all future upgrades free for the “supported life of your device” (according to Microsoft).
So if you upgrade between July 29, 2015 and July 28, 2016 you can get Windows 10 free – and you will not have to pay for it after one.
I’ve seen posts from “Lee” before. Since I too have posted with that name I will change to Lee K. so that you can know who wrote what. Hope that this helps, Darcy & T.C.
I am thinking of putting it on my laptop, then I can experiment with it until I feel comfortable with it, then I MAY upgrade on my desktop….
Diane, that is exactly what I intend to do! Plus I’m waiting a couple of months to see what, if any, flaws there will be. Maybe not for some, but for others it’s a big step. I’m happy with my Win7, and I don’t like the idea of those automatic updates in Win10…not at all. I do have Win7 Professional ….. so we’ll see. Good luck to you…pb
My computer which run on W7 Home Premium is working just fine. If I upgrade it will be later in the year after the glitches are worked out.
I too am mostly worried about those automatic updates – not sure I’m going to like that at all!! I set all my computers to “notify only” when new updates are available – I like to read what is being “fixed”, and I certainly don’t want all those “optional” updates auto-installing, especially without being able to set my own restore point first.
What I find curious about so many of the critical updates is that after installing them, no new language packs should be installed because it will nullify the update. The only “critical” update I haven’ done to date is Silverlight as it is something I don’t feel I would need to use.
It is now my understanding that Silverlight won’t either work or be supported with W’s 10, so I guess it’s a moot point now. I did vote that I will be upgrading to 10; however, I’m on the fence about waiting, as I would like some of the bugs to be worked out and have the opportunity to read some of the reviews before doing so.
Silverlight will work on Windows 10. It is not fully supported in the technical preview but many have found it works. Silverlight has been deprecated by Microsoft and only updates will be issued. The future of video and multimedia on the Web is not Flash or Silverlight but HTML5 (HTML is the coding used to create Web Pages – like a programming language). In the not-so-distant future, you wont’need plug-ins and add-ons like Silverlight or Flash to view movies, videos, etc. on the Web.See
Windows 10 will not offer home users the option to delay or modify updates. Updates are handled in a much more efficient way than the were in any previous version of Windows.
I am going to wait several months until they get the cob webs out.
I can not put in a pro or con stance on upgrading to Windows 10 since I have not used a Windows Operating System since 2012. I have viewed videos on Windows10, and some had positive things to say while others were of a cautious attitude. I would tell those considering the upgrade because you feel you have no other option. To hold off for a few months before making a decision. If you are satisfied with your windows 7 and even window 8.1 then why change for the sake of change?
I would ask those who are dissatisfied with Windows Operating System to take a closer look d a Linux distribution or disrtro? Don’t be put off because its Linux, there are several distros which are easy to switch over from Windows.
Think about it?
Hi, I am waiting to see if there is another Windows 8 melt down before I commit myself to upgrading to windows 10
Upgrade to Windows 10, ……upgrade to a newly released vehicle, …..update to a newly released lap-top or up-date to new smart phone, or a ‘you beaut’ bells and whistles new TV….NO, why, those I have work just fine… toe in the water in six or seven months Windows 10 on my HP lap-top only, not the Toshiba lap-top belonging to my wife, she is a Windows 7 wizard after a few years of TC & EB computer advice, and my desktop PC with a VPN extra partition, and other attachments can continue flying through the Internet skies like an old, reliable DC3 aeroplane with all the up-to-date electronics.
An old OS by today’s standards assisted men to land on the moon, would Windows 10 OS have made any difference if it was the OS at the time.
I regret to advise that trying and testing Windows 10 is like a Windows 7 carnival side-show with more glitz, glamour, colors, odds and ends, bits and pieces, a Windows 7 OS with excessive make-up.
I’m going with Window 10, simply because CloudEight have not found anything terribly wrong with Window 10. that will affect me. I trust them. They have been GOOD to me with their advice & suggestions. YES I had them do my annual check up last month and told Darcy at the time that I planned to update to Windows 10. I’m assuming all is good to make the change. That’s all I need to know. I’m a sometimes old and cantankerous old buzzard here in Nova Scotia so TH you have been warned.
Thoroughly convinced at this point that my decision to move to Linux Mint was the correct choice; MSFT has made me weary of constantly changing OS (and hardware) at the whim of corporate entities!
Have decided not to upgrade to Windows 10 …… I am happy with my Windows 7 so why should I give myself problems trying to learn a “newer” system. I am an older lady & unfortunately do not have the patience now to learn too many new things. Will rely on your wonderful service to help me out if I do get a problem with my present system. Thank u both so much for all u do & for all the very useful tips u put in your Newsletters. I save most of them for future use.
I am in no rush!! There will be plenty of time to read the fallout over the next year and make a judgement then.
There are too many unknowns at this point. Microsoft is known to make changes without notice and I like to protect my interests.
I recently worked on a windows 8.1 laptop and I know why everyone is eager to get rid of it. I have two computers running Win 7 SP1 and an XP SP3. I use the XP daily but I don’t hook up to the internet very often.
How does that old saying go…. Fools rush in where experience fears to tread!!!!!!
For myself I am NOT planing on updating for some time. I have Windows 8 and everything is working fine so why change. Also I use PSP and Print Shop everyday and as far as I know they won’t work ( now anyway ) in Windows 10 nor my printer so a HUGE concern for me!! When I do decide to update I will ask TC for help. Just don’t want to jump into anything that I might be sorry about. Plus I will wait to hear how others are doing with Windows 10. Same for my husband however he does have Windows 8.1
What is the difference between Windows 7 spn……and Windows 7 ??????
I will absolutely be upgrading my Windows 8.1 laptop to Windows 10 the moment it becomes available for installation. Can’t wait!!! Come on folks – how can it be any worse than Windows 8?? It has to be better – no question……
I have 2 Win 7 ,home & pro that will remain as win 7,but the 8.1 laptop will be upgraded to win 10.
As for auto updates, big deal, Google just updated the 2 Win 7 & the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 without any notification. The updates were DRIVERS. The only Google item on these machines is the Google toolbar only used for searching. Firefox, Linux more than likely Apple also update in the background. Putting off obtaining a new OS because of auto updates is like denying that the sun rises each day. I have used Vista since 2008 with very few if any update
problems. The HD is going bad & Vista will be retired in 2 days, as soon as I delete everything.