Automatically stop unnecessary programs from starting with Windows – Cloudeight Freeware Pick

By | October 22, 2011

We live in the North country where the summers are short, winter is long, and life is hard. So when I go out and get into my 1959 Edsel, it’s important that it starts right up, because I need the heater and the heater won’t heat unless the engine is running. But if the engine won’t start then it sure won’t be running. That’s why I use StartUpLite on both my 1959 Edsel and my 1956 Desoto pick-up. I just squirt a little StartUpLite on the flanges, and my vehicles start right up – no matter how cold it is! I’m telling ya, StartUpLite is great.



From our experiences during the days when we had time to repair computers – mostly for friends and family members, mostly for free, there were two things that always grabbed our attention:

1. The number of icons people leave on their desktops

2. The number of programs people allow to start with Windows.

The desktop icon problem is easily correctly and really, other than looking sloppy, doesn’t do much to affect a computer’s performance. OK, technically speaking, it can, but we are seldom guilty of technically speaking – which is probably why you’re reading this newsletter and not Bob’s Great Windows Secrets Only Geeks Can Know newsletter.

Anyway…as most of you know from reading this non-technical, technical newsletter, the number of programs which start with Windows is directly related to how well and how fast Windows starts and how well it runs after it starts. Why? Because every program you allow to start with Windows remains running in the background all the time -whether you know it or not. Think of each program as a little rodent with a big straw sticking out of its mouth. Now picture a little pond of Kool-Aid – all sugary and red. Now the mice discover this sweet red treat and dip their straws into it and begin sucking up the red liquid. How long do you think that pool of Kool-Aid is going to last. If you’re logical you’re going to ask two things:

1. How big is the puddle?

2. How many mice are there?

You’re very wise. The bigger the puddle the more mice with straws it will take to suck the puddle dry. Yes! Yes! There is a point here. The puddle of Kool-Aid is your RAM and the little rats are the programs that start with Windows. Now if you have a really big puddle you can allow a lot of rats to drink from it without the puddle going dry. But if you have your average sized puddle and a whole bunch of rats – your Kool-Aid puddle is going to dry up fast.

But no matter how big your puddle, why do you want to feed rats? Rats only breed more rats, especially if they’re high on Kool-Aid. Rats? Rats? You don’t need no stinkin’ rats.

The moral of the story of the rats and the Kool-Aid is that the less rats you have sucking from your Kool-Aid the longer the Kool-Aid will last. So, eliminate as many rats as you can. Or, cut the number of startup programs down to a bare minimum and you will always have more resources left to run the programs you want to run. But, many of you aren’t sure which startup programs you can safely stop from starting with Windows – you’re timid and you don’t understand rats much. Well, we have found a program for you that will make eliminating some of those rats er startup programs as easy as clicking an icon. Yes, you don’t even have to select anything. Hey, you don’t even have to install this thing. Just download it, click on it and watch what happens. A list of startup programs that can be stopped from starting with Windows without affecting anything on your computer – except for increasing the amount of resources you have available – appears. If all looks good, just press continue. Wham! Rats eliminated, Kool-Aid saved, and all’s right with the world.

Enough! We hear ya! To save your sanity we’re going to introduce the software developer which happens to be the same as the developer of Malwarebytes and he says….

“A problem in the computer world that many users have is a slow startup. Everyone wants to know how to speed up their startup process. Of course, there are many solutions to this problem, however, Malwarebytes has created a safe, easy, and efficient way to eliminate these unnecessary applications that start when you turn on your computer – StartUpLite.

StartUpLite is a lightweight and simple to use application that allows you to speed up your system startup, safely and efficiently. The program allows you to disable or remove unnecessary startup entries from your computer. By using StartUpLite, you can dramatically help shorten your startup time with only a few clicks of the mouse.”

No installation required, just download and run. If you don’t like complicated programs – if you like click and run and close – this one is for you! It’s pretty nifty and a steal at this price! It’s free. In fact StartUpLite is our freeware pick of the week. You can download it from this site. Go get them dirty rats!

Details for perfectionists:

Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7
Yes! Works on 32bit and 64bit computers
What is it? A very simple and easy to use Startup program configuration tool
Download size: 200 KB

14 thoughts on “Automatically stop unnecessary programs from starting with Windows – Cloudeight Freeware Pick

  1. Virginia Mayor

    I hope this will get your attention TC & EB. I could find no other way to contact you quickly. About 2 hours ago I received a confirmation email from PayPal that my purchase of Vol. 8 E-Book had been paid. I am anxious to get it because of the rave reviews in today’s InfoAve Email. I am still waiting for the confirmation from you that I may download it. I’m wondering what the problem is.

  2. Alma Curry

    I tried 3 times checking disable & then remove. Neither worked.!!!!!

  3. Muriel

    Worked fine for me on my XP, IE8 desktop.
    There were only 3 items that startuplite said I didn’t
    need on startup. Not bad, I think. Great little program.
    CTFMon is involved with the language/alternative input services in Office XP.

    Installed by the Intel 810 and 815 chipset graphic drivers. If you want the Ctrl Alt F12 or similar keypresses to access Intel’s customised graphics properties, you need it, otherwise not.

    Quick access to the control panel via a System Tray icon for graphics based upon the Intel chipsets (ie, i810). These chipsets are often included on motherboards. Available via Start -> Settings -> Control Panel.

    1. infoave Post author

      This program doesn’t require any user input. It’s not nearly as thorough as WinPatrol – but it’s good for people who want a quick, foolproof way to remove some start up programs without worrying about removing the wrong ones.

  4. Ron Lewis

    TC & EB, respectfully, nice small footprint
    [app] from a superb Company., installed
    without a hitch; windows 7 32 bit! It does do
    what it says, and although it found two that
    recommended that i disable them, it does give
    you choices to do otherwise. Thank you both!

  5. Ellie

    Wonderful little program. It found NOTHING for me to disable. I’ve been listening to the two of you about not having so many programs start up. Proof that you are correct.

  6. Don

    I only have an average sized “puddle”(RAM) and lots of “rats” sucking it dry – my “Kool-Aid puddle” was drying up fast!!
    The Cloudeight Freeware Pick called “StartUpLite” was just what I needed…..cut my start-up time by one-third!!
    My thanks to Malwarebytes and Cloudeight for this great, little program!!


    I can’t get it to work! HELP!!
    Windows 7, 64 bit.

    1. infoave Post author

      It’s as easy as unzipping the file and clicking on the EXE file. It’s automatic…nothing you have to do.

    1. infoave Post author

      You have the option to choose to stop the programs from starting with Windows or not. It’s good to have options. Most of the programs which start with Windows don’t need to anyway – exceptions being Windows files and security software.


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