Be Alert! Google Voice Verification Scam Targets Online Sellers and Pet Owners

By | October 20, 2024


Be Alert! Google Voice Verification Scam Targets Online Sellers and Pet Owners

Cybersecurity Awareness Month is a great time to remind you to stay vigilant against online scams. Scammers constantly devise new schemes, and the new Google Voice verification scam is an example. Here’s how it works:

Who do they target?

People selling items on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, etc.
People looking for lost pets online.

The Bait:

The scammer contacts you, pretending to be interested in buying your item or claiming to have found your lost pet. However, they create a sense of hesitation before committing.

The Fake Verification:

They might claim concern about fake online listings or verifying you’re the real pet owner. They’ll then send a text with a Google Voice verification code, requesting you share it.

What’s the Catch?

Google Voice gives you a second phone number allowing you to make calls or send texts from a separate number. If you share the code, the scammer uses it to create a Google Voice number linked to your phone number.

Google Voice Scam - Cloudeight InfoAve

Image courtesy of

The Danger:

The scammer can then use this number to:

Defraud others: They can impersonate you and potentially steal from others while hiding their true identity.

Gather more information: Sometimes, the code is just the first step. They may try to collect additional personal details to commit identity theft and open accounts in your name.

What to Do:

Never share verification codes: This applies to all codes, not just Google Voice. If someone else initiated contact, it’s a scam.

Recovering your number: If you accidentally shared the code, follow Google’s instructions to reclaim your number.

Report the scam: Report the incident to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at

Remember: By staying informed and cautious, you can protect yourself from this and other online scams. Never share verification codes!

We want you to be aware so you’ll be safe!

One thought on “Be Alert! Google Voice Verification Scam Targets Online Sellers and Pet Owners

  1. louise

    I am 90 yrs old, I just can`t believe or Imagine using lost pets to scam already disrupted owners , I do not respond to anything I delete as i receive the mail, lived long enough to see something new everyday, not always for the good. can be very sad ,,Take care


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