BBB Scam Tracker: A Valuable Tool for Fighting Scams

By | May 19, 2024
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BBB Scam Tracker: A Valuable Tool for Fighting Scams

BBB Scam Tracker - A Cloudeight Site Pick

The Better Business Bureau’s (BBB) Scam Tracker is a free online resource that empowers consumers to fight fraud. Here’s a breakdown of its strengths and weaknesses:

With over 65,000 scam reports in 2023 alone, Scam Tracker offers a large database of real-world experiences to learn from. Scam Tracker users can search by scam type, keywords, phone numbers, or email addresses.

Scam Tracker is easy to use. It allows users to search for scams or submit their scam reports quickly.

BBB Scam Tracker - A Cloudeight Site Pick

BBB Scam Tracker - A Cloudeight Site Pick

The Better Business Bureau works with law enforcement and other organizations to share scam data. This collaboration helps track trends and potentially shut down fraudulent operations. Scam Tracker also features educational resources to help users identify and avoid scams.

Here’s some information from the BBB Scam Tracker website:

How BBB Scam Tracker Works

Submit a Report

Submit a report using our guided ‘Report a Scam’ form.
BBB’s Internal Review

Our team of investigators will audit the information and reach out to you if we need additional information.

Report Published

Once the information is verified, your report will be published on the website. You will be notified if your report should be submitted as a business complaint. 

Share with Partners

We will share your report with federal, state, and provincial agencies, and law enforcement to help shut down scammers.

Scam Tracker is a powerful anti-scam resource, but it, by itself, cannot prevent you from being a scam victim. The accuracy of information depends on the quality of user reports. Scammers may submit false reports to confuse users. Also, new or less common scams might not be present in the database. Despite a few minor weaknesses, BBB’s Scam Tracker is a valuable resource for everyone. It’s a powerful tool you can use in the fight against fraud.

And while Scam Tracker is a great resource, we recommend you combine it with other anti-fraud measures like secure browsing practices, staying informed, and being wary. By using BBB’s Scam Tracker along with other resources and a healthy dose of skepticism, you can significantly increase your chances of avoiding scams.

Take a look at BBB Scam Tracker right now – it might be a good idea to bookmark it and add it to your anti-scam toolbox!

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